from dataclasses import asdict import multiprocessing from threading import Timer from typing import Optional, Type from time import time from platypush.context import get_bus from platypush.message.event.joystick import ( JoystickConnectedEvent, JoystickDisconnectedEvent, JoystickEvent, JoystickStateEvent, ) from platypush.schemas.joystick import JoystickDeviceSchema from ._inputs import GamePad, InputEvent, UnpluggedError from ._state import ConnectedState, JoystickDeviceState, JoystickState class JoystickManager(multiprocessing.Process): """ A process that monitors and publishes joystick events. """ MAX_TRIG_VAL = 1 << 8 MAX_JOY_VAL = 1 << 15 THROTTLE_INTERVAL = 0.2 def __init__( self, device: GamePad, poll_interval: Optional[float], state_queue: multiprocessing.Queue, ): super().__init__() self.device = device self.poll_interval = poll_interval self.state = JoystickState() self._state_queue = state_queue self._connected_state = ConnectedState.UNKNOWN self._stop_evt = multiprocessing.Event() self._state_throttler: Optional[Timer] = None self._state_timestamp: float = 0 @property def should_stop(self): return self._stop_evt.is_set() def wait_stop(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None): self._stop_evt.wait(timeout=timeout or self.poll_interval) def _enqueue_state(self): now = time() self._state_queue.put_nowait( JoystickDeviceState( device=self.device.get_char_device_path(), state=self.state ) ) if now - self._state_timestamp >= self.THROTTLE_INTERVAL: self._post_state() self._state_timestamp = now return self._state_timestamp = now self._state_throttler = Timer(self.THROTTLE_INTERVAL, self._post_state) self._state_throttler.start() def _stop_state_throrttler(self): if self._state_throttler: self._state_throttler.cancel() self._state_throttler = None def _post_state(self): self._post_event(JoystickStateEvent, state=asdict(self.state)) self._stop_state_throrttler() def _parse_event(self, event: InputEvent): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches """ Solution adapted from """ if event.code == "ABS_Y": # normalize between -1 and 1 self.state.left_joystick_y = event.state / self.MAX_JOY_VAL elif event.code == "ABS_X": # normalize between -1 and 1 self.state.left_joystick_x = event.state / self.MAX_JOY_VAL elif event.code == "ABS_RY": # normalize between -1 and 1 self.state.right_joystick_y = event.state / self.MAX_JOY_VAL elif event.code == "ABS_RX": # normalize between -1 and 1 self.state.right_joystick_x = event.state / self.MAX_JOY_VAL elif event.code == "ABS_Z": # normalize between 0 and 1 self.state.left_trigger = event.state / self.MAX_TRIG_VAL elif event.code == "ABS_RZ": # normalize between 0 and 1 self.state.right_trigger = event.state / self.MAX_TRIG_VAL elif event.code == "BTN_TL": self.state.left_bumper = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_TR": self.state.right_bumper = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_SOUTH": self.state.a = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_NORTH": # previously switched with X self.state.y = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_WEST": # previously switched with Y self.state.x = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_EAST": self.state.b = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_THUMBL": self.state.left_thumb = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_THUMBR": self.state.right_thumb = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_SELECT": self.state.back = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_START": self.state.start = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY1": self.state.left_dir_pad = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY2": self.state.right_dir_pad = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY3": self.state.up_dir_pad = event.state elif event.code == "BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY4": self.state.down_dir_pad = event.state def _post_event( self, type: Type[JoystickEvent], **kwargs # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ): get_bus().post( type(device=dict(JoystickDeviceSchema().dump(self.device)), **kwargs) ) def _on_connect(self): if self._connected_state != ConnectedState.CONNECTED: self._connected_state = ConnectedState.CONNECTED self._post_event(JoystickConnectedEvent) def _on_disconnect(self): if self._connected_state != ConnectedState.DISCONNECTED: self._connected_state = ConnectedState.DISCONNECTED self._post_event(JoystickDisconnectedEvent) def _loop(self): try: for event in self._on_connect() prev_state = asdict(self.state) self._parse_event(event) new_state = asdict(self.state) if prev_state != new_state: self._enqueue_state() except (UnpluggedError, OSError): self._on_disconnect() finally: self.wait_stop(self.poll_interval) def run(self): try: while not self.should_stop: try: self._loop() except KeyboardInterrupt: break finally: self._on_disconnect() def stop(self): self._stop_evt.set() self._stop_state_throrttler()