import functools import importlib import logging import signal import time from platypush.config import Config from platypush.message import Message modules = {} def get_or_load_plugin(plugin_name, reload=False): global modules if plugin_name in modules and not reload: return modules[plugin_name] try: module = importlib.import_module('platypush.plugins.' + plugin_name) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: logging.warning('No such plugin: {}'.format(plugin_name)) raise RuntimeError(e) # e.g. main class: MusicMpdPlugin cls_name = functools.reduce( lambda a,b: a.title() + b.title(), (plugin_name.title().split('.')) ) + 'Plugin' plugin_conf = Config.get_plugins()[plugin_name] \ if plugin_name in Config.get_plugins() else {} try: plugin_class = getattr(module, cls_name) plugin = plugin_class(**plugin_conf) modules[plugin_name] = plugin except AttributeError as e: logging.warning('No such class in {}: {}'.format( plugin_name, cls_name)) raise RuntimeError(e) return plugin def init_backends(bus=None): backends = {} for k in Config.get_backends().keys(): module = importlib.import_module('platypush.backend.' + k) cfg = Config.get_backends()[k] # e.g. backend.pushbullet main class: PushbulletBackend cls_name = functools.reduce( lambda a,b: a.title() + b.title(), (module.__name__.title().split('.')[2:]) ) + 'Backend' try: b = getattr(module, cls_name)(bus=bus, **cfg) backends[k] = b except AttributeError as e: logging.warning('No such class in {}: {}'.format( module.__name__, cls_name)) raise RuntimeError(e) return backends def get_module_and_name_from_action(action): """ Input : Output : ('music.mpd', 'play') """ tokens = action.split('.') module_name = str.join('.', tokens[:-1]) method_name = tokens[-1:][0] return (module_name, method_name) def get_message_class_by_type(msgtype): """ Gets the class of a message type given as string """ try: module = importlib.import_module('platypush.message.' + msgtype) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: logging.warning('Unsupported message type {}'.format(msgtype)) raise RuntimeError(e) cls_name = msgtype[0].upper() + msgtype[1:] try: msgclass = getattr(module, cls_name) except AttributeError as e: logging.warning('No such class in {}: {}'.format( module.__name__, cls_name)) raise RuntimeError(e) return msgclass def set_timeout(seconds, on_timeout): """ Set a function to be called if timeout expires without being cleared. It only works on the main thread. Params: seconds -- Timeout in seconds on_timeout -- Function invoked on timeout unless clear_timeout is called before """ def _sighandler(signum, frame): on_timeout() signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _sighandler) signal.alarm(seconds) def clear_timeout(): """ Clear any previously set timeout """ signal.alarm(0) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: