from dataclasses import dataclass import enum import functools import inspect import json import os import queue import re import subprocess import tempfile import threading from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Iterable, Optional, List, Dict, Union import requests from platypush.config import Config from platypush.context import get_plugin, get_backend from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action from platypush.utils import get_default_downloads_dir class PlayerState(enum.Enum): """ Models the possible states of a media player """ STOP = 'stop' PLAY = 'play' PAUSE = 'pause' IDLE = 'idle' @dataclass class MediaResource: """ Models a media resource """ resource: str url: str title: Optional[str] = None description: Optional[str] = None filename: Optional[str] = None image: Optional[str] = None duration: Optional[float] = None channel: Optional[str] = None channel_url: Optional[str] = None type: Optional[str] = None resolution: Optional[str] = None class MediaPlugin(Plugin, ABC): """ Generic plugin to interact with a media player. To start the local media stream service over HTTP you will also need the :class:`platypush.backend.http.HttpBackend` backend enabled. """ # A media plugin can either be local or remote (e.g. control media on # another device) _is_local = True _NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR = NotImplementedError( 'This method must be implemented in a derived class' ) # Supported audio extensions audio_extensions = { '3gp', 'aa', 'aac', 'aax', 'act', 'aiff', 'amr', 'ape', 'au', 'awb', 'dct', 'dss', 'dvf', 'flac', 'gsm', 'iklax', 'ivs', 'm4a', 'm4b', 'm4p', 'mmf', 'mp3', 'mpc', 'msv', 'nmf', 'nsf', 'ogg,', 'opus', 'ra,', 'raw', 'sln', 'tta', 'vox', 'wav', 'wma', 'wv', 'webm', '8svx', } # Supported video extensions video_extensions = { 'webm', 'mkv', 'flv', 'vob', 'ogv', 'ogg', 'drc', 'gif', 'gifv', 'mng', 'avi', 'mts', 'm2ts', 'mov', 'qt', 'wmv', 'yuv', 'rm', 'rmvb', 'asf', 'amv', 'mp4', 'm4p', 'm4v', 'mpg', 'mp2', 'mpeg', 'mpe', 'mpv', 'm2v', 'svi', '3gp', '3g2', 'mxf', 'roq', 'nsv', 'f4v', 'f4p', 'f4a', 'f4b', } supported_media_plugins = [ 'media.mplayer', 'media.omxplayer', 'media.mpv', 'media.vlc', 'media.chromecast', 'media.gstreamer', ] _supported_media_types = ['file', 'jellyfin', 'plex', 'torrent', 'youtube'] _default_search_timeout = 60 # 60 seconds def __init__( self, media_dirs: Optional[List[str]] = None, download_dir: Optional[str] = None, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, volume: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, torrent_plugin: str = 'torrent', youtube_format: Optional[str] = 'best[height<=?1080][ext=mp4]', youtube_dl: str = 'yt-dlp', **kwargs, ): """ :param media_dirs: Directories that will be scanned for media files when a search is performed (default: none) :param download_dir: Directory where external resources/torrents will be downloaded (default: ~/Downloads) :param env: Environment variables key-values to pass to the player executable (e.g. DISPLAY, XDG_VTNR, PULSE_SINK etc.) :param volume: Default volume for the player (default: None, maximum volume). :param torrent_plugin: Optional plugin to be used for torrent download. Possible values: - ``torrent`` - native ``libtorrent``-based plugin (default, recommended) - ``rtorrent`` - torrent support over rtorrent RPC/XML interface - ``webtorrent`` - torrent support over webtorrent (unstable) :param youtube_format: Select the preferred video/audio format for YouTube videos - and any media supported by youtube-dl or the selected fork. See the `youtube-dl documentation `_ for more info on supported formats. Default: ``bv*[height<=?1080][ext=mp4]+bestaudio/best`` - select the best mp4 video with a resolution <= 1080p, and the best audio format. :param youtube_dl: Path to the ``youtube-dl`` executable, used to extract information from YouTube videos and other media platforms. Default: ``yt-dlp``. The default has changed from ``youtube-dl`` to the ``yt-dlp`` fork because the former is badly maintained and its latest release was pushed in 2021. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if media_dirs is None: media_dirs = [] player = None player_config = {} if self.__class__.__name__ == 'MediaPlugin': # Abstract class, initialize with the default configured player for plugin_name in Config.get_plugins().keys(): if plugin_name in self.supported_media_plugins: player = get_plugin(plugin_name) if player and player.is_local(): # Local players have priority as default if configured break else: player = self # Derived concrete class if not player: raise AttributeError('No media plugin configured') media_dirs = media_dirs or player_config.get('media_dirs', []) if self.__class__.__name__ == 'MediaPlugin': # Populate this plugin with the actions of the configured player for act in player.registered_actions: setattr(self, act, getattr(player, act)) self.registered_actions.add(act) self._env = env or {} self.media_dirs = set( filter( os.path.isdir, [os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(d)) for d in media_dirs], ) ) self.download_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser( download_dir or player_config.get('download_dir') or get_default_downloads_dir() ) ) os.makedirs(self.download_dir, exist_ok=True) self._ytdl = youtube_dl self.media_dirs.add(self.download_dir) self.volume = volume self._videos_queue = [] self._youtube_proc = None self.torrent_plugin = torrent_plugin self.youtube_format = youtube_format self._latest_resource: Optional[MediaResource] = None @staticmethod def _torrent_event_handler(evt_queue): def handler(event): # More than 5% of the torrent has been downloaded if event.args.get('progress', 0) > 5 and event.args.get('files'): evt_queue.put(event.args['files']) return handler def get_extractors(self): try: from yt_dlp.extractor import _extractors # type: ignore except ImportError: self.logger.debug('yt_dlp not installed') return for _, obj_type in inspect.getmembers(_extractors): if ( inspect.isclass(obj_type) and isinstance(getattr(obj_type, "_VALID_URL", None), str) and obj_type.__name__ != "GenericIE" ): yield obj_type def _is_youtube_resource(self, resource: str): return any(, '_VALID_URL', '^$'), resource) for extractor in self.get_extractors() ) def _get_youtube_best_thumbnail(self, info: Dict[str, dict]): thumbnails = info.get('thumbnails', {}) if not thumbnails: return None # Preferred resolution for res in ((640, 480), (480, 360), (320, 240)): thumb = next( ( thumb for thumb in thumbnails if thumb.get('width') == res[0] and thumb.get('height') == res[1] ), None, ) if thumb: return thumb.get('url') # Default fallback (best quality) return info.get('thumbnail') def _get_resource(self, resource: str): """ :param resource: Resource to play/parse. Supported types: * Local files (format: ``file:///``) * Remote videos (format: ``https:///``) * Torrents (format: Magnet links, Torrent URLs or local Torrent files) * Any URL that is supported by a yt_dlp extractor """ if resource.startswith('file://'): path = resource[len('file://') :] assert os.path.isfile(path), f'File {path} not found' self._latest_resource = MediaResource( resource=resource, url=resource, title=os.path.basename(resource), filename=os.path.basename(resource), ) elif self._is_youtube_resource(resource): info = self._get_youtube_info(resource) url = info.get('url') if url: resource = url self._latest_resource = MediaResource( resource=resource, url=resource, title=info.get('title'), description=info.get('description'), filename=info.get('filename'), image=info.get('thumbnail'), duration=float(info.get('duration') or 0) or None, channel=info.get('channel'), channel_url=info.get('channel_url'), resolution=info.get('resolution'), type=info.get('extractor'), ) elif resource.startswith('magnet:?'): 'Downloading torrent %s to %s', resource, self.download_dir ) torrents = get_plugin(self.torrent_plugin) assert torrents, f'{self.torrent_plugin} plugin not configured' evt_queue = queue.Queue() resource, download_dir=self.download_dir, _async=True, is_media=True, event_hndl=self._torrent_event_handler(evt_queue), ) resources = [f for f in evt_queue.get()] # noqa: C416,R1721 if resources: self._videos_queue = sorted(resources) resource = self._videos_queue.pop(0) else: raise RuntimeError(f'No media file found in torrent {resource}') assert resource, 'Unable to find any compatible media resource' return resource def _stop_torrent(self): try: torrents = get_plugin(self.torrent_plugin) assert torrents, f'{self.torrent_plugin} plugin not configured' torrents.quit() except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('Could not stop torrent plugin: %s', e) @action @abstractmethod def play(self, resource, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def pause(self, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def stop(self, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def quit(self, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def voldown(self, step: Optional[float] = 5.0, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def volup(self, step: Optional[float] = 5.0, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def back(self, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def forward(self, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def next(self): """Play the next item in the queue""" self.stop() if self._videos_queue: video = self._videos_queue.pop(0) return return None @action @abstractmethod def toggle_subtitles(self, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def set_subtitles(self, filename, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def remove_subtitles(self, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def is_playing(self, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def load(self, resource, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def mute(self, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def seek(self, position, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def set_position(self, position, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def set_volume(self, volume): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action @abstractmethod def status(self): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def search( self, query: str, types: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, queue_results: bool = False, autoplay: bool = False, timeout: float = _default_search_timeout, ): """ Perform a video search. :param query: Query string, video name or partial name :param types: Video types to search (default: ``["youtube", "file", "torrent"]``) :param queue_results: Append the results to the current playing queue (default: False) :param autoplay: Play the first result of the search (default: False) :param timeout: Search timeout (default: 60 seconds) """ results = {} results_queues = {} worker_threads = {} if types is None: types = self._supported_media_types for media_type in types: results[media_type] = [] results_queues[media_type] = queue.Queue() search_hndl = self._get_search_handler_by_type(media_type) worker_threads[media_type] = threading.Thread( target=self._search_worker( query=query, search_hndl=search_hndl, results_queue=results_queues[media_type], ) ) worker_threads[media_type].start() for media_type in types: try: items = results_queues[media_type].get(timeout=timeout) if isinstance(items, Exception): raise items results[media_type].extend(items) except queue.Empty: self.logger.warning( 'Search for "%s" media type %s timed out', query, media_type ) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning( 'Error while searching for "%s", media type %s', query, media_type ) self.logger.exception(e) results = [ {**result, 'type': media_type} for media_type in self._supported_media_types for result in results.get(media_type, []) if media_type in results ] if results: if queue_results: self._videos_queue = [_['url'] for _ in results] if autoplay: elif autoplay:[0]['url']) return results @staticmethod def _search_worker(query, search_hndl, results_queue): def thread(): try: results_queue.put( except Exception as e: results_queue.put(e) return thread def _get_search_handler_by_type(self, search_type: str): if search_type == 'file': from .search import LocalMediaSearcher return LocalMediaSearcher(self.media_dirs, media_plugin=self) if search_type == 'torrent': from .search import TorrentMediaSearcher return TorrentMediaSearcher(media_plugin=self) if search_type == 'youtube': from .search import YoutubeMediaSearcher return YoutubeMediaSearcher(media_plugin=self) if search_type == 'plex': from .search import PlexMediaSearcher return PlexMediaSearcher(media_plugin=self) if search_type == 'jellyfin': from .search import JellyfinMediaSearcher return JellyfinMediaSearcher(media_plugin=self) self.logger.warning('Unsupported search type: %s', search_type) return None @classmethod def is_video_file(cls, filename: str): return filename.lower().split('.')[-1] in cls.video_extensions @classmethod def is_audio_file(cls, filename: str): return filename.lower().split('.')[-1] in cls.audio_extensions def _get_info(self, resource: str): if self._is_youtube_resource(resource): return self.get_youtube_info(resource) return {'url': resource} @action def start_streaming( self, media: str, subtitles: Optional[str] = None, download: bool = False ): """ Starts streaming local media over the specified HTTP port. The stream will be available to HTTP clients on `http://{this-ip}:{http_backend_port}/media/` :param media: Media to stream :param subtitles: Path or URL to the subtitles track to be used :param download: Set to True if you prefer to download the file from the streaming link instead of streaming it :return: dict containing the streaming URL.Example: .. code-block:: json { "id": "0123456abcdef.mp4", "source": "file:///mnt/media/movies/movie.mp4", "mime_type": "video/mp4", "url": "" } """ return self._start_streaming(media, subtitles=subtitles, download=download) def _start_streaming( self, media: str, subtitles: Optional[str] = None, download: bool = False ): http = get_backend('http') assert http, f'Unable to stream {media}: HTTP backend not configured''Starting streaming %s', media) response = requests.put( f'{http.local_base_url}/media' + ('?download' if download else ''), json={'source': media, 'subtitles': subtitles}, timeout=300, ) assert response.ok, response.text or response.reason return response.json() @action def stop_streaming(self, media_id: str): http = get_backend('http') assert http, f'Unable to stop streaming {media_id}: HTTP backend not configured' response = requests.delete( f'{http.local_base_url}/media/{media_id}', timeout=30 ) assert response.ok, response.text or response.reason return response.json() def _get_youtube_info(self, url, youtube_format: Optional[str] = None): ytdl_cmd = [ self._ytdl, *( ['-f', youtube_format or self.youtube_format] if youtube_format or self.youtube_format else [] ), '-j', '-g', url, ]'Executing command %s', ' '.join(ytdl_cmd)) with subprocess.Popen(ytdl_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as ytdl: output = ytdl.communicate()[0].decode().strip() ytdl.wait() stream_url, info = output.split('\n') return { **json.loads(info), 'url': stream_url, } @staticmethod def get_youtube_id(url: str) -> Optional[str]: patterns = [ re.compile(pattern) for pattern in [ r'https?://\?v=([^&#]+)', r'https?://\?v=([^&#]+)', r'https?://[^&#/]+)', r'youtube:video:([^&#:])', ] ] for pattern in patterns: m = if m: return return None @action def get_youtube_url(self, url, youtube_format: Optional[str] = None): youtube_id = self.get_youtube_id(url) if youtube_id: url = f'{youtube_id}' return self._get_youtube_info(url, youtube_format=youtube_format).get('url') return None @action def get_youtube_info(self, url): # Legacy conversion for Mopidy YouTube URIs m = re.match('youtube:video:(.*)', url) if m: url = f'{}' with subprocess.Popen([self._ytdl, '-j', url], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc: if proc.stdout is None: return None return"utf-8", "strict")[:-1] @action def get_info(self, resource: str): return self._get_info(resource) @action def get_media_file_duration(self, filename): """ Get the duration of a media file in seconds. Requires ffmpeg """ if filename.startswith('file://'): filename = filename[7:] with subprocess.Popen( ["ffprobe", filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) as result: if not result.stdout: return 0 return functools.reduce( lambda t, t_i: t + t_i, [ float(t) * pow(60, i) for (i, t) in enumerate( r'^Duration:\s*([^,]+)', [ x.decode() for x in result.stdout.readlines() if "Duration" in x.decode() ] .pop() .strip(), ) .group(1) # type: ignore .split(':')[::-1] ) ], ) @action def download( self, url: str, filename: Optional[str] = None, directory: Optional[str] = None ): """ Download a media URL to a local file on the Platypush host. :param url: Media URL. :param filename: Media filename (default: inferred from the URL basename). :param directory: Destination directory (default: ``download_dir``). :return: The absolute path to the downloaded file. """ if not filename: filename = url.split('/')[-1] if not directory: directory = self.download_dir path = os.path.join(directory, filename) with requests.get(url, timeout=20, stream=True) as r: r.raise_for_status() with open(path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): f.write(chunk) return path def is_local(self): return self._is_local @staticmethod def get_subtitles_file(subtitles: Optional[str] = None): if not subtitles: return None if subtitles.startswith('file://'): subtitles = subtitles[len('file://') :] if os.path.isfile(subtitles): return os.path.abspath(subtitles) content = requests.get(subtitles, timeout=20).content f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='media_subs_', suffix='.srt', delete=False ) with f: f.write(content) return # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: