import enum import os import re import subprocess import urllib.request import urllib.parse from platypush.context import get_backend, get_plugin from import MediaPlugin, PlayerState from import VideoPlayEvent, VideoPauseEvent, \ VideoStopEvent, NewPlayingVideoEvent from platypush.plugins import action class PlayerEvent(enum.Enum): STOP = 'stop' PLAY = 'play' PAUSE = 'pause' class MediaOmxplayerPlugin(MediaPlugin): """ Plugin to control video and media playback using OMXPlayer. Requires: * **omxplayer** installed on your system (see your distro instructions) * **omxplayer-wrapper** (``pip install omxplayer-wrapper``) """ def __init__(self, args=[], *argv, **kwargs): """ :param args: Arguments that will be passed to the OMXPlayer constructor (e.g. subtitles, volume, start position, window size etc.) see and :type args: list """ super().__init__(*argv, **kwargs) self.args = args self._player = None self._handlers = { e.value: [] for e in PlayerEvent } @action def play(self, resource, subtitles=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Play a resource. :param resource: Resource to play. Supported types: * Local files (format: ``file:///``) * Remote videos (format: ``https:///``) * YouTube videos (format: ````) * Torrents (format: Magnet links, Torrent URLs or local Torrent files) """ if subtitles: args.append('--subtitles', subtitles) resource = self._get_resource(resource) if self._player: try: self._player.stop() self._player = None except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) self.logger.warning('Unable to stop a previously running instance ' + 'of OMXPlayer, trying to play anyway') try: from omxplayer import OMXPlayer self._player = OMXPlayer(resource, args=self.args) self._init_player_handlers() except DBusException as e: self.logger.warning('DBus connection failed: you will probably not ' + 'be able to control the media') self.logger.exception(e) return self.status() @action def pause(self): """ Pause the playback """ if self._player: self._player.play_pause() @action def stop(self): """ Stop the playback """ if self._player: self._player.stop() return {'status':'stop'} @action def quit(self): """ Quit the player """ if self._player: self._player.stop() self._player.quit() self._player = None return {'status':'stop'} @action def voldown(self): """ Volume down by 10% """ if self._player: self._player.set_volume(max(-6000, self._player.volume()-1000)) return self.status() @action def volup(self): """ Volume up by 10% """ if self._player: self._player.set_volume(min(0, self._player.volume()+1000)) return self.status() @action def back(self, offset=60): """ Back by (default: 60) seconds """ if self._player: return self.status() @action def forward(self, offset=60): """ Forward by (default: 60) seconds """ if self._player: return self.status() @action def next(self): """ Play the next track/video """ if self._player: self._player.stop() if self.videos_queue: video = self.videos_queue.pop(0) return @action def hide_subtitles(self): """ Hide the subtitles """ if self._player: self._player.hide_subtitles() return self.status() @action def hide_video(self): """ Hide the video """ if self._player: self._player.hide_video() return self.status() @action def is_playing(self): """ :returns: True if it's playing, False otherwise """ if self._player: return self._player.is_playing() else: return False @action def load(self, resource, pause=False): """ Load a resource/video in the player. :param pause: If set, load the video in paused mode (default: False) :type pause: bool """ if self._player: self._player.load(resource, ) return self.status() @action def metadata(self): """ Get the metadata of the current video """ if self._player: return self._player.metadata() return self.status() @action def mute(self): """ Mute the player """ if self._player: self._player.mute() return self.status() @action def unmute(self): """ Unmute the player """ if self._player: self._player.unmute() return self.status() @action def seek(self, relative_position): """ Seek backward/forward by the specified number of seconds :param relative_position: Number of seconds relative to the current cursor :type relative_position: int """ if self._player: return self.status() @action def set_position(self, position): """ Seek backward/forward to the specified absolute position :param position: Number of seconds from the start :type position: int """ if self._player: self._player.set_seek(position) return self.status() @action def set_volume(self, volume): """ Set the volume :param volume: Volume value between 0 and 100 :type volume: int """ # Transform a [0,100] value to an OMXPlayer volume in [-6000,0] volume = 60.0*volume - 6000 if self._player: self._player.set_volume(volume) return self.status() @action def status(self): """ Get the current player state. :returns: A dictionary containing the current state. Example:: output = { "source": "", "state": "play", "volume": 80, "elapsed": 123, "duration": 300, "width": 800, "height": 600 } """ state = PlayerState.STOP.value if self._player: state = self._player.playback_status().lower() if state == 'playing': state = PlayerState.PLAY.value elif state == 'stopped': state = PlayerState.STOP.value elif state == 'paused': state = PlayerState.PAUSE.value return { 'source': self._player.get_source(), 'state': state, 'volume': self._player.volume(), 'elapsed': self._player.position(), 'duration': self._player.duration(), 'width': self._player.width(), 'height': self._player.height(), } else: return { 'state': PlayerState.STOP.value } @action def send_message(self, msg): try: redis = get_backend('redis') if not redis: raise KeyError() except KeyError: self.logger.warning("Backend {} does not implement send_message " + "and the fallback Redis backend isn't configured") return redis.send_message(msg) def add_handler(self, event_type, callback): if event_type not in self._handlers.keys(): raise AttributeError('{} is not a valid PlayerEvent type'. format(event_type)) self._handlers[event_type].append(callback) def on_play(self): def _f(player): video = self._player.get_source() self.send_message(VideoPlayEvent(video=video)) for callback in self._handlers[PlayerEvent.PLAY.value]: callback(video) return _f def on_pause(self): def _f(player): video = self._player.get_source() self.send_message(VideoPauseEvent(video=video)) for callback in self._handlers[PlayerEvent.PAUSE.value]: callback(video) return _f def on_stop(self): def _f(player): self.send_message(VideoStopEvent()) for callback in self._handlers[PlayerEvent.STOP.value]: callback() return _f def _init_player_handlers(self): if not self._player: return self._player.playEvent += self.on_play() self._player.pauseEvent += self.on_pause() self._player.stopEvent += self.on_stop() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: