import utils from './utils'; global.browser = require('webextension-polyfill'); const menu = { hosts: {}, actions: {}, scripts: {}, categories: {}, separator: '//', categoriesByHost(host) { return Object.entries({ ...(this.actions || {}), ...(this.scripts || {}) }).reduce((obj, [actionName, action]) => { if (action.hosts.indexOf(host) < 0) { return obj; } const appendAction = category => { if (!(category in obj)) { obj[category] = {}; } obj[category][actionName] = action; }; if (!(action.categories && action.categories.length)) { appendAction(''); } else { action.categories.forEach(category => appendAction(category)); } return obj; }, {}); }, async refresh() { this.hosts = await utils.methods.getHosts(); this.actions = await utils.methods.getActions(); this.scripts = await utils.methods.getScripts(); browser.contextMenus.removeAll(); for (const [host] of Object.entries(this.hosts)) { const hostId = this.separator + host; browser.contextMenus.create({ id: hostId, title: host, }); const categories = this.categoriesByHost(host); for (const [categoryName, category] of Object.entries(categories)) { const categoryId = hostId + this.separator + (categoryName.length ? categoryName : '[NONE]'); browser.contextMenus.create({ id: categoryId, parentId: hostId, title: categoryName.length ? categoryName : '[No Category]', }); for (const [action] of Object.entries(category)) { const actionId = categoryId + this.separator + action; browser.contextMenus.create({ id: actionId, parentId: categoryId, title: action, }); } } } browser.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(async (info, tab) => { const [host, , action] = info.menuItemId.split(this.separator).slice(1); const target = await utils.methods.getTargetElement(); if (action in this.actions) {[action], this.hosts[host]); } else { utils.methods.runScript(this.scripts[action].script, this.hosts[host], tab, target); } }); }, async create() { await this.refresh(); }, }; const onCreate = () => { menu.create(); }; onCreate(); // vim:sw=2:ts=2:et: