from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, fields from marshmallow.schema import Schema class TrelloLabelSchema(Schema): """ Trello label schema. """ id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The label's unique identifier.", "example": "5d62808da5d6a95a3a3e4f2f", }, ) name = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The label's name.", "example": "My Label", }, ) color = fields.String( metadata={ "description": "The label's color.", "example": "green", }, ) class TrelloUserSchema(Schema): """ Trello user schema. """ id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The user's unique identifier.", "example": "5d62808da5d6a95a3a3e4f2f", }, ) username = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The user's username.", "example": "myusername", }, ) fullname = fields.String( metadata={ "description": "The user's full name.", "example": "My Full Name", }, ) initials = fields.String( metadata={ "description": "The user's initials.", "example": "MFN", }, ) avatar_url = fields.Url( metadata={ "description": "The user's avatar URL.", "example": "", }, ) class TrelloMemberSchema(Schema): """ Trello member schema. """ id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The user's unique identifier.", "example": "5d62808da5d6a95a3a3e4f2f", }, ) username = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The user's username.", "example": "myusername", }, ) fullname = fields.String( metadata={ "description": "The user's full name.", "example": "My Full Name", }, ) initials = fields.String( metadata={ "description": "The user's initials.", "example": "MFN", }, ) bio = fields.String( metadata={ "description": "The user's bio.", "example": "My bio.", }, ) member_type = fields.String( metadata={ "description": "The user's type.", "example": "admin", }, ) class TrelloCommentSchema(Schema): """ Trello comment schema. """ id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The comment's unique identifier.", "example": "5d62808da5d6a95a3a3e4f2f", }, ) text = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The comment's text.", "example": "My comment's text.", }, ) type = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The comment's type.", "example": "commentCard", }, ) creator = fields.Nested(TrelloUserSchema) date = fields.DateTime( metadata={ "description": "The comment's date.", "example": "2019-08-25T15:32:13.000Z", }, ) class TrelloListSchema(Schema): """ Trello list schema. """ class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Meta class. """ unknown = EXCLUDE id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The list's unique identifier.", "example": "5d62808da5d6a95a3a3e4f2f", }, ) name = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The list's name.", "example": "My List", }, ) closed = fields.Boolean( missing=False, metadata={ "description": "Whether the list is closed.", "example": False, }, ) subscribed = fields.Boolean( missing=False, metadata={ "description": "Whether the list is subscribed.", "example": False, }, ) class TrelloBoardSchema(Schema): """ Trello board schema. """ class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Meta class. """ unknown = EXCLUDE id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The board's unique identifier.", "example": "5d62808da5d6a95a3a3e4f2f", }, ) name = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The board's name.", "example": "My Board", }, ) url = fields.Url( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The board's URL.", "example": "", }, ) closed = fields.Boolean( missing=False, metadata={ "description": "Whether the board is closed.", "example": False, }, ) lists = fields.Nested( TrelloListSchema, many=True, metadata={ "description": "The board's lists.", }, ) date_last_activity = fields.DateTime( metadata={ "description": "The board's last activity date.", "example": "2019-08-25T15:52:45.000Z", }, ) class TrelloPreviewSchema(Schema): """ Trello attachment preview schema. """ id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The preview's unique identifier.", "example": "5d62808da5d6a95a3a3e4f2f", }, ) url = fields.Url( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The preview's URL.", "example": "", }, ) scaled = fields.Boolean( metadata={ "description": "Whether the preview is scaled.", "example": True, }, ) size = fields.Integer( metadata={ "description": "The preview's size, in bytes.", "example": 10000, }, ) width = fields.Integer( metadata={ "description": "The preview's width, in pixels.", "example": 100, }, ) height = fields.Integer( metadata={ "description": "The preview's height, in pixels.", "example": 100, }, ) class TrelloChecklistItemSchema(Schema): """ Trello checklist item schema. """ id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The checklist item's unique identifier.", "example": "5d62808da5d6a95a3a3e4f2f", }, ) name = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The checklist item's name.", "example": "My Checklist Item", }, ) checked = fields.Boolean( metadata={ "description": "Whether the checklist item is checked.", "example": True, }, ) class TrelloChecklistSchema(Schema): """ Trello checklist schema. """ id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The checklist's unique identifier.", "example": "5d62808da5d6a95a3a3e4f2f", }, ) name = fields.String( metadata={ "description": "The checklist's name.", "example": "My Checklist", }, ) items = fields.Nested(TrelloChecklistItemSchema, many=True) class TrelloAttachmentSchema(Schema): """ Trello attachment schema. """ id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The attachment's unique identifier.", "example": "5d62808da5d6a95a3a3e4f2f", }, ) name = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The attachment's name.", "example": "My Attachment.txt", }, ) url = fields.Url( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The attachment's URL.", "example": "", }, ) size = fields.Integer( metadata={ "description": "The attachment's size, in bytes.", "example": 1024, }, ) date = fields.DateTime( metadata={ "description": "The attachment's date.", "example": "2019-08-25T15:32:13.000Z", }, ) edge_color = fields.String( metadata={ "description": "The attachment's edge color.", "example": "#000000", }, ) member_id = fields.String( metadata={ "description": "The ID of the member who created the attachment.", "example": "5d62808da5d6a95a3a3e4f2f", }, ) is_upload = fields.Boolean( metadata={ "description": "Whether the attachment is an upload.", "example": True, }, ) mime_type = fields.String( metadata={ "description": "The attachment's MIME type.", "example": "text/plain", }, ) previews = fields.Nested(TrelloPreviewSchema, many=True) class TrelloCardSchema(Schema): """ Trello card schema. """ class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Meta class. """ unknown = EXCLUDE id = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The card's unique identifier.", "example": "5d62808da5d6a95a3a3e4f2f", }, ) name = fields.String( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The card's name.", "example": "My Card", }, ) description = fields.String( metadata={ "description": "The card's description.", "example": "My card's description.", }, ) url = fields.Url( required=True, metadata={ "description": "The card's URL.", "example": "", }, ) due_date = fields.DateTime( metadata={ "description": "The card's due date.", "example": "2019-08-25T15:52:45.000Z", }, ) latest_card_move_date = fields.DateTime( metadata={ "description": "The card's latest move date.", "example": "2019-08-25T15:52:45.000Z", }, ) date_last_activity = fields.DateTime( metadata={ "description": "The card's last activity date.", "example": "2019-08-25T15:52:45.000Z", }, ) closed = fields.Boolean( missing=False, metadata={ "description": "Whether the card is closed.", "example": False, }, ) is_due_complete = fields.Boolean( metadata={ "description": "Whether the card is due complete.", "example": False, }, ) board = fields.Nested(TrelloBoardSchema) list = fields.Nested(TrelloListSchema) comments = fields.Nested(TrelloCommentSchema, many=True) labels = fields.Nested(TrelloLabelSchema, many=True) attachments = fields.Nested(TrelloAttachmentSchema, many=True) checklists = fields.Nested(TrelloChecklistSchema, many=True)