from marshmallow import fields from marshmallow.schema import Schema from platypush.schemas import DateTime class MillisecondsTimestamp(DateTime): def _get_attr(self, *args, **kwargs): value = super()._get_attr(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(value, int): value = float(value / 1000) return value class MatrixEventIdSchema(Schema): event_id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ 'description': 'Event ID', 'example': '$24KT_aQz6sSKaZH8oTCibRTl62qywDgQXMpz5epXsW5', }, ) class MatrixRoomIdSchema(Schema): room_id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ 'description': 'Room ID', 'example': '!', }, ) class MatrixProfileSchema(Schema): user_id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ 'description': 'User ID', 'example': '', }, ) display_name = fields.String( attribute='displayname', metadata={ 'description': 'User display name', 'example': 'Foo Bar', }, ) avatar_url = fields.URL( metadata={ 'description': 'User avatar URL', 'example': 'mxc://', } ) class MatrixMemberSchema(MatrixProfileSchema): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['display_name'].attribute = 'display_name' class MatrixRoomSchema(Schema): room_id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ 'description': 'Room ID', 'example': '!', }, ) name = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Room name', 'example': 'My Room', } ) display_name = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Room display name', 'example': 'My Room', } ) topic = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Room topic', 'example': 'My Room Topic', } ) avatar_url = fields.URL( attribute='room_avatar_url', metadata={ 'description': 'Room avatar URL', 'example': 'mxc://', }, ) owner_id = fields.String( attribute='own_user_id', metadata={ 'description': 'Owner user ID', 'example': '', }, ) encrypted = fields.Bool() class MatrixDeviceSchema(Schema): device_id = fields.String( required=True, attribute='id', metadata={ 'description': 'ABCDEFG', }, ) user_id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ 'description': 'User ID associated to the device', 'example': '', }, ) display_name = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Display name of the device', 'example': 'Element Android', }, ) blacklisted = fields.Boolean() deleted = fields.Boolean(default=False) ignored = fields.Boolean() verified = fields.Boolean() keys = fields.Dict( metadata={ 'description': 'Encryption keys supported by the device', 'example': { 'curve25519': 'BtlB0vaQmtYFsvOYkmxyzw9qP5yGjuAyRh4gXh3q', 'ed25519': 'atohIK2FeVlYoY8xxpZ1bhDbveD+HA2DswNFqUxP', }, }, ) class MatrixMyDeviceSchema(Schema): device_id = fields.String( required=True, attribute='id', metadata={ 'description': 'ABCDEFG', }, ) display_name = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Device display name', 'example': 'My Device', } ) last_seen_ip = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Last IP associated to this device', 'example': '', } ) last_seen_date = DateTime( metadata={ 'description': 'The last time that the device was reported online', 'example': '2022-07-23T17:20:01.254223', } ) class MatrixDownloadedFileSchema(Schema): url = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Matrix URL of the original resource', 'example': 'mxc://', }, ) path = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Local path where the file has been saved', 'example': '/home/user/Downloads/image.png', } ) content_type = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Content type of the downloaded file', 'example': 'image/png', } ) size = fields.Int( metadata={ 'description': 'Length in bytes of the output file', 'example': 1024, } ) class MatrixMessageSchema(Schema): event_id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ 'description': 'Event ID associated to this message', 'example': '$2eOQ5ueafANj91GnPCRkRUOOjM7dI5kFDOlfMNCD2ly', }, ) room_id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ 'description': 'The ID of the room containing the message', 'example': '!', }, ) user_id = fields.String( required=True, attribute='sender', metadata={ 'description': 'ID of the user who sent the message', 'example': '', }, ) body = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ 'description': 'Message body', 'example': 'Hello world!', }, ) format = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Message format', 'example': 'markdown', }, ) formatted_body = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Formatted body', 'example': '**Hello world!**', }, ) url = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'mxc:// URL if this message contains an attachment', 'example': 'mxc://', }, ) content_type = fields.String( attribute='mimetype', metadata={ 'description': 'If the message contains an attachment, this field ' 'will contain its MIME type', 'example': 'image/jpeg', }, ) transaction_id = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Set if this message a unique transaction_id associated', 'example': 'mQ8hZR6Dx8I8YDMwONYmBkf7lTgJSMV/ZPqosDNM', }, ) decrypted = fields.Bool( metadata={ 'description': 'True if the message was encrypted and has been ' 'successfully decrypted', }, ) verified = fields.Bool( metadata={ 'description': 'True if this is an encrypted message coming from a ' 'verified source' }, ) hashes = fields.Dict( metadata={ 'description': 'If the message has been decrypted, this field ' 'contains a mapping of its hashes', 'example': {'sha256': 'yoQLQwcURq6/bJp1xQ/uhn9Z2xeA27KhMhPd/mfT8tR'}, }, ) iv = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'If the message has been decrypted, this field ' 'contains the encryption initial value', 'example': 'NqJMMdijlLvAAAAAAAAAAA', }, ) key = fields.Dict( metadata={ 'description': 'If the message has been decrypted, this field ' 'contains the encryption/decryption key', 'example': { 'alg': 'A256CTR', 'ext': True, 'k': 'u6jjAyNvJoBHE55P5ZfvX49m3oSt9s_L4PSQdprRSJI', 'key_ops': ['encrypt', 'decrypt'], 'kty': 'oct', }, }, ) timestamp = MillisecondsTimestamp( required=True, attribute='server_timestamp', metadata={ 'description': 'When the event was registered on the server', 'example': '2022-07-23T17:20:01.254223', }, ) class MatrixMessagesResponseSchema(Schema): messages = fields.Nested( MatrixMessageSchema, many=True, required=True, attribute='chunk', ) start = fields.String( required=True, nullable=True, metadata={ 'description': 'Pointer to the first message. It can be used as a ' '``start``/``end`` for another ``get_messages`` query.', 'example': 's10226_143893_619_3648_5951_5_555_7501_0', }, ) end = fields.String( required=True, nullable=True, metadata={ 'description': 'Pointer to the last message. It can be used as a ' '``start``/``end`` for another ``get_messages`` query.', 'example': 't2-10202_143892_626_3663_5949_6_558_7501_0', }, ) start_time = MillisecondsTimestamp( required=True, nullable=True, metadata={ 'description': 'The oldest timestamp of the returned messages', 'example': '2022-07-23T16:20:01.254223', }, ) end_time = MillisecondsTimestamp( required=True, nullable=True, metadata={ 'description': 'The newest timestamp of the returned messages', 'example': '2022-07-23T18:20:01.254223', }, )