from dataclasses import dataclass, field from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum from functools import partial from typing import Any, List, Optional from marshmallow import pre_load from marshmallow.fields import Function from marshmallow.validate import Range from marshmallow_dataclass import class_schema from platypush.schemas import EnumField from platypush.schemas.dataclasses import DataClassSchema class LinodeInstanceStatus(Enum): """ Maps the possible states of an instance. """ RUNNING = 'running' OFFLINE = 'offline' BOOTING = 'booting' REBOOTING = 'rebooting' SHUTTING_DOWN = 'shutting_down' PROVISIONING = 'provisioning' DELETING = 'deleting' MIGRATING = 'migrating' REBUILDING = 'rebuilding' CLONING = 'cloning' RESTORING = 'restoring' STOPPED = 'stopped' class LinodeInstanceBackupScheduleDay(Enum): """ Allowed values for ````. """ SCHEDULING = 'Scheduling' SUNDAY = 'Sunday' MONDAY = 'Monday' TUESDAY = 'Tuesday' WEDNESDAY = 'Wednesday' THURSDAY = 'Thursday' FRIDAY = 'Friday' SATURDAY = 'Saturday' class LinodeInstanceBackupScheduleWindow(Enum): """ Allowed values for ``backups.schedule.window``. The window in which your backups will be taken, in UTC. A backups window is a two-hour span of time in which the backup may occur. For example, W10 indicates that your backups should be taken between 10:00 and 12:00. """ SCHEDULING = 'Scheduling' W0 = 'W0' W2 = 'W2' W4 = 'W4' W6 = 'W6' W8 = 'W8' W10 = 'W10' W12 = 'W12' W14 = 'W14' W16 = 'W16' W18 = 'W18' W20 = 'W20' W22 = 'W22' class FieldWithId(Function): """ Field that handles values that are objects with an ``id`` attribute. """ def _deserialize(self, value: Any, *_, **__) -> Optional[Any]: return if value is not None else None def _serialize(self, value: Any, *_, **__) -> Optional[Any]: return value class LinodeBaseSchema(DataClassSchema): """ Base schema for all Linode objects. """ TYPE_MAPPING = { LinodeInstanceStatus: partial( # type: ignore EnumField, type=LinodeInstanceStatus ), LinodeInstanceBackupScheduleDay: partial( # type: ignore EnumField, type=LinodeInstanceBackupScheduleDay ), LinodeInstanceBackupScheduleWindow: partial( # type: ignore EnumField, type=LinodeInstanceBackupScheduleWindow ), **DataClassSchema.TYPE_MAPPING, } @pre_load def pre_load(self, data: dict, **_) -> dict: from linode_api4.objects.base import MappedObject # Expand MappedObjects to dictionaries for key, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, MappedObject): data[key] = value.dict # NOTE Workaround for type -> instance_type not being correctly mapped if 'type' in data: data['instance_type'] = data.pop('type') return data @dataclass class LinodeInstanceSpecs: """ Class that models the specifications of a Linode instance. """ disk: int = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': 'Allocated disk size, in MB', 'example': 100000, } } ) memory: int = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': 'Allocated RAM size, in MB', 'example': 8192, } } ) cpus: int = field( metadata={ 'data_key': 'vcpus', 'metadata': { 'description': 'Number of virtual CPUs allocated to the instance', 'example': 4, }, } ) gpus: int = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': 'Number of GPUs allocated to the instance', 'example': 1, } } ) transfer: int = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': ( 'Number of network transfers this instance is allotted each month', ), 'example': 5000, } } ) @dataclass class LinodeInstanceAlerts: """ Class that models the alerts configuration of a Linode instance. """ cpu: int = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'validate': Range(min=0, max=100), 'description': ( 'The percentage of CPU average usage over the past two hours ' 'required to trigger an alert', ), 'example': 90, } } ) io: int = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': ( 'The amount of disk I/O operations per second required to ' 'trigger an alert' ), 'example': 5000, } } ) network_in: int = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': ( 'The amount of incoming network traffic, in Mbit/s, ' 'required to trigger an alert' ), 'example': 10, } } ) network_out: int = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': ( 'The amount of outgoing network traffic, in Mbit/s, ' 'required to trigger an alert' ), 'example': 10, } } ) transfer_quota: int = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'validate': Range(min=0, max=100), 'description': ( 'The percentage of network transfer that may be used before ' 'an alert is triggered', ), 'example': 80, } } ) @dataclass class LinodeInstanceBackupSchedule: """ Class that models the backup schedule of a Linode instance. """ day: Optional[LinodeInstanceBackupScheduleDay] window: Optional[LinodeInstanceBackupScheduleWindow] @dataclass class LinodeInstanceBackups: """ Class that models the backup status of a Linode instance. """ available: bool enabled: bool = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': 'Whether the backups are enabled on this instance', 'example': True, } } ) schedule: LinodeInstanceBackupSchedule last_successful: Optional[datetime] = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': 'When the last backup was successful', 'example': '2020-01-01T00:00:00Z', } } ) @dataclass class LinodeInstance: """ Class that models a Linode instance. """ id: int = field( metadata={ 'required': True, 'metadata': { 'description': 'Instance ID', 'example': 12345, }, } ) name: str = field( metadata={ 'required': True, 'data_key': 'label', 'metadata': { 'description': 'Instance name', 'example': 'my-instance', }, }, ) instance_type: str = field( metadata={ 'marshmallow_field': FieldWithId(), 'metadata': { 'description': 'Instance type', 'example': 'g6-standard-4', }, } ) ipv4_addresses: List[str] = field( metadata={ 'data_key': 'ipv4', 'metadata': { 'description': 'List of IPv4 addresses associated with this instance', 'example': '[""]', }, } ) ipv6_address: str = field( metadata={ 'data_key': 'ipv6', 'metadata': { 'description': 'IPv6 address associated with this instance', 'example': '1234:5678::9abc:def0:1234:5678/128', }, } ) group: str = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': 'Group the instance belongs to', 'example': 'my-group', } } ) status: LinodeInstanceStatus = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': 'Instance status', 'example': 'running', } } ) tags: List[str] = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': 'List of tags associated with this instance', 'example': '["tag1", "tag2"]', } } ) image: str = field( metadata={ 'marshmallow_field': FieldWithId(), 'metadata': { 'description': 'Image used to ', 'example': 'linode/archlinux2014.04', }, } ) region: str = field( metadata={ 'marshmallow_field': FieldWithId(), 'metadata': { 'description': 'Region where the instance is located', 'example': 'eu-west', }, } ) hypervisor: str = field( metadata={ 'metadata': { 'description': 'The virtualization engine powering this instance', 'example': 'kvm', } } ) specs: LinodeInstanceSpecs alerts: LinodeInstanceAlerts backups: LinodeInstanceBackups created_at: datetime = field( metadata={ 'data_key': 'created', 'metadata': { 'description': 'Instance creation date', 'example': '2020-01-01T00:00:00Z', }, } ) updated_at: datetime = field( metadata={ 'data_key': 'updated', 'metadata': { 'description': 'When the instance was last polled/updated', 'example': '2020-01-01T01:00:00Z', }, } ) LinodeInstanceSchema = class_schema(LinodeInstance, base_schema=LinodeBaseSchema)