import re import pychromecast from import YouTubeController from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action class MediaChromecastPlugin(Plugin): """ Plugin to interact with Chromecast devices Supported formats: * YouTube URLs * Plex (through ``media.plex`` plugin, experimental) Requires: * **pychromecast** (``pip install pychromecast``) """ STREAM_TYPE_UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN" STREAM_TYPE_BUFFERED = "BUFFERED" STREAM_TYPE_LIVE = "LIVE" def __init__(self, chromecast=None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param chromecast: Default Chromecast to cast to if no name is specified :type chromecast: str """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.chromecast = chromecast self.chromecasts = {} @action def get_chromecasts(self): """ Get the list of Chromecast devices """ return [ { 'type': cc.cast_type, 'name':, 'manufacturer': cc.device.manufacturer, 'model_name': cc.model_name, 'uuid': str(cc.device.uuid), 'address':, 'port': cc.port, 'status': ({ 'app': { 'id': cc.app_id, 'name': cc.app_display_name, }, 'is_active_input': cc.status.is_active_input, 'is_stand_by': cc.status.is_stand_by, 'is_idle': cc.is_idle, 'namespaces': cc.status.namespaces, 'volume': round(100*cc.status.volume_level, 2), 'muted': cc.status.volume_muted, } if cc.status else {}), } for cc in pychromecast.get_chromecasts() ] def get_chromecast(self, chromecast=None): if not chromecast: if not self.chromecast: raise RuntimeError('No Chromecast specified nor default Chromecast configured') chromecast = self.chromecast if chromecast not in self.chromecasts: self.chromecasts = { cast.device.friendly_name: cast for cast in pychromecast.get_chromecasts() } if chromecast not in self.chromecasts: raise RuntimeError('Device {} not found'.format(chromecast)) return self.chromecasts[chromecast] @action def cast_media(self, media, content_type=None, chromecast=None, title=None, image_url=None, autoplay=True, current_time=0, stream_type=STREAM_TYPE_BUFFERED, subtitles=None, subtitles_lang='en-US', subtitles_mime='text/vtt', subtitle_id=1): """ Cast media to a visible Chromecast :param media: Media to cast :type media: str :param content_type: Content type :type content_type: str :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str :param title: Optional title :type title: str :param image_url: URL of the image to use for the thumbnail :type image_url: str :param autoplay: Set it to false if you don't want the content to start playing immediately (default: true) :type autoplay: bool :param current_time: Time to start the playback in seconds (default: 0) :type current_time: int :param stream_type: Type of stream to cast. Can be BUFFERED (default), LIVE or UNKNOWN :type stream_type: str :param subtitles: URL of the subtitles to be shown :type subtitles: str :param subtitles_lang: Subtitles language (default: en-US) :type subtitles_lang: str :param subtitles_mime: Subtitles MIME type (default: text/vtt) :type subtitles_mime: str :param subtitle_id: ID of the subtitles to be loaded (default: 1) :type subtitle_id: int """ if not chromecast: chromecast = self.chromecast cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) cast.wait() mc = cast.media_controller yt = self._get_youtube_url(media) if yt:'Playing YouTube video {} on {}'.format( yt, chromecast)) hndl = YouTubeController() cast.register_handler(hndl) hndl.update_screen_id() return hndl.play_video(yt) if not content_type: raise RuntimeError('content_type required to process media {}'. format(media))'Playing {} on {}'.format(media, chromecast)) mc.play_media(media, content_type, title=title, thumb=image_url, current_time=current_time, autoplay=autoplay, stream_type=stream_type, subtitles=subtitles, subtitles_lang=subtitles_lang, subtitles_mime=subtitles_mime, subtitle_id=subtitle_id) mc.block_until_active() @classmethod def _get_youtube_url(cls, url): m = re.match('https?://\?v=([^&]+).*', url) if m: return m = re.match('youtube:video:(.*)', url) if m: return return None @action def play(self, chromecast=None): return self.get_chromecast(chromecast or self.chromecast).play() @action def pause(self, chromecast=None): return self.get_chromecast(chromecast or self.chromecast).pause() @action def stop(self, chromecast=None): return self.get_chromecast(chromecast or self.chromecast).stop() @action def rewind(self, chromecast=None): return self.get_chromecast(chromecast or self.chromecast).rewind() @action def seek(self, location, chromecast=None): return self.get_chromecast(chromecast or self.chromecast).seek(location) @action def is_playing(self, chromecast=None): return self.get_chromecast(chromecast or self.chromecast).is_playing @action def is_paused(self, chromecast=None): return self.get_chromecast(chromecast or self.chromecast).is_paused @action def enable_subtitle(self, chromecast=None): return self.get_chromecast(chromecast or self.chromecast).enable_subtitle @action def disable_subtitle(self, chromecast=None): return self.get_chromecast(chromecast or self.chromecast).disable_subtitle @action def status(self, chromecast=None): return self.get_chromecast(chromecast or self.chromecast).status @action def disconnect(self, chromecast=None, timeout=None, blocking=True): """ Disconnect a Chromecast and wait for it to terminate :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str :param timeout: Number of seconds to wait for disconnection (default: None: block until termination) :type timeout: float :param blocking: If set (default), then the code will wait until disconnection, otherwise it will return immediately. :type blocking: bool """ cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) cast.disconnect(timeout=timeout, blocking=blocking) @action def join(self, chromecast=None, timeout=None, blocking=True): """ Blocks the thread until the Chromecast connection is terminated. :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str :param timeout: Number of seconds to wait for disconnection (default: None: block until termination) :type timeout: float :param blocking: If set (default), then the code will wait until disconnection, otherwise it will return immediately. :type blocking: bool """ cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) cast.join(timeout=timeout, blocking=blocking) @action def quit_app(self, chromecast=None): """ Exits the current app on the Chromecast :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str """ cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) cast.quit_app() @action def reboot(self, chromecast=None): """ Reboots the Chromecast :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str """ cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) cast.reboot() @action def set_volume(self, volume, chromecast=None): """ Set the Chromecast volume :param volume: Volume to be set, between 0 and 100 :type volume: float :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str """ cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) cast.set_volume(volume/100) @action def volume_up(self, chromecast=None, delta=10): """ Turn up the Chromecast volume by 10% or delta. :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str :param delta: Volume increment between 0 and 100 (default: 100%) :type delta: float """ cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) delta /= 100 cast.volume_up(min(delta, 1)) @action def volume_down(self, chromecast=None, delta=10): """ Turn down the Chromecast volume by 10% or delta. :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str :param delta: Volume decrement between 0 and 100 (default: 100%) :type delta: float """ cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) delta /= 100 cast.volume_down(max(delta, 0)) @action def toggle_mute(self, chromecast=None): """ Toggle the mute status on the Chromecast :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str """ cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) cast.set_volume_muted(not cast.status.volume_muted) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: