import json import os from threading import RLock from typing import Iterable, Optional from google.auth import jwt from import pubsub_v1 as pubsub # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from google.api_core.exceptions import AlreadyExists, NotFound from platypush.config import Config from import GooglePubsubMessageEvent from platypush.plugins import RunnablePlugin, action class GooglePubsubPlugin(RunnablePlugin): """ Publishes and subscribes to Google Pub/Sub topics. You'll need a Google Cloud active project and a set of credentials to use this plugin: 1. Create a project on the `Google Cloud console `_ if you don't have one already. 2. In the `Google Cloud API console `_ create a new service account key. Select "New Service Account", choose the role "Pub/Sub Editor" and leave the key type as JSON. 3. Download the JSON service credentials file. By default Platypush will look for the credentials file under ``/credentials/google/pubsub.json``. """ publisher_audience = '' subscriber_audience = '' default_credentials_file = os.path.join( Config.get_workdir(), 'credentials', 'google', 'pubsub.json' ) def __init__( self, credentials_file: str = default_credentials_file, topics: Iterable[str] = (), **kwargs, ): """ :param credentials_file: Path to the JSON credentials file for Google pub/sub (default: ``~/.credentials/platypush/google/pubsub.json``) :param topics: List of topics to subscribe. You can either specify the full topic name in the format ``projects//topics/``, where ```` must be the ID of your Google Pub/Sub project, or just ```` - in such case it's implied that you refer to the ``topic_name`` under the ``project_id`` of your service credentials. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.credentials_file = credentials_file self.project_id = self.get_project_id() self.topics = topics self._subscriber: Optional[pubsub.SubscriberClient] = None self._subscriber_lock = RLock() def get_project_id(self): with open(self.credentials_file) as f: return json.load(f).get('project_id') def get_credentials(self, audience: str): return jwt.Credentials.from_service_account_file( self.credentials_file, audience=audience ) def _norm_topic(self, topic: str): if not topic.startswith(f'projects/{self.project_id}/topics/'): topic = f'projects/{self.project_id}/topics/{topic}' return topic @action def publish(self, topic: str, msg, **kwargs): """ Publish a message to a topic :param topic: Topic/channel where the message will be delivered. You can either specify the full topic name in the format ``projects//topics/``, where ```` must be the ID of your Google Pub/Sub project, or just ```` - in such case it's implied that you refer to the ``topic_name`` under the ``project_id`` of your service credentials. :param msg: Message to be sent. It can be a list, a dict, or a Message object :param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to .publish() """ credentials = self.get_credentials(self.publisher_audience) publisher = pubsub.PublisherClient(credentials=credentials) topic = self._norm_topic(topic) try: publisher.create_topic(name=topic) except AlreadyExists: self.logger.debug('Topic %s already exists', topic) if isinstance(msg, (int, float)): msg = str(msg) if isinstance(msg, (dict, list)): msg = json.dumps(msg) if isinstance(msg, str): msg = msg.encode() publisher.publish(topic, msg, **kwargs) @action def send_message(self, topic: str, msg, **kwargs): """ Alias for :meth:`.publish` """ self.publish(topic=topic, msg=msg, **kwargs) @action def subscribe(self, topic: str): """ Subscribe to a topic. :param topic: Topic/channel where the message will be delivered. You can either specify the full topic name in the format ``projects//topics/``, where ```` must be the ID of your Google Pub/Sub project, or just ```` - in such case it's implied that you refer to the ``topic_name`` under the ``project_id`` of your service credentials. """ assert self._subscriber, 'Subscriber not initialized' topic = self._norm_topic(topic) subscription_name = '/'.join( [*topic.split('/')[:2], 'subscriptions', topic.split('/')[-1]] ) try: self._subscriber.create_subscription(name=subscription_name, topic=topic) except AlreadyExists: self.logger.debug('Subscription %s already exists', subscription_name) self._subscriber.subscribe(subscription_name, self._message_callback(topic)) @action def unsubscribe(self, topic: str): """ Unsubscribe from a topic. :param topic: Topic/channel where the message will be delivered. You can either specify the full topic name in the format ``projects//topics/``, where ```` must be the ID of your Google Pub/Sub project, or just ```` - in such case it's implied that you refer to the ``topic_name`` under the ``project_id`` of your service credentials. """ assert self._subscriber, 'Subscriber not initialized' topic = self._norm_topic(topic) subscription_name = '/'.join( [*topic.split('/')[:2], 'subscriptions', topic.split('/')[-1]] ) try: self._subscriber.delete_subscription(subscription=subscription_name) except NotFound: self.logger.debug('Subscription %s not found', subscription_name) def _message_callback(self, topic): def callback(msg): data = try: data = json.loads(data) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('Not a valid JSON: %s: %s', data, e) msg.ack(), msg=data)) return callback def main(self): credentials = self.get_credentials(self.subscriber_audience) with self._subscriber_lock: self._subscriber = pubsub.SubscriberClient(credentials=credentials) for topic in self.topics: self.subscribe(topic=topic) self.wait_stop() with self._subscriber_lock: self._close() def _close(self): with self._subscriber_lock: if self._subscriber: try: self._subscriber.close() except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('Error while closing the subscriber: %s', e) self._subscriber = None def stop(self): self._close() super().stop() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: