import enum import math # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyPackageRequirements from pmw3901 import PMW3901, BG_CS_FRONT_BCM, BG_CS_BACK_BCM from platypush.plugins import action from platypush.plugins.gpio.sensor import GpioSensorPlugin class Rotation(enum.IntEnum): ROTATE_0 = 0 ROTATE_90 = 90 ROTATE_180 = 180 ROTATE_270 = 270 class SPISlot(enum.Enum): FRONT = 'front' BACK = 'back' class GpioSensorMotionPwm3901Plugin(GpioSensorPlugin): """ Plugin to interact with an `PWM3901 `_ optical flow and motion sensor Requires: * ``pwm3901`` (``pip install pwm3901``) """ def __init__(self, rotation=Rotation.ROTATE_0.value, spi_slot=SPISlot.FRONT.value, spi_port=0, **kwargs): """ :param rotation: Rotation angle for the captured optical flow. Possible options: 0, 90, 180, 270 (default: 0) :type rotation: int :param spi_slot: SPI slot where the sensor is connected if you're using a Breakout Garden interface. Possible options: 'front', 'back' (default: 'front') :type spi_slot: str :param spi_port: SPI port (default: 0) :type spi_slot: int """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.spi_port = spi_port self._sensor = None (self.x, self.y) = (0, 0) try: if isinstance(rotation, int): rotation = [r for r in Rotation if r.value == rotation][0] self.rotation = rotation except IndexError: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid value for rotation - possible values: {}'.format( rotation, [r.value for r in Rotation])) try: if isinstance(spi_slot, str): spi_slot = [s for s in SPISlot if s.value == spi_slot][0] if spi_slot == SPISlot.FRONT: self.spi_slot = BG_CS_FRONT_BCM else: self.spi_slot = BG_CS_BACK_BCM except IndexError: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid value for spi_slot - possible values: {}'.format( spi_slot, [s.value for s in SPISlot])) def _get_sensor(self): if not self._sensor: self._sensor = PMW3901(spi_port=self.spi_port, spi_cs=1, spi_cs_gpio=self.spi_slot) self._sensor.set_rotation(self.rotation) return self._sensor @action def get_measurement(self): """ :returns: dict. Example:: output = { "motion_rel_x": 0, # Detected relative motion vector X-coord "motion_rel_y": 1, # Detected relative motion vector Y-coord "motion_abs_x": 3, # Detected absolute motion vector X-coord "motion_abs_y": 3, # Detected absolute motion vector Y-coord "motion_rel_mod": 1, # Detected relative motion vector module "motion_abs_mod": 5 # Detected absolute motion vector module } """ sensor = self._get_sensor() x, y = sensor.get_motion() self.x += x self.y += y return { 'motion_rel_x': x, 'motion_rel_y': y, 'motion_abs_x': self.x, 'motion_abs_y': self.y, 'motion_rel_mod': math.sqrt(x * x + y * y), 'motion_abs_mod': math.sqrt(self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y), } # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: