import logging import threading from redis import Redis from platypush.bus import Bus from platypush.config import Config from platypush.message import Message logger = logging.getLogger('platypush:bus:redis') class RedisBus(Bus): """ Overrides the in-process in-memory local bus with a Redis bus """ _DEFAULT_REDIS_QUEUE = 'platypush/bus' def __init__(self, on_message=None, redis_queue=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(on_message=on_message) if not args and not kwargs: kwargs = (Config.get('backend.redis') or {}).get('redis_args', {}) self.redis = Redis(*args, **kwargs) self.redis_args = kwargs self.redis_queue = redis_queue or self._DEFAULT_REDIS_QUEUE self.on_message = on_message self.thread_id = threading.get_ident() def get(self, parse: bool = True): """ Reads one message from the Redis queue """ try: if self.should_stop(): return msg = self.redis.blpop(self.redis_queue, timeout=1) if not msg or msg[1] is None: return msg = msg[1].decode('utf-8') if parse: return return msg except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) def post(self, msg): """ Sends a message to the Redis queue """ return self.redis.rpush(self.redis_queue, str(msg)) def stop(self): super().stop() self.redis.close() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: