import os import pathlib import queue import random import threading import time from urllib.parse import quote_plus from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Union import requests from platypush.context import get_bus from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action from platypush.message.event.torrent import ( TorrentDownloadStartEvent, TorrentDownloadedMetadataEvent, TorrentStateChangeEvent, TorrentDownloadProgressEvent, TorrentDownloadCompletedEvent, TorrentDownloadStopEvent, TorrentPausedEvent, TorrentResumedEvent, TorrentQueuedEvent, ) from platypush.utils import get_default_downloads_dir class TorrentPlugin(Plugin): """ Plugin to search and download torrents. """ _http_timeout = 20 # Wait time in seconds between two torrent transfer checks _MONITOR_CHECK_INTERVAL = 3 default_torrent_ports = (6881, 6891) torrent_state = {} transfers = {} default_popcorn_base_url = '' def __init__( self, download_dir: Optional[str] = None, torrent_ports: Iterable[int] = default_torrent_ports, popcorn_base_url: str = default_popcorn_base_url, **kwargs, ): """ :param download_dir: Directory where the videos/torrents will be downloaded (default: ``~/Downloads``). :param torrent_ports: Torrent ports to listen on (default: 6881 and 6891) :param popcorn_base_url: Custom base URL to use for the PopcornTime API. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.torrent_ports = torrent_ports self.download_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(download_dir or get_default_downloads_dir()) ) self._sessions = {} self._lt_session = None self.popcorn_base_url = popcorn_base_url self.torrent_base_urls = { 'movies': f'{popcorn_base_url}/movie/{{}}', 'tv': f'{popcorn_base_url}/show/{{}}', } pathlib.Path(self.download_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) @action def search( self, query: str, *args, category: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Perform a search of video torrents. :param query: Query string, video name or partial name :param category: Category to search. Supported types: "movies", "tv". Default: None (search all categories) :param language: Language code for the results - example: "en" (default: None, no filter) """ results = [] if isinstance(category, str): category = [category] def worker(cat): if cat not in self.categories: raise RuntimeError( f'Unsupported category {cat}. Supported categories: ' f'{list(self.categories.keys())}' )'Searching %s torrents for "%s"', cat, query) results.extend( self.categories[cat](self, query, *args, language=language, **kwargs) ) workers = [ threading.Thread(target=worker, kwargs={'cat': category}) for category in (category or self.categories.keys()) ] for wrk in workers: wrk.start() for wrk in workers: wrk.join() return results def _imdb_query(self, query: str, category: str): if not query: return [] if category == 'movies': imdb_category = 'movie' elif category == 'tv': imdb_category = 'tvSeries' else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unsupported category: {category}') imdb_url = f'{quote_plus(query)}.json?includeVideos=1' response = requests.get(imdb_url, timeout=self._http_timeout) response.raise_for_status() response = response.json() assert not response.get('errorMessage'), response['errorMessage'] return [ item for item in response.get('d', []) if item.get('qid') == imdb_category ] def _torrent_search_worker(self, imdb_id: str, category: str, q: queue.Queue): base_url = self.torrent_base_urls.get(category) assert base_url, f'No such category: {category}' try: results = requests.get( base_url.format(imdb_id), timeout=self._http_timeout ).json() q.put(results) except Exception as e: q.put(e) def _search_torrents(self, query, category): imdb_results = self._imdb_query(query, category) result_queues = [queue.Queue()] * len(imdb_results) workers = [ threading.Thread( target=self._torrent_search_worker, kwargs={ 'imdb_id': imdb_results[i]['id'], 'category': category, 'q': result_queues[i], }, ) for i in range(len(imdb_results)) ] results = [] errors = [] for worker in workers: worker.start() for q in result_queues: res_ = q.get() if isinstance(res_, Exception): errors.append(res_) else: results.append(res_) for worker in workers: worker.join() if errors: self.logger.warning('Torrent search errors: %s', [str(e) for e in errors]) return results @staticmethod def _results_to_movies_response( results: List[dict], language: Optional[str] = None ): return sorted( [ { 'imdb_id': result.get('imdb_id'), 'type': 'movies', 'file': item.get('file'), 'title': ( result.get('title', '[No Title]') + f' [movies][{lang}][{quality}]' ), 'duration': int(result.get('runtime') or 0) * 60, 'year': int(result.get('year') or 0), 'synopsis': result.get('synopsis'), 'trailer': result.get('trailer'), 'genres': result.get('genres', []), 'image': result.get('images', {}).get('poster'), 'rating': result.get('rating', {}), 'language': lang, 'quality': quality, 'size': item.get('size'), 'provider': item.get('provider'), 'seeds': item.get('seed'), 'peers': item.get('peer'), 'url': item.get('url'), } for result in results for (lang, items) in (result.get('torrents', {}) or {}).items() if not language or language == lang for (quality, item) in items.items() if quality != '0' ], key=lambda item: item.get('seeds', 0), reverse=True, ) @staticmethod def _results_to_tv_response(results: List[dict]): return sorted( [ { 'imdb_id': result.get('imdb_id'), 'tvdb_id': result.get('tvdb_id'), 'type': 'tv', 'file': item.get('file'), 'series': result.get('title'), 'title': ( result.get('title', '[No Title]') + f'[S{episode.get("season", 0):02d}E{episode.get("episode", 0):02d}] ' + f'{episode.get("title", "[No Title]")} [tv][{quality}]' ), 'duration': int(result.get('runtime') or 0) * 60, 'year': int(result.get('year') or 0), 'synopsis': result.get('synopsis'), 'overview': episode.get('overview'), 'season': episode.get('season'), 'episode': episode.get('episode'), 'num_seasons': result.get('num_seasons'), 'country': result.get('country'), 'network': result.get('network'), 'status': result.get('status'), 'genres': result.get('genres', []), 'image': result.get('images', {}).get('fanart'), 'rating': result.get('rating', {}), 'quality': quality, 'provider': item.get('provider'), 'seeds': item.get('seeds'), 'peers': item.get('peers'), 'url': item.get('url'), } for result in results for episode in result.get('episodes', []) for quality, item in (episode.get('torrents', {}) or {}).items() if quality != '0' ], key=lambda item: ( '.'.join( [ item.get('series', ''), item.get('quality', ''), str(item.get('season', 0)).zfill(2), str(item.get('episode', 0)).zfill(2), ] ) ), ) def search_movies(self, query, language=None): return self._results_to_movies_response( self._search_torrents(query, 'movies'), language=language ) def search_tv(self, query, **_): return self._results_to_tv_response(self._search_torrents(query, 'tv')) def _get_torrent_info(self, torrent, download_dir): import libtorrent as lt torrent_file = None magnet = None info = {} file_info = {} if torrent.startswith('magnet:?'): magnet = torrent magnet_info = lt.parse_magnet_uri(magnet) if isinstance(magnet_info, dict): info = { 'name': magnet_info.get('name'), 'url': magnet, 'magnet': magnet, 'trackers': magnet_info.get('trackers', []), 'save_path': download_dir, } else: info = { 'name':, 'url': magnet, 'magnet': magnet, 'trackers': magnet_info.trackers, 'save_path': download_dir, } elif torrent.startswith('http://') or torrent.startswith('https://'): response = requests.get( torrent, timeout=self._http_timeout, allow_redirects=True ) torrent_file = os.path.join(download_dir, self._generate_rand_filename()) with open(torrent_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) else: torrent_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(torrent)) if not os.path.isfile(torrent_file): raise RuntimeError(f'{torrent_file} is not a valid torrent file') if torrent_file: file_info = lt.torrent_info(torrent_file) info = { 'name':, 'url': torrent, 'trackers': [t.url for t in list(file_info.trackers())], 'save_path': download_dir, } return info, file_info, torrent_file, magnet def _fire_event(self, event, event_hndl): bus = get_bus() try: if event_hndl: event_hndl(event) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('Exception in torrent event handler: %s', e) self.logger.exception(e) def _torrent_monitor(self, torrent, transfer, download_dir, event_hndl, is_media): def thread(): files = [] last_status = None download_started = False metadata_downloaded = False while not transfer.is_finished(): if torrent not in self.transfers:'Torrent %s has been stopped and removed', torrent) self._fire_event(TorrentDownloadStopEvent(url=torrent), event_hndl) break status = transfer.status() torrent_file = transfer.torrent_file() if torrent_file: self.torrent_state[torrent]['size'] = torrent_file.total_size() files = [ os.path.join(download_dir, torrent_file.files().file_path(i)) for i in range(0, torrent_file.files().num_files()) ] if is_media: from import MediaPlugin files = [f for f in files if MediaPlugin.is_video_file(f)] self.torrent_state[torrent]['download_rate'] = status.download_rate self.torrent_state[torrent]['name'] = self.torrent_state[torrent]['num_peers'] = status.num_peers self.torrent_state[torrent]['paused'] = status.paused self.torrent_state[torrent]['progress'] = round( 100 * status.progress, 2 ) self.torrent_state[torrent]['state'] = self.torrent_state[torrent]['title'] = self.torrent_state[torrent]['torrent'] = torrent self.torrent_state[torrent]['upload_rate'] = status.upload_rate self.torrent_state[torrent]['url'] = torrent self.torrent_state[torrent]['files'] = files if transfer.has_metadata() and not metadata_downloaded: self._fire_event( TorrentDownloadedMetadataEvent(**self.torrent_state[torrent]), event_hndl, ) metadata_downloaded = True if status.state == status.downloading and not download_started: self._fire_event( TorrentDownloadStartEvent(**self.torrent_state[torrent]), event_hndl, ) download_started = True if last_status and status.progress != last_status.progress: self._fire_event( TorrentDownloadProgressEvent(**self.torrent_state[torrent]), event_hndl, ) if not last_status or status.state != last_status.state: self._fire_event( TorrentStateChangeEvent(**self.torrent_state[torrent]), event_hndl, ) if last_status and status.paused != last_status.paused: if status.paused: self._fire_event( TorrentPausedEvent(**self.torrent_state[torrent]), event_hndl, ) else: self._fire_event( TorrentResumedEvent(**self.torrent_state[torrent]), event_hndl, ) last_status = status time.sleep(self._MONITOR_CHECK_INTERVAL) if transfer and transfer.is_finished(): self._fire_event( TorrentDownloadCompletedEvent(**self.torrent_state[torrent]), event_hndl, ) self.remove(torrent) return files return thread def _get_session(self): if self._lt_session: return self._lt_session import libtorrent as lt self._lt_session = lt.session() return self._lt_session @action def download( self, torrent, download_dir=None, _async=False, event_hndl=None, is_media=False ): """ Download a torrent. :param torrent: Torrent to download. Supported formats: * Magnet URLs * Torrent URLs * Local torrent file :type torrent: str :param download_dir: Directory to download, overrides the default download_dir attribute (default: None) :type download_dir: str :param _async: If true then the method will add the torrent to the transfer and then return. Updates on the download status should be retrieved either by listening to torrent events or registering the event handler. If false (default) then the method will exit only when the torrent download is complete. :type _async: bool :param event_hndl: A function that takes an event object as argument and is invoked upon a new torrent event (download started, progressing, completed etc.) :type event_hndl: function :param is_media: Set it to true if you're downloading a media file that you'd like to stream as soon as the first chunks are available. If so, then the events and the status method will only include media files :type is_media: bool """ if torrent in self.torrent_state and torrent in self.transfers: return self.torrent_state[torrent] import libtorrent as lt if not download_dir: if self.download_dir: download_dir = self.download_dir else: raise RuntimeError('download_dir not specified') download_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(download_dir)) os.makedirs(download_dir, exist_ok=True) info, file_info, torrent_file, magnet = self._get_torrent_info( torrent, download_dir ) if torrent in self._sessions:'A torrent session is already running for %s', torrent) return self.torrent_state.get(torrent, {}) session = self._get_session() session.listen_on(*self.torrent_ports) self._sessions[torrent] = session params = { 'save_path': download_dir, 'storage_mode': lt.storage_mode_t.storage_mode_sparse, } if magnet: transfer = lt.add_magnet_uri(session, magnet, params) else: params['ti'] = file_info transfer = session.add_torrent(params) self.transfers[torrent] = transfer self.torrent_state[torrent] = { 'url': torrent, 'title': transfer.status().name, 'trackers': info['trackers'], 'save_path': download_dir, 'torrent_file': torrent_file, } self._fire_event(TorrentQueuedEvent(url=torrent), event_hndl) 'Downloading "%s" to "%s" from [%s]', info['name'], download_dir, torrent ) monitor_thread = self._torrent_monitor( torrent=torrent, transfer=transfer, download_dir=download_dir, event_hndl=event_hndl, is_media=is_media, ) if not _async: return monitor_thread() threading.Thread(target=monitor_thread).start() return self.torrent_state[torrent] @action def status(self, torrent=None): """ Get the status of the current transfers. :param torrent: Torrent path, URL or magnet URI whose status will be retrieve (default: None, retrieve all current transfers) :type torrent: str :returns: A dictionary in the format torrent_url -> status """ if torrent: return self.torrent_state.get(torrent) return self.torrent_state @action def pause(self, torrent): """ Pause/resume a torrent transfer. :param torrent: Torrent URL as returned from `get_status()` :type torrent: str """ if torrent not in self.transfers: return None, f"No transfer in progress for {torrent}" if self.torrent_state[torrent].get('paused', False): self.transfers[torrent].resume() else: self.transfers[torrent].pause() return self.torrent_state[torrent] @action def resume(self, torrent): """ Resume a torrent transfer. :param torrent: Torrent URL as returned from `get_status()` :type torrent: str """ assert torrent in self.transfers, f"No transfer in progress for {torrent}" self.transfers[torrent].resume() @action def remove(self, torrent): """ Stops and removes a torrent transfer. :param torrent: Torrent URL as returned from `get_status()` :type torrent: str """ assert torrent in self.transfers, f"No transfer in progress for {torrent}" self.transfers[torrent].pause() del self.torrent_state[torrent] del self.transfers[torrent] if torrent in self._sessions: del self._sessions[torrent] @action def quit(self): """ Quits all the transfers and the active session """ transfers = self.transfers.copy() for torrent in transfers: self.remove(torrent) @staticmethod def _generate_rand_filename(length=16): name = '' for _ in range(0, length): name += hex(random.randint(0, 15))[2:].upper() return name + '.torrent' categories = { 'movies': search_movies, 'tv': search_tv, } # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: