import Utils from "@/Utils"; export default { mixins: [Utils], props: { /** * Component name */ name: { type: String, default: '[Unnamed sensor]', }, /** * Action (FontAwesome) icon class (default: `fa fa-play`) */ iconClass: { type: String, }, /** * Action icon URL (default: `fa fa-play`) */ iconUrl: { type: String, }, /** * Action icon color override, for FontAwesome icons */ iconColor: { type: String, }, /** * Actions to run upon interaction with the widget. Format: * * [ * { * "action": "light.hue.toggle", * "args": { * "lights": ["Bulb 1", "Bulb 2"] * } * }, * { * "action": "music.mpd.pause" * } * ] */ actions: { type: Array, default: () => { return [] }, }, /** * Map of variables used by this component, in the form * variable_name -> variable_value. */ _vars: { type: Object, default: () => { return {} }, }, /** * Map of handlers, in the form of event_type -> functions. * Supported event handler types: * * - mounted: Function to execute when the component is mounted. * - beforeActions: Function to execute before the component action is run. * - afterActions: Function to execute after the component action is run. * - refresh: Function to be called at startup (if mounted is also specified * then refresh will be called after mounted when the component is * first mounted) and at regular intervals defined on the * interval property (default: 10 seconds). * - events: This is a mapping of functions that react to Platypush * platform events published on the websocket (e.g. lights or * switches toggles, media events etc.). The form is * platypush_event_type -> function. */ handlers: { type: Object, default: () => { return {} }, }, /** * Event bus */ bus: { type: Object, }, }, data() { return { vars: {...(this._vars || {})}, _interval: undefined, refresh: null, refreshInterval: null, value: null, loading: false, } }, computed: { iconStyle() { if (!this.iconClass?.length && this.iconColor?.length) return return {'color': this.iconColor} }, hasIcon() { return this.iconUrl?.length || this.iconClass?.length }, }, methods: { async run() { if (this.handlers.input) return this.handlers.input(this)(this.value) if (this.handlers.beforeActions) await this.handlers.beforeActions(this) for (const action of this.actions) await this.request_(action) if (this.handlers.afterActions) { await this.handlers.afterActions(this) } }, async request_(action) { const args = Object.entries(action.args).reduce((args, [key, value]) => { if (value.trim) { value = value.trim() const m = value.match(/^{{\s*(.*)\s*}}/) if (m) { value = eval(`// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols (function (self) { return ${m[1]} })`)(this) } } args[key] = value return args }, {}) await this.request(action.action, args) }, async processEvent(event) { const hndl = ( || {})[event.type] if (hndl) await hndl(this)(event) }, }, async mounted() { this.$root.bus.on('event', this.processEvent) if (this.handlers.mounted) await this.handlers.mounted(this) if (this.handlers.refresh) { this.refreshInterval = (this.handlers.refresh?.interval || 0) * 1000 this.refresh = () => { this.handlers.refresh.handler(this) } await this.refresh() if (this.refreshInterval) { const self = this const wrapper = () => { return self.refresh() } this._interval = setInterval(wrapper, this.refreshInterval) } } }, unmounted() { if (this._interval) clearInterval(this._interval) } }