import copy import datetime import json import logging import random import re import traceback from threading import Thread from platypush.config import Config from platypush.context import get_plugin from platypush.message import Message from platypush.message.response import Response from platypush.utils import get_hash, get_module_and_method_from_action logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Request(Message): """ Request message class """ def __init__(self, target, action, origin=None, id=None, backend=None, args=None, token=None): """ Params: target -- Target node [String] action -- Action to be executed (e.g. [String] origin -- Origin node [String] id -- Message ID, or None to get it auto-generated backend -- Backend connected to the request, where the response will be delivered args -- Additional arguments for the action [Dict] token -- Authorization token, if required on the server [Str] """ = id if id else self._generate_id() = target self.action = action self.origin = origin self.args = args if args else {} self.backend = backend self.token = token @classmethod def build(cls, msg): msg = super().parse(msg) args = { 'target' : msg['target'], 'action' : msg['action'], 'args' : msg['args'] if 'args' in msg else {}, } args['id'] = msg['id'] if 'id' in msg else cls._generate_id() if 'origin' in msg: args['origin'] = msg['origin'] if 'token' in msg: args['token'] = msg['token'] return cls(**args) @staticmethod def _generate_id(): id = '' for i in range(0,16): id += '%.2x' % random.randint(0, 255) return id def _execute_procedure(self, *args, **kwargs): from platypush.config import Config from platypush.procedure import Procedure'Executing procedure request: {}'.format(self.action)) proc_name = self.action.split('.')[-1] proc_config = Config.get_procedures()[proc_name] proc =, requests=proc_config['actions'], async=proc_config['async'], backend=self.backend, return proc.execute(*args, **kwargs) def _expand_context(self, event_args=None, **context): from platypush.config import Config if event_args is None: event_args = copy.deepcopy(self.args) constants = Config.get_constants() context['constants'] = {} for (name,value) in constants.items(): context['constants'][name] = value keys = [] if isinstance(event_args, dict): keys = event_args.keys() elif isinstance(event_args, list): keys = range(0, len(event_args)) for key in keys: value = event_args[key] if isinstance(value, str): value = self.expand_value_from_context(value, **context) elif isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, list): self._expand_context(event_args=value, **context) event_args[key] = value return event_args @classmethod def expand_value_from_context(cls, value, **context): for (k, v) in context.items(): if isinstance(v, Message): v = json.loads(str(v)) try: exec('{}={}'.format(k, v)) except: if isinstance(v, str): try: exec('{}="{}"'.format(k, re.sub('(^|[^\\\])"', '\1\\"', v))) except: pass parsed_value = '' while value: m = re.match('([^\$]*)(\${\s*(.+?)\s*})(.*)', value) if m and not'\\'): prefix =; expr =; inner_expr =; value = try: context_value = eval(inner_expr) if callable(context_value): context_value = context_value() if isinstance(context_value, context_value = context_value.isoformat() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) context_value = expr parsed_value += prefix + ( json.dumps(context_value) if isinstance(context_value, list) or isinstance(context_value, dict) else str(context_value)) else: parsed_value += value value = '' try: return json.loads(parsed_value) except ValueError as e: return parsed_value def _send_response(self, response): if self.backend and self.origin: self.backend.send_response(response=response, request=self) else:'Response whose request has no ' + 'origin attached: {}'.format(response)) def execute(self, n_tries=1, async=True, **context): """ Execute this request and returns a Response object Params: n_tries -- Number of tries in case of failure before raising a RuntimeError async -- If True, the request will be run asynchronously and the response posted on the bus when available (default), otherwise the current thread will wait for the response to be returned synchronously. context -- Key-valued context. Example: context = (group_name='Kitchen lights') request.args: - group: ${group_name} # will be expanded as "Kitchen lights") """ def _thread_func(n_tries): if self.action.startswith('procedure.'): context['n_tries'] = n_tries response = self._execute_procedure(**context) self._send_response(response) return response else: (module_name, method_name) = get_module_and_method_from_action(self.action) plugin = get_plugin(module_name) try: # Run the action args = self._expand_context(**context) response =, **args) if response and response.is_error(): raise RuntimeError('Response processed with errors: {}'.format(response))'Processed response from plugin {}: {}'. format(plugin, response)) except Exception as e: # Retry mechanism response = Response(output=None, errors=[str(e), traceback.format_exc()]) logger.exception(e) if n_tries:'Reloading plugin {} and retrying'.format(module_name)) get_plugin(module_name, reload=True) response = _thread_func(n_tries-1) finally: self._send_response(response) return response token_hash = Config.get('token_hash') if token_hash: if self.token is None or get_hash(self.token) != token_hash: raise PermissionError() if async: Thread(target=_thread_func, args=(n_tries,)).start() else: return _thread_func(n_tries) def __str__(self): """ Overrides the str() operator and converts the message into a UTF-8 JSON string """ return json.dumps({ 'type' : 'request', 'target' :, 'action' : self.action, 'args' : self.args, 'origin' : self.origin if hasattr(self, 'origin') else None, 'id' : if hasattr(self, 'id') else None, }) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: