import json import os import threading from platypush.backend import Backend from platypush.context import get_plugin from platypush.message import Message from platypush.message.event.mqtt import MQTTMessageEvent from platypush.message.request import Request from platypush.utils import set_thread_name class MqttBackend(Backend): """ Backend that reads messages from a configured MQTT topic (default: ``platypush_bus_mq/``) and posts them to the application bus. Triggers: * :class:`platypush.message.event.mqtt.MQTTMessageEvent` when a new message is received on one of the custom listeners Requires: * **paho-mqtt** (``pip install paho-mqtt``) """ _default_mqtt_port = 1883 def __init__(self, host, port=_default_mqtt_port, topic='platypush_bus_mq', tls_cafile=None, tls_certfile=None, tls_keyfile=None, tls_version=None, tls_ciphers=None, username=None, password=None, listeners=None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param host: MQTT broker host :type host: str :param port: MQTT broker port (default: 1883) :type port: int :param topic: Topic to read messages from (default: ``platypush_bus_mq/``) :type topic: str :param tls_cafile: If TLS/SSL is enabled on the MQTT server and the certificate requires a certificate authority to authenticate it, `ssl_cafile` will point to the provided ca.crt file (default: None) :type tls_cafile: str :param tls_certfile: If TLS/SSL is enabled on the MQTT server and a client certificate it required, specify it here (default: None) :type tls_certfile: str :param tls_keyfile: If TLS/SSL is enabled on the MQTT server and a client certificate key it required, specify it here (default: None) :type tls_keyfile: str :param tls_version: If TLS/SSL is enabled on the MQTT server and it requires a certain TLS version, specify it here (default: None) :type tls_version: str :param tls_ciphers: If TLS/SSL is enabled on the MQTT server and an explicit list of supported ciphers is required, specify it here (default: None) :type tls_ciphers: str :param username: Specify it if the MQTT server requires authentication (default: None) :type username: str :param password: Specify it if the MQTT server requires authentication (default: None) :type password: str :param listeners: If specified then the MQTT backend will also listen for messages on the additional configured message queues. This parameter is a list of maps where each item supports the same arguments passed to the main backend configuration (host, port, topic, password etc.). Note that the message queue configured on the main configuration will expect valid Platypush messages that then can execute, while message queues registered to the listeners will accept any message. :type listeners: list[dict] """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = host self.port = port self.topic = '{}/{}'.format(topic, self.device_id) self.username = username self.password = password self._client = None self._listeners = [] self.tls_cafile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(tls_cafile)) \ if tls_cafile else None self.tls_certfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(tls_certfile)) \ if tls_certfile else None self.tls_keyfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(tls_keyfile)) \ if tls_keyfile else None self.tls_version = tls_version self.tls_ciphers = tls_ciphers self.listeners_conf = listeners or [] def send_message(self, msg): try: client = get_plugin('mqtt') client.send_message(topic=self.topic, msg=msg,, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password, tls_cafile=self.tls_cafile, tls_certfile=self.tls_certfile, tls_keyfile=self.tls_keyfile, tls_version=self.tls_version, tls_ciphers=self.tls_ciphers) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) def _initialize_listeners(self, listeners_conf): import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt def listener_thread(client, host, port): client.connect(host, port, 60) client.loop_forever() def on_connect(topics): def handler(client, userdata, flags, rc): for topic in topics: client.subscribe(topic) return handler def on_message(client, userdata, msg): data = msg.payload try: data = data.decode('utf-8') data = json.loads(data) except: pass, port=client._port, topic=msg.topic, msg=data)) for i, listener in enumerate(listeners_conf): host = listener.get('host') port = listener.get('port', self._default_mqtt_port) topics = listener.get('topics') username = listener.get('username') password = listener.get('password') tls_cafile = listener.get('tls_cafile') if not host or not topics: self.logger.warning('No host nor list of topics specified for ' + 'listener n.{}'.format(i+1)) continue client = mqtt.Client() client.on_connect = on_connect(topics) client.on_message = on_message if username and password: client.username_pw_set(username, password) if tls_cafile: client.tls_set(ca_certs=tls_cafile, certfile=listener.get('tls_certfile'), keyfile=listener.get('tls_keyfile'), tls_version=listener.get('tls_version'), ciphers=listener.get('tls_ciphers')) threading.Thread(target=listener_thread, kwargs = { 'client': client, 'host': host, 'port': port }).start() def run(self): def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): client.subscribe(self.topic) def on_message(client, userdata, msg): def response_thread(msg): set_thread_name('MQTTProcessor') response = self.get_message_response(msg) if not response: return response_topic = '{}/responses/{}'.format(self.topic,'Processing response on the MQTT topic {}: {}'. format(response_topic, response)) self.send_message(response) msg = msg.payload.decode('utf-8') try: msg = except: pass if not msg: return'Received message on the MQTT backend: {}'.format(msg)) try: self.on_message(msg) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) return if isinstance(msg, Request): threading.Thread(target=response_thread, name='MQTTProcessor', args=(msg,)).start() import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt super().run() self._client = mqtt.Client() self._client.on_connect = on_connect self._client.on_message = on_message if self.username and self.password: self._client.username_pw_set(self.username, self.password) if self.tls_cafile: self._client.tls_set(ca_certs=self.tls_cafile, certfile=self.tls_certfile, keyfile=self.tls_keyfile, tls_version=self.tls_version, ciphers=self.tls_ciphers) self._client.connect(, self.port, 60)'Initialized MQTT backend on host {}:{}, topic {}'. format(, self.port, self.topic)) self._initialize_listeners(self.listeners_conf) self._client.loop_forever() def stop(self):'Received STOP event on MqttBackend') if self._client: self._client.disconnect() self._client.loop_stop() self._client = None for listener in self._listeners: try: listener.loop_stop() except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('Could not stop listener ' + '{host}:{port}: {error}'.format( host=listener._host, port=listener._port, error=str(e))) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: