Connect things and services together with Platypush
Platypush is an open-source modular platform for automation aimed to run on any device that can run a Python interpreter.
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Control devices and services through hundreds of available integrations.
Platypush comes with many integrations, each wrapped by a consistent API, making it very easy to create automation routines when a certain event happens, programmatically action them in your scripts, or control them all from a single consistent web interface. Discover the available integrations.
Easy to install, easy to extend.

Platypush comes with an intentionally thin core that dispatches messages and events over Redis, and its power comes from the high number of integrations it provides. It's up to the user to decide the pick the use case and use the appropriate extensions.

Extensions may come with optional sets of additional dependencies, and they can be easily installed through pip - see the for a full list of supported extras. The documentation also provided the required dependencies for each integration.

pip install 'platypush[http,mqtt]'