import axios from 'axios'; import Vue from 'vue'; import _script from './script'; export default { data() { return { loading: false, }; }, methods: { async notify(message, title = 'platypush', error = false) { let msg = ''; if (title && title.length) { msg = `${title}`; } if (message && message.length) { if (msg.length > 0) { msg += ': '; } msg += message; } if (msg.length) { if (error) { console.error(msg); } else { console.log(msg); } } await browser.notifications.create({ type: 'basic', title: title, message: message, }); }, async getCurrentTab() { const tabs = await browser.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true, active: true, }); if (!tabs.length) { await this.notify('No active tab', '', true); return; } return tabs[0]; }, async getURL() { const tab = await this.getCurrentTab(); return await browser.tabs.sendMessage(, { type: 'getURL' }); }, async getDOM() { const tab = await this.getCurrentTab(); return await browser.tabs.sendMessage(, { type: 'getDOM' }); }, async setDOM(html) { const tab = await this.getCurrentTab(); await browser.tabs.sendMessage(, { type: 'setDOM', html: html }); }, async getTargetElement() { const tab = await this.getCurrentTab(); const target = await browser.tabs.sendMessage(, { type: 'getTargetElement' }); if (!target) { return; } return new DOMParser().parseFromString(target, 'text/html').documentElement.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].firstChild; }, async run(action, host, url) { const execURL = (host.ssl ? 'https' : 'http') + '://' + host.address + ':' + host.port + '/execute'; const config = {}; let args = action.args || {}; let currentURL = url; if (!url) { try { currentURL = await this.getURL(); } catch (e) {} } if (Array.isArray(action.args)) { args = action.args .filter(arg => arg.value != null && arg.value.length) .reduce((obj, arg) => { obj[] = arg.value; return obj; }, {}); } else { args = Object.entries(args) .filter(([, value]) => value != null && value.length) .reduce((obj, [name, value]) => { obj[name] = value; return obj; }, {}); } Object.keys(args).forEach(name => { // URL wildcard if (args[name] === '$URL$') { if (!currentURL) { console.warn('Unable to get the current URL'); } else { args[name] = currentURL; } } }); if (host.token && host.token.length) { config.headers = { 'X-Token': host.token, }; } try { const msg = await execURL, { type: 'request', action: action.action, args: args, }, config ); const errors =; if (errors && errors.length) { // noinspection ExceptionCaughtLocallyJS throw errors[0]; } return; } catch (e) { await this.notify(e.toString(), 'Request error'); throw e; } }, prepareScript(script, host, tab, target, ...args) { args = JSON.stringify({ host: host, tabId: tab ? : null, target: typeof target === 'object' ? target.outerHTML : target, ...args, }); return `(${script})(${_script.api}, ${args})`; }, async runScript(script, host, tab, target, ...args) { this.loading = true; try { if (!tab) { tab = await this.getCurrentTab(); } if (!tab) { return; } const code = this.prepareScript(script, host, tab, target, ...args); return await browser.tabs.executeScript(, { code: code, }); } catch (e) { await this.notify(e.message, 'Script error', true); throw e; } finally { this.loading = false; } }, async getHosts() { this.loading = true; try { const response = await'hosts'); if (!response.hosts) { return {}; } return JSON.parse(response.hosts); } finally { this.loading = false; } }, async saveHosts(hosts) { this.loading = true; try { await{ hosts: JSON.stringify(hosts) }); } finally { this.loading = false; } }, async getActions() { this.loading = true; try { const response = await'actions'); if (!response.actions) { return {}; } return JSON.parse(response.actions); } finally { this.loading = false; } }, async getScripts() { this.loading = true; try { const response = await'scripts'); if (!response.scripts) { return {}; } return Object.entries(JSON.parse(response.scripts)).reduce((obj, [name, info]) => { obj[name] = info; return obj; }, {}); } finally { this.loading = false; } }, async saveActions(actions) { this.loading = true; try { await{ actions: JSON.stringify(actions) }); } finally { this.loading = false; } }, async saveAction(action) { const actions = await this.getActions(); if (action.displayName in actions) { if (!confirm('An action with this name already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?')) { return; } } actions[action.displayName] = action; await this.saveActions(actions); await this.notify('You can find this action under the Local Actions menu', 'Action saved'); }, async saveScripts(scripts) { this.loading = true; try { scripts = Object.entries(scripts).reduce((obj, [name, info]) => { if (typeof info.script === 'function') { info.script = info.script.toString(); } obj[name] = info; return obj; }, {}); await{ scripts: JSON.stringify(scripts) }); } catch (e) { await this.notify(e.message, 'Error on script save'); } finally { this.loading = false; } }, async saveScript(script) { const scripts = await this.getScripts(false); if (script.displayName in scripts) { if (!confirm('A script with this name already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?')) { return; } } scripts[script.displayName] = script; await this.saveScripts(scripts); await this.notify('You can find this script under the Local Actions menu', 'Script saved'); }, async loadConfig() { this.loading = true; try { const [hosts, actions, scripts] = await Promise.all([this.getHosts(), this.getActions(), this.getScripts(false)]); return { hosts: hosts, actions: actions, scripts: scripts, }; } finally { this.loading = false; } }, async saveConfig(config) { this.loading = true; const hosts = config.hosts || {}; const actions = config.actions || {}; const scripts = config.scripts || {}; try { await Promise.all([this.saveHosts(hosts), this.saveActions(actions), this.saveScripts(scripts)]); } finally { this.loading = false; } }, async backupConfig(host) { if (typeof host === 'string') { const hosts = await this.getHosts(); if (!(host in hosts)) { await this.notify(host, 'No such Platypush host'); return; } host = hosts[host]; } this.loading = true; const config = JSON.stringify(await this.loadConfig()); const basedir = `\${Config.get("workdir")}/webext`; const filename = `${basedir}/config.json`; try { await { action: 'file.mkdir', args: { directory: basedir }, }, host ); await { action: 'file.write', args: { file: filename, content: config, }, }, host ); await this.notify(`Configuration successfully backed up to ${}`, 'Backup successful'); } finally { this.loading = false; } }, async getConfig(host) { if (typeof host === 'string') { const hosts = await this.getHosts(); if (!(host in hosts)) { await this.notify(host, 'No such Platypush host'); return; } host = hosts[host]; } this.loading = true; const basedir = `\${Config.get("workdir")}/webext`; const filename = `${basedir}/config.json`; try { return await { action: '', args: { file: filename }, }, host ); } finally { this.loading = false; } }, formToHost(form) { return { name:, address: form.address.value, port: parseInt(form.port.value), websocketPort: parseInt(form.websocketPort.value), ssl: form.ssl.checked, token: form.token.value, }; }, onAddrChange(form) { if ( && !form.address.value.startsWith( { return; } = form.address.value; }, onPortChange(form) { const port = form.port.value; if (!this.isPortValid(port)) return; form.websocketPort.value = '' + (parseInt(port) + 1); }, isPortValid(port) { port = parseInt(port); return !isNaN(port) && port > 0 && port < 65536; }, isHostFormValid(form) { return && form.address.value.length && this.isPortValid(form.port.value) && this.isPortValid(form.websocketPort.value); }, }, }; export const bus = new Vue(); // vim:sw=2:ts=2:et: