Platypush comes with an intentionally thin core that dispatches messages and events over Redis, and its power comes from the high number of integrations it provides. It's up to the user to decide the pick the use case and use the appropriate extensions.
Extensions may come with optional sets of additional dependencies, and they can be easily installed through pip - see the setup.py for a full list of supported extras. The documentation also provided the required dependencies for each integration.
It's very easy to create pieces of logic that run some custom actions when an event is triggered. Just drop a Python script into ~/.config/platypush/scripts, or create a YAML snippet into your config.yaml.
The interface of the available events is also provided on the documentation, as well as the methods exposed by each plugin and its parameters.

Platypush is and will always remain free, open-source and on-prem. If you have questions, suggestions, issues or want to contribute to the project:
- Open a Gitlab issue.
- Reach out on Reddit.
- Open a merge request.
- Email us.
- Say hi on our Mastodon instance.
- Join the chat on our Matrix or IRC (irc.platypush.tech:6697, SSL only) instances.
- Donations to cover the costs for hosting the infrastructure are also welcome!