import json from typing import Optional from platypush.backend.mqtt import MqttBackend from platypush.context import get_plugin from platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt import ZigbeeMqttOnlineEvent, ZigbeeMqttOfflineEvent, \ ZigbeeMqttDevicePropertySetEvent, ZigbeeMqttDevicePairingEvent, ZigbeeMqttDeviceConnectedEvent, \ ZigbeeMqttDeviceBannedEvent, ZigbeeMqttDeviceRemovedEvent, ZigbeeMqttDeviceRemovedFailedEvent, \ ZigbeeMqttDeviceWhitelistedEvent, ZigbeeMqttDeviceRenamedEvent, ZigbeeMqttDeviceBindEvent, \ ZigbeeMqttDeviceUnbindEvent, ZigbeeMqttGroupAddedEvent, ZigbeeMqttGroupAddedFailedEvent, \ ZigbeeMqttGroupRemovedEvent, ZigbeeMqttGroupRemovedFailedEvent, ZigbeeMqttGroupRemoveAllEvent, \ ZigbeeMqttGroupRemoveAllFailedEvent, ZigbeeMqttErrorEvent class ZigbeeMqttBackend(MqttBackend): """ Listen for events on a zigbee2mqtt service. Triggers: * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttOnlineEvent` when the service comes online. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttOfflineEvent` when the service goes offline. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDevicePropertySetEvent` when the properties of a connected device change. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDevicePairingEvent` when a device is pairing. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceConnectedEvent` when a device connects to the network. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceBannedEvent` when a device is banned from the network. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceRemovedEvent` when a device is removed from the network. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceRemovedFailedEvent` when a request to remove a device from the network fails. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceWhitelistedEvent` when a device is whitelisted on the network. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceRenamedEvent` when a device is renamed on the network. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceBindEvent` when a device bind event occurs. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttDeviceUnbindEvent` when a device unbind event occurs. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttGroupAddedEvent` when a group is added. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttGroupAddedFailedEvent` when a request to add a new group fails. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttGroupRemovedEvent` when a group is removed. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttGroupRemovedFailedEvent` when a request to remove a group fails. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttGroupRemoveAllEvent` when all the devices are removed from a group. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttGroupRemoveAllFailedEvent` when a request to remove all the devices from a group fails. * :class:`platypush.message.event.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttErrorEvent` when an internal error occurs on the zigbee2mqtt service. Requires: * **paho-mqtt** (``pip install paho-mqtt``) * The :class:`platypush.plugins.zigbee.mqtt.ZigbeeMqttPlugin` plugin configured. """ def __init__(self, host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, base_topic='zigbee2mqtt', tls_cafile: Optional[str] = None, tls_certfile: Optional[str] = None, tls_keyfile: Optional[str] = None, tls_version: Optional[str] = None, tls_ciphers: Optional[str] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param host: MQTT broker host (default: host configured on the ``zigbee.mqtt`` plugin). :param port: MQTT broker port (default: 1883). :param base_topic: Prefix of the topics published by zigbee2mqtt (default: '``zigbee2mqtt``'). :param tls_cafile: If TLS/SSL is enabled on the MQTT server and the certificate requires a certificate authority to authenticate it, `ssl_cafile` will point to the provided ca.crt file (default: None) :param tls_certfile: If TLS/SSL is enabled on the MQTT server and a client certificate it required, specify it here (default: None) :param tls_keyfile: If TLS/SSL is enabled on the MQTT server and a client certificate key it required, specify it here (default: None) :type tls_keyfile: str :param tls_version: If TLS/SSL is enabled on the MQTT server and it requires a certain TLS version, specify it here (default: None) :param tls_ciphers: If TLS/SSL is enabled on the MQTT server and an explicit list of supported ciphers is required, specify it here (default: None) :param username: Specify it if the MQTT server requires authentication (default: None) :param password: Specify it if the MQTT server requires authentication (default: None) """ if host: self.base_topic = base_topic listeners = [{ 'host': host, 'port': port or self._default_mqtt_port, 'tls_cafile': tls_cafile, 'tls_certfile': tls_certfile, 'tls_ciphers': tls_ciphers, 'tls_keyfile': tls_keyfile, 'tls_version': tls_version, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'topics': [ base_topic + '/' + topic for topic in ['bridge/state', 'bridge/log'] ], }] else: plugin = get_plugin('zigbee.mqtt') self.base_topic = plugin.base_topic listeners = [{ 'host':, 'port': plugin.port or self._default_mqtt_port, 'tls_cafile': plugin.tls_cafile, 'tls_certfile': plugin.tls_certfile, 'tls_ciphers': plugin.tls_ciphers, 'username': plugin.username, 'password': plugin.password, 'topics': [ plugin.base_topic + '/' + topic for topic in ['bridge/state', 'bridge/log'] ], }] super().__init__(subscribe_default_topic=False, listeners=listeners, *args, **kwargs) self._devices = {} def _process_state_message(self, client, msg): if msg == 'online': evt = ZigbeeMqttOnlineEvent self._refresh_devices(client) elif msg == 'offline': evt = ZigbeeMqttOfflineEvent self.logger.warning('zigbee2mqtt service is offline') else: return # noinspection PyProtectedMember, port=client._port)) def _refresh_devices(self, client): client.publish(self.base_topic + '/' + 'bridge/config/devices/get') def _process_log_message(self, client, msg): msg_type = msg.get('type') msg = msg.get('message') # noinspection PyProtectedMember args = {'host': client._host, 'port': client._port} if msg_type == 'devices': devices = {} for dev in (msg or []): devices[dev['friendly_name']] = dev client.subscribe(self.base_topic + '/' + dev['friendly_name']) self._devices = devices elif msg_type == 'pairing':, **args)) elif msg_type == 'device_connected':, **args)) self._refresh_devices(client) elif msg_type in ['device_ban', 'device_banned']:, **args)) elif msg_type in ['device_removed', 'device_force_removed']: force = msg_type == 'device_force_removed', force=force, **args)) elif msg_type in ['device_removed_failed', 'device_force_removed_failed']: force = msg_type == 'device_force_removed_failed', force=force, **args)) elif msg_type == 'device_whitelisted':, **args)) elif msg_type == 'device_renamed':, **args)) self._refresh_devices(client) elif msg_type == 'device_bind':, **args)) elif msg_type == 'device_unbind':, **args)) elif msg_type == 'device_group_add':, **args)) elif msg_type == 'device_group_add_failed':, **args)) elif msg_type == 'device_group_remove':, **args)) elif msg_type == 'device_group_remove_failed':, **args)) elif msg_type == 'device_group_remove_all':, **args)) elif msg_type == 'device_group_remove_all_failed':, **args)) elif msg_type == 'zigbee_publish_error': self.logger.warning('zigbee2mqtt internal error: {}'.format(msg)), **args)) def on_mqtt_message(self): def handler(client, _, msg): topic = msg.topic[len(self.base_topic)+1:] data = msg.payload.decode() # noinspection PyBroadException try: data = json.loads(data) except: pass if topic == 'bridge/state': self._process_state_message(client, data) elif topic == 'bridge/log': self._process_log_message(client, data) else: # noinspection PyProtectedMember, port=client._port, device=topic, properties=data)) return handler # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: