import struct import subprocess import time from bluetooth.ble import DiscoveryService, GATTRequester from platypush.plugins import action from platypush.plugins.switch import SwitchPlugin class Scanner(object): service_uuid = '1bc5d5a5-0200b89f-e6114d22-000da2cb' def __init__(self, bt_interface=None, timeout_secs=None): self.bt_interface = bt_interface self.timeout_secs = timeout_secs if timeout_secs else 2 @classmethod def _get_uuids(cls, device): uuids = set() for id in device['uuids']: if isinstance(id, tuple): uuid = '' for i in range(0, len(id)): token = struct.pack('= self.timeout_secs: raise RuntimeError('Connection to {} timed out after {} seconds' .format(self.device, self.timeout_secs)) def run_command(self, command): self.req.write_by_handle(self.handle, self.commands[command]) data = self.req.read_by_handle(self.handle) return data class SwitchSwitchbotPlugin(SwitchPlugin): """ Plugin to interact with a Switchbot ( device and programmatically control buttons. NOTE: since the interaction with the Switchbot requires root privileges (in order to scan on the bluetooth interface or setting gattlib in random), this plugin just wraps the module into a `sudo` flavor, since running Platypush with root privileges should be considered as a very bad idea. Make sure that your user has sudo privileges for running this plugin. Requires: * **pybluez** (``pip install pybluez``) * **gattlib** (``pip install gattlib``) * **libboost** (on Debian ```apt-get install libboost-python-dev libboost-thread-dev``) """ def __init__(self, bt_interface=None, connect_timeout=None, scan_timeout=None, devices={}, *args, **kwargs): """ :param bt_interface: Bluetooth interface to use (e.g. hci0) default: first available one :type bt_interface: str :param connecct_timeout: Timeout for the conncection to the Switchbot device - default: None :type connect_timeout: float :param scan_timeout: Timeout for the scan operations - default: None :type scan_timeout: float :param devices: Devices to control, as a BMAC address -> name map :type devices: dict """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.bt_interface = bt_interface self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout if connect_timeout else 5 self.scan_timeout = scan_timeout if scan_timeout else 2 self.devices = devices def _run(self, device, command=None): try: # XXX this requires sudo and it's executed in its own process # because the Switchbot plugin requires root privileges to send # raw bluetooth messages on the interface. Make sure that the user # that runs platypush has the right permissions to run this with sudo return subprocess.check_output(( 'sudo python3 -m platypush.plugins.switch.switchbot ' + '--device {} ' + ('--interface {} '.format(self.bt_interface) if self.bt_interface else '') + ('--connect-timeout {} '.format(self.connect_timeout) if self.connect_timeout else '') + ('--{} '.format(command) if command else '')).format(device), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).decode('utf-8') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError(e.output.decode('utf-8')) @action def press(self, device): """ Send a press button command to a device :param device: Device name or address :type device: str """ return self._run(device) @action def on(self, device): """ Send a press-on button command to a device :param device: Device name or address :type device: str """ return self._run(device, 'on') @action def off(self, device): """ Send a press-off button command to a device :param device: Device name or address :type device: str """ return self._run(device, 'off') @action def scan(self): """ Scan for available Switchbot devices nearby """ try: return subprocess.check_output( 'sudo python3 -m platypush.plugins.switch.switchbot --scan ' + ('--interface {} '.format(self.bt_interface) if self.bt_interface else '') + ('--scan-timeout {} '.format(self.scan_timeout) if self.scan_timeout else ''), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).decode('utf-8') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError(e.output.decode('utf-8')) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: