import datetime from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Union # noinspection PyPackageRequirements import trello # noinspection PyPackageRequirements from trello.board import Board, List as List_ # noinspection PyPackageRequirements from trello.exceptions import ResourceUnavailable from platypush.message.response.trello import TrelloBoard, TrelloBoardsResponse, TrelloCardsResponse, TrelloCard, \ TrelloAttachment, TrelloPreview, TrelloChecklist, TrelloChecklistItem, TrelloUser, TrelloComment, TrelloLabel, \ TrelloList, TrelloBoardResponse, TrelloListsResponse, TrelloMembersResponse, TrelloMember, TrelloCardResponse from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action class TrelloPlugin(Plugin): """ Trello integration. Requires: * **py-trello** (``pip install py-trello``) You'll also need a Trello API key. You can get it `here `. You'll also need an auth token if you want to view/change private resources. You can generate a permanent token linked to your account on,write """ def __init__(self, api_key: str, api_secret: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ :param api_key: Trello API key. You can get it `here `. :param api_secret: Trello API secret. You can get it `here `. :param token: Trello token. It is required if you want to access or modify private resources. You can get a permanent token on,write """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.api_key = api_key self.api_secret = api_secret self.token = token self._client = None def _get_client(self) -> trello.TrelloClient: if not self._client: self._client = trello.TrelloClient( api_key=self.api_key, api_secret=self.api_secret, token=self.token, ) return self._client def _get_board(self, board: str) -> Board: client = self._get_client() try: return client.get_board(board) except ResourceUnavailable: boards = [b for b in client.list_boards() if == board] assert boards, 'No such board: {}'.format(board) return boards[0] # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def get_boards(self, all: bool = False) -> TrelloBoardsResponse: """ Get the list of boards. :param all: If True, return all the boards included those that have been closed/archived/deleted. Otherwise, only return open/active boards (default: False). """ client = self._get_client() return TrelloBoardsResponse([ TrelloBoard(,, description=b.description, url=b.url, date_last_activity=b.date_last_activity, closed=b.closed, ) for b in client.list_boards(board_filter='all' if all else 'open') ]) @action def get_board(self, board: str) -> TrelloBoardResponse: """ Get the info about a board. :param board: Board ID or name """ board = self._get_board(board) return TrelloBoardResponse( TrelloBoard(,, url=board.url, closed=board.closed, description=board.description, date_last_activity=board.date_last_activity, lists=[ TrelloList(,, closed=ll.closed, subscribed=ll.subscribed) for ll in board.list_lists() ] ) ) @action def open_board(self, board: str): """ Re-open/un-archive a board. :param board: Board ID or name """ board = self._get_board(board) @action def close_board(self, board: str): """ Close/archive a board. :param board: Board ID or name """ board = self._get_board(board) board.close() @action def set_board_name(self, board: str, name: str): """ Change the name of a board. :param board: Board ID or name. :param name: New name. """ board = self._get_board(board) board.set_name(name) return self.get_board(name) @action def set_board_description(self, board: str, description: str): """ Change the description of a board. :param board: Board ID or name. :param description: New description. """ board = self._get_board(board) board.set_description(description) return self.get_board(description) @action def create_label(self, board: str, name: str, color: Optional[str] = None): """ Add a label to a board. :param board: Board ID or name :param name: Label name :param color: Optional HTML color """ board = self._get_board(board) board.add_label(name=name, color=color) @action def delete_label(self, board: str, label: str): """ Delete a label from a board. :param board: Board ID or name :param label: Label ID or name """ board = self._get_board(board) try: board.delete_label(label) except ResourceUnavailable: labels = [ ll for ll in board.get_labels() if == label ] assert labels, 'No such label: {}'.format(label) label = labels[0].id board.delete_label(label) @action def add_member(self, board: str, member_id: str, member_type: str = 'normal'): """ Add a member to a board. :param board: Board ID or name. :param member_id: Member ID to add. :param member_type: Member type - can be 'normal' or 'admin' (default: 'normal'). """ board = self._get_board(board) board.add_member(member_id, member_type=member_type) @action def remove_member(self, board: str, member_id: str): """ Remove a member from a board. :param board: Board ID or name. :param member_id: Member ID to remove. """ board = self._get_board(board) board.remove_member(member_id) def _get_members(self, board: str, only_admin: bool = False) -> TrelloMembersResponse: board = self._get_board(board) members = board.admin_members() if only_admin else board.get_members() return TrelloMembersResponse([ TrelloMember(, full_name=m.full_name,, url=m.url, username=m.username, initials=m.initials, member_type=getattr(m, 'member_type') if hasattr(m, 'member_type') else None ) for m in members ]) @action def get_members(self, board: str) -> TrelloMembersResponse: """ Get the list of all the members of a board. :param board: Board ID or name. """ return self._get_members(board, only_admin=False) @action def get_admin_members(self, board: str) -> TrelloMembersResponse: """ Get the list of the admin members of a board. :param board: Board ID or name. """ return self._get_members(board, only_admin=True) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def get_lists(self, board: str, all: bool = False) -> TrelloListsResponse: """ Get the list of lists on a board. :param board: Board ID or name :param all: If True, return all the lists, included those that have been closed/archived/deleted. Otherwise, only return open/active lists (default: False). """ board = self._get_board(board) return TrelloListsResponse([ TrelloList(,, closed=ll.closed, subscribed=ll.subscribed) for ll in board.list_lists('all' if all else 'open') ]) @action def add_list(self, board: str, name: str, pos: Optional[int] = None): """ Add a list to a board. :param board: Board ID or name :param name: List name :param pos: Optional position (default: last) """ board = self._get_board(board) board.add_list(name=name, pos=pos) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def _get_list(self, board: str, list: str) -> List_: board = self._get_board(board) try: return board.get_list(list) except ResourceUnavailable: lists = [ll for ll in board.list_lists() if == list] assert lists, 'No such list: {}'.format(list) return lists[0] # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def set_list_name(self, board: str, list: str, name: str): """ Change the name of a board list. :param board: Board ID or name :param list: List ID or name :param name: New name """ list = self._get_list(board, list) list.set_name(name) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def list_subscribe(self, board: str, list: str): """ Subscribe to a list. :param board: Board ID or name :param list: List ID or name """ list = self._get_list(board, list) list.subscribe() # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def list_unsubscribe(self, board: str, list: str): """ Unsubscribe from a list. :param board: Board ID or name :param list: List ID or name """ list = self._get_list(board, list) list.unsubscribe() # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def archive_all_cards(self, board: str, list: str): """ Archive all the cards on a list. :param board: Board ID or name :param list: List ID or name """ list = self._get_list(board, list) list.archive_all_cards() @action def move_all_cards(self, board: str, src: str, dest: str): """ Move all the cards from a list to another. :param board: Board ID or name :param src: Source list :param dest: Target list """ src = self._get_list(board, src) dest = self._get_list(board, dest) src.move_all_cards( # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def open_list(self, board: str, list: str): """ Open/un-archive a list. :param board: Board ID or name :param list: List ID or name """ list = self._get_list(board, list) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def close_list(self, board: str, list: str): """ Close/archive a list. :param board: Board ID or name :param list: List ID or name """ list = self._get_list(board, list) list.close() # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def move_list(self, board: str, list: str, position: int): """ Move a list to another position. :param board: Board ID or name :param list: List ID or name :param position: New position index """ list = self._get_list(board, list) list.move(position) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def add_card(self, board: str, list: str, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, position: Optional[int] = None, labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, due: Optional[Union[str, datetime.datetime]] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, assign: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> TrelloCardResponse: """ Add a card to a list. :param board: Board ID or name :param list: List ID or name :param name: Card name :param description: Card description :param position: Card position index :param labels: List of labels :param due: Due date (``datetime.datetime`` object or ISO-format string) :param source: Card ID to clone from :param assign: List of assignee member IDs """ list = self._get_list(board, list) if labels: labels = [ ll for ll in list.board.get_labels() if in labels or in labels ] card = list.add_card(name=name, desc=description, labels=labels, due=due, source=source, position=position, assign=assign) return TrelloCardResponse(TrelloCard(,, url=card.url, closed=card.closed, board=TrelloBoard(,, url=list.board.url, closed=list.board.closed, description=list.board.description, date_last_activity=list.board.date_last_activity ), is_due_complete=card.is_due_complete, list=None, comments=[], labels=[ TrelloLabel(,, color=lb.color ) for lb in (card.labels or []) ], description=card.description, due_date=card.due_date, latest_card_move_date=card.latestCardMove_date, date_last_activity=card.date_last_activity )) @action def delete_card(self, card_id: str): """ Permanently delete a card. :param card_id: Card ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.delete() @action def open_card(self, card_id: str): """ Open/un-archive a card. :param card_id: Card ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.set_closed(False) @action def close_card(self, card_id: str): """ Close/archive a card. :param card_id: Card ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.set_closed(True) @action def add_checklist(self, card_id: str, title: str, items: List[str], states: Optional[List[bool]] = None): """ Add a checklist to a card. :param card_id: Card ID :param title: Checklist title :param items: List of items in the checklist :param states: State of each item, True for checked, False for unchecked """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.add_checklist(title, items, states) @action def add_label(self, card_id: str, label: str): """ Add a label to a card. :param card_id: Card ID :param label: Label name """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) labels = [ ll for ll in card.board.get_labels() if == label ] assert labels, 'No such label: {}'.format(label) label = labels[0] card.add_label(label) @action def remove_label(self, card_id: str, label: str): """ Remove a label from a card. :param card_id: Card ID :param label: Label name """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) labels = [ ll for ll in card.board.get_labels() if == label ] assert labels, 'No such label: {}'.format(label) label = labels[0] card.remove_label(label) @action def assign_card(self, card_id: str, member_id: str): """ Assign a card. :param card_id: Card ID :param member_id: Member ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.assign(member_id) @action def unassign_card(self, card_id: str, member_id: str): """ Un-assign a card. :param card_id: Card ID :param member_id: Member ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.unassign(member_id) @action def attach_card(self, card_id: str, name: Optional[str] = None, mime_type: Optional[str] = None, file: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None): """ Add an attachment to a card. It can be either a local file or a remote URL. :param card_id: Card ID :param name: File name :param mime_type: MIME type :param file: Path to the file :param url: URL to the file """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.attach(name=name, mimeType=mime_type, file=file, url=url) @action def remove_attachment(self, card_id: str, attachment_id: str): """ Remove an attachment from a card. :param card_id: Card ID :param attachment_id: Attachment ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.remove_attachment(attachment_id) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def change_card_board(self, card_id: str, board: str, list: str = None): """ Move a card to a new board. :param card_id: Card ID :param board: New board ID or name :param list: Optional target list ID or name """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) board = self._get_board(board) list_id = None if list: list_id = self._get_list(, list).id card.change_board(, list_id) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def change_card_list(self, card_id: str, list: str): """ Move a card to a new list. :param card_id: Card ID :param list: List ID or name """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) list = self._get_list(, list) card.change_list( @action def change_card_pos(self, card_id: str, position: int): """ Move a card to a new position. :param card_id: Card ID :param position: New position index """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.change_pos(position) @action def comment_card(self, card_id: str, text: str): """ Add a comment to a card. :param card_id: Card ID :param text: Comment text """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.comment(text) @action def update_comment(self, card_id: str, comment_id: str, text: str): """ Update the content of a comment. :param card_id: Card ID :param comment_id: Comment ID :param text: New comment text """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.update_comment(comment_id, text) @action def delete_comment(self, card_id: str, comment_id: str): """ Delete a comment. :param card_id: Card ID :param comment_id: Comment ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.delete_comment(comment_id) @action def set_card_name(self, card_id: str, name: str): """ Change the name of a card. :param card_id: Card ID :param name: New name """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.set_name(name) @action def set_card_description(self, card_id: str, description: str): """ Change the description of a card. :param card_id: Card ID :param description: New description """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.set_description(description) @action def add_card_member(self, card_id: str, member_id: str): """ Add a member to a card. :param card_id: Card ID :param member_id: Member ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.add_member(member_id) @action def remove_card_member(self, card_id: str, member_id: str): """ Remove a member from a card. :param card_id: Card ID :param member_id: Member ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.remove_member(member_id) @action def set_card_due(self, card_id: str, due: Union[str, datetime.datetime]): """ Set the due date for a card. :param card_id: Card ID :param due: Due date, as a datetime.datetime object or an ISO string """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) if isinstance(due, str): due = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(due) card.set_due(due) @action def remove_card_due(self, card_id: str): """ Remove the due date from a card. :param card_id: Card ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.remove_due() @action def set_card_due_complete(self, card_id: str): """ Set the due date of a card as completed. :param card_id: Card ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.set_due_complete() @action def remove_card_due_complete(self, card_id: str): """ Remove the due complete flag from a card. :param card_id: Card ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.remove_due_complete() @action def card_subscribe(self, card_id: str): """ Subscribe to a card. :param card_id: Card ID """ client = self._get_client() card = client.get_card(card_id) card.subscribe() # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins @action def get_cards(self, board: str, list: Optional[str] = None, all: bool = False) -> TrelloCardsResponse: """ Get the list of cards on a board. :param board: Board ID or name :param list: List ID or name. If set then the method will only return the cards found on that list (default: None) :param all: If True, return all the cards included those that have been closed/archived/deleted. Otherwise, only return open/active cards (default: False). """ board = self._get_board(board) lists: Dict[str, TrelloList] = { TrelloList(,, closed=ll.closed, subscribed=ll.subscribed) for ll in board.list_lists() } list_id = None if list: if list in lists: list_id = list else: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences ll = [l1 for l1 in lists.values() if == list] assert ll, 'No such list ID/name: {}'.format(list) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences list_id = ll[0].id # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return TrelloCardsResponse([ TrelloCard(,, url=c.url, closed=c.closed, list=lists.get(c.list_id), board=TrelloBoard(,, url=c.board.url, closed=c.board.closed, description=c.board.description, date_last_activity=c.board.date_last_activity ), attachments=[ TrelloAttachment( id=a.get('id'), bytes=a.get('bytes'), date=a.get('date'), edge_color=a.get('edgeColor'), id_member=a.get('idMember'), is_upload=a.get('isUpload'), name=a.get('name'), previews=[ TrelloPreview( id=p.get('id'), scaled=p.get('scaled'), url=p.get('url'), bytes=p.get('bytes'), height=p.get('height'), width=p.get('width') ) for p in a.get('previews', []) ], url=a.get('url'), mime_type=a.get('mimeType') ) for a in c.attachments ], checklists=[ TrelloChecklist(,, checklist_items=[ TrelloChecklistItem( id=i.get('id'), name=i.get('name'), checked=i.get('checked') ) for i in ch.items ] ) for ch in c.checklists ], comments=[ TrelloComment( id=co.get('id'), text=co.get('data', {}).get('text'), type=co.get('type'), date=co.get('date'), creator=TrelloUser( id=co.get('memberCreator', {}).get('id'), username=co.get('memberCreator', {}).get('username'), fullname=co.get('memberCreator', {}).get('fullName'), initials=co.get('memberCreator', {}).get('initials'), avatar_url=co.get('memberCreator', {}).get('avatarUrl') ) ) for co in c.comments ], labels=[ TrelloLabel(,, color=lb.color ) for lb in (c.labels or []) ], is_due_complete=c.is_due_complete, due_date=c.due_date, description=c.description, latest_card_move_date=c.latestCardMove_date, date_last_activity=c.date_last_activity ) for c in board.all_cards() if ( (all or not c.closed) and (not list or c.list_id == list_id) ) ]) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: