from typing import Optional from datetime import datetime from import tzutc from marshmallow import fields, pre_dump from marshmallow.schema import Schema from marshmallow.validate import OneOf from platypush.schemas import DateTime def _get_precip_type(response: dict) -> Optional[str]: if response.get('snow', {}).get('1h', 0) > 0: return 'snow' if response.get('rain', {}).get('1h', 0) > 0: return 'rain' return None class WeatherSchema(Schema): """ Schema for weather data. """ time = DateTime( required=True, attribute='dt', metadata={ 'description': 'Time of the weather condition', 'example': '2020-01-01T12:00:00+00:00', }, ) summary = fields.Function( lambda obj: obj.get('weather', [{'main': 'Unknown'}])[0].get('main', 'Unknown'), metadata={ 'description': 'Summary of the weather condition', 'example': 'Cloudy', }, ) icon = fields.Function( lambda obj: obj.get('weather', [{'icon': 'unknown'}])[0].get('icon', 'unknown'), metadata={ 'description': 'Icon representing the weather condition', 'example': 'cloudy', }, ) precip_intensity = fields.Function( lambda obj: obj.get('rain', obj.get('snow', {})).get('1h', 0), metadata={ 'description': 'Intensity of the precipitation', 'example': 0.0, }, ) precip_type = fields.Function( _get_precip_type, metadata={ 'description': 'Type of precipitation', 'example': 'rain', }, ) temperature = fields.Function( lambda obj: obj.get('main', {}).get('temp'), metadata={ 'description': 'Temperature in the configured unit of measure', 'example': 10.0, }, ) apparent_temperature = fields.Function( lambda obj: obj.get('main', {}).get('feels_like'), metadata={ 'description': 'Apparent temperature in the configured unit of measure', 'example': 9.0, }, ) humidity = fields.Function( lambda obj: obj.get('main', {}).get('humidity'), metadata={ 'description': 'Humidity percentage, between 0 and 100', 'example': 30, }, ) pressure = fields.Function( lambda obj: obj.get('main', {}).get('pressure'), metadata={ 'description': 'Pressure in hPa', 'example': 1000.0, }, ) wind_speed = fields.Function( lambda obj: obj.get('wind', {}).get('speed'), metadata={ 'description': 'Wind speed in the configured unit of measure', 'example': 10.0, }, ) wind_direction = fields.Function( lambda obj: obj.get('wind', {}).get('deg'), metadata={ 'description': 'Wind direction in degrees', 'example': 180.0, }, ) wind_gust = fields.Function( lambda obj: obj.get('wind', {}).get('gust'), metadata={ 'description': 'Wind gust in the configured unit of measure', 'example': 15.0, }, ) cloud_cover = fields.Function( lambda obj: obj.get('clouds', {}).get('all'), metadata={ 'description': 'Cloud cover percentage between 0 and 100', 'example': 0.5, }, ) visibility = fields.Float( metadata={ 'description': 'Visibility in meters', 'example': 2000.0, }, ) sunrise = DateTime( metadata={ 'description': 'Sunrise time', 'example': '2020-01-01T06:00:00+00:00', }, ) sunset = DateTime( metadata={ 'description': 'Sunset time', 'example': '2020-01-01T18:00:00+00:00', }, ) units = fields.String( missing='metric', validate=OneOf(['metric', 'imperial']), metadata={ 'description': 'Unit of measure', 'example': 'metric', }, ) @staticmethod def _timestamp_to_dt(timestamp: float) -> datetime: return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=tzutc()) @pre_dump def _pre_dump(self, data: dict, **_) -> dict: sun_data = data.pop('sys', {}) sunrise = sun_data.get('sunrise') sunset = sun_data.get('sunset') if sunrise is not None: data['sunrise'] = self._timestamp_to_dt(sunrise) if sunset is not None: data['sunset'] = self._timestamp_to_dt(sunset) return data class WeatherReportSchema(Schema): """ Schema for full weather reports. """ current = fields.Nested(WeatherSchema, required=True) forecast = fields.List(fields.Nested(WeatherSchema), required=True)