import argparse import logging import sys import traceback from threading import Thread from .bus import Bus from .config import Config from .utils import get_or_load_plugin, init_backends, get_module_and_name_from_action from .message.request import Request from .message.response import Response __author__ = 'Fabio Manganiello ' __version__ = '0.4' #-----------# class Daemon(object): """ Main class for the Platypush daemon """ """ Configuration file (default: either ~/.config/platypush/config.yaml or /etc/platypush/config.yaml) """ config_file = None """ Application bus. It's an internal queue where: - backends will post the messages they receive - plugins will post the responses they process """ bus = None """ backend_name => backend_obj map """ backends = None """ number of executions retries before a request fails """ n_tries = 2 def __init__(self, config_file=None, requests_to_process=None): """ Constructor Params: config_file -- Configuration file override (default: None) requests_to_process -- Exit after processing the specified number of requests (default: None, loop forever) """ self.config_file = config_file self.requests_to_process = requests_to_process self.processed_requests = 0 Config.init(self.config_file) logging.basicConfig(level=Config.get('logging'), stream=sys.stdout) @classmethod def build_from_cmdline(cls, args): """ Build the app from command line arguments. Params: args -- Your sys.argv[1:] [List of strings] """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--config', '-c', dest='config', required=False, default=None, help=cls.config_file.__doc__) opts, args = parser.parse_known_args(args) return cls(config_file=opts.config) def on_message(self): """ Default message handler """ def _f(msg): """ on_message closure Params: msg -- platypush.message.Message instance """ if isinstance(msg, Request):'Processing request: {}'.format(msg)) Thread(target=self.run_request(), args=(msg,)).start() elif isinstance(msg, Response):'Received response: {}'.format(msg)) return _f def run_request(self): """ Runs a request and returns the response """ def _thread_func(request, n_tries=self.n_tries): """ Thread closure method Params: request - platypush.message.request.Request object """ (module_name, method_name) = get_module_and_name_from_action(request.action) try: plugin = get_or_load_plugin(module_name) except RuntimeError as e: # Module/class not found logging.exception(e) return try: # Run the action response =, **request.args) if response and response.is_error(): raise RuntimeError('Response processed with errors: {}'.format(response))'Processed response from plugin {}: {}'. format(plugin, response)) except Exception as e: # Retry mechanism response = Response(output=None, errors=[str(e), traceback.format_exc()]) logging.exception(e) if n_tries:'Reloading plugin {} and retrying'.format(module_name)) get_or_load_plugin(module_name, reload=True) _thread_func(request, n_tries=n_tries-1) finally: # Send the response on the backend if request.backend and request.origin: request.backend.send_response(response=response, request=request) else:'Dropping response whose request has no ' + 'origin attached: {}'.format(request)) self.processed_requests += 1 if self.processed_requests >= self.requests_to_process: self.stop_app() return _thread_func def stop_app(self): for backend in self.backends.values(): backend.stop() self.bus.stop() def start(self): """ Start the daemon """ self.bus = Bus(on_message=self.on_message()) # Initialize the backends and link them to the bus self.backends = init_backends(bus=self.bus) # Start the backend threads for backend in self.backends.values(): backend.start() # Poll for messages on the bus try: self.bus.poll() except KeyboardInterrupt as e:'SIGINT received, terminating application') finally: self.stop_app() def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): print('Starting platypush v.{}'.format(__version__)) app = Daemon.build_from_cmdline(args) app.start() if __name__ == '__main__': main() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: