from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass from enum import Enum import os from threading import Event from typing import Any, Collection, Dict, Optional, Type from platypush.context import get_bus, get_plugin from platypush.entities.assistants import Assistant from platypush.entities.managers.assistants import AssistantEntityManager from platypush.message.event.assistant import ( AlarmEndEvent, AlarmStartedEvent, AlertEndEvent, AlertStartedEvent, AssistantEvent, ConversationEndEvent, ConversationStartEvent, ConversationTimeoutEvent, HotwordDetectedEvent, MicMutedEvent, MicUnmutedEvent, NoResponseEvent, ResponseEvent, SpeechRecognizedEvent, TimerEndEvent, TimerStartedEvent, ) from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action from platypush.utils import get_plugin_name_by_class @dataclass class AlertType(Enum): """ Enum representing the type of an alert. """ ALARM = 'alarm' TIMER = 'timer' ALERT = 'alert' @dataclass class AssistantState: """ Dataclass representing the state of an assistant. """ last_query: Optional[str] = None last_response: Optional[str] = None conversation_running: bool = False is_muted: bool = False is_detecting: bool = True alert_state: Optional[str] = None class AssistantPlugin(Plugin, AssistantEntityManager, ABC): """ Base class for assistant plugins. """ _entity_name = 'Assistant' def __init__( self, *args, tts_plugin: Optional[str] = None, tts_plugin_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, conversation_start_sound: Optional[str] = None, stop_conversation_on_speech_match: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ :param tts_plugin: If set, the assistant will use this plugin (e.g. ``tts``, ```` or ``tts.mimic3``) to render the responses, instead of using the built-in assistant voice. :param tts_plugin_args: Optional arguments to be passed to the TTS ``say`` action, if ``tts_plugin`` is set. :param conversation_start_sound: If set, the assistant will play this audio file when it detects a speech. The sound file will be played on the default audio output device. If not set, the assistant won't play any sound when it detects a speech. :param stop_conversation_on_speech_match: If set, the plugin will close the conversation if the latest recognized speech matches a registered :class:`platypush.message.event.assistant.SpeechRecognizedEvent` hook with a phrase. This is usually set to ``True`` for :class:``, as it overrides the default assistant response when a speech event is actually handled on the application side. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.tts_plugin = tts_plugin self.tts_plugin_args = tts_plugin_args or {} self.stop_conversation_on_speech_match = stop_conversation_on_speech_match self._conversation_start_sound = None if conversation_start_sound: self._conversation_start_sound = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(conversation_start_sound) ) self._detection_paused = Event() self._conversation_running = Event() self._is_muted = False self._last_query: Optional[str] = None self._last_response: Optional[str] = None self._cur_alert_type: Optional[AlertType] = None self._plugin_name = get_plugin_name_by_class(type(self)) @property def _state(self) -> AssistantState: return AssistantState( last_query=self._last_query, last_response=self._last_response, conversation_running=self._conversation_running.is_set(), is_muted=self._is_muted, is_detecting=not self._detection_paused.is_set(), alert_state=self._cur_alert_type.value if self._cur_alert_type else None, ) @abstractmethod def start_conversation(self, *_, **__): """ Programmatically starts a conversation. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def stop_conversation(self, *_, **__): """ Programmatically stops a conversation. """ raise NotImplementedError @action def pause_detection(self, *_, **__): """ Put the assistant on pause. No new conversation events will be triggered. """ self._detection_paused.set() @action def resume_detection(self, *_, **__): """ Resume the assistant hotword detection from a paused state. """ self._detection_paused.clear() @action def is_detecting(self, *_, **__) -> bool: """ :return: True if the asistant is detecting, False otherwise. """ return not self._detection_paused.is_set() @action def is_muted(self, *_, **__) -> bool: """ :return: True if the microphone is muted, False otherwise. """ return self._is_muted @action def status(self, *_, **__): """ :return: The current assistant status: .. code-block:: json { "last_query": "What time is it?", "last_response": "It's 10:30 AM", "conversation_running": true, "is_muted": false, "is_detecting": true } """ self.publish_entities([self]) return asdict(self._state) def _get_tts_plugin(self): if not self.tts_plugin: return None return get_plugin(self.tts_plugin) def _play_conversation_start_sound(self): if not self._conversation_start_sound: return audio = get_plugin('sound') if not audio: self.logger.warning( 'Unable to play conversation start sound: sound plugin not found' ) return def _send_event(self, event_type: Type[AssistantEvent], **kwargs): self.publish_entities([self]) get_bus().post(event_type(assistant=self._plugin_name, **kwargs)) def _on_conversation_start(self): self._last_response = None self._last_query = None self._conversation_running.set() self._send_event(ConversationStartEvent) self._play_conversation_start_sound() def _on_conversation_end(self): self._conversation_running.clear() self._send_event(ConversationEndEvent) def _on_conversation_timeout(self): self._last_response = None self._last_query = None self._conversation_running.clear() self._send_event(ConversationTimeoutEvent) def _on_no_response(self): self._last_response = None self._conversation_running.clear() self._send_event(NoResponseEvent) def _on_reponse_rendered(self, text: Optional[str]): self._last_response = text self._send_event(ResponseEvent, response_text=text) tts = self._get_tts_plugin() if tts and text: self.stop_conversation() tts.say(text=text, **self.tts_plugin_args) def _on_hotword_detected(self, hotword: Optional[str]): self._send_event(HotwordDetectedEvent, hotword=hotword) def _on_speech_recognized(self, phrase: Optional[str]): phrase = (phrase or '').lower().strip() self._last_query = phrase self._send_event(SpeechRecognizedEvent, phrase=phrase) def _on_alarm_start(self): self._cur_alert_type = AlertType.ALARM self._send_event(AlarmStartedEvent) def _on_alarm_end(self): self._cur_alert_type = None self._send_event(AlarmEndEvent) def _on_timer_start(self): self._cur_alert_type = AlertType.TIMER self._send_event(TimerStartedEvent) def _on_timer_end(self): self._cur_alert_type = None self._send_event(TimerEndEvent) def _on_alert_start(self): self._cur_alert_type = AlertType.ALERT self._send_event(AlertStartedEvent) def _on_alert_end(self): self._cur_alert_type = None self._send_event(AlertEndEvent) def _on_mute(self): self._is_muted = True self._send_event(MicMutedEvent) def _on_unmute(self): self._is_muted = False self._send_event(MicUnmutedEvent) def _on_mute_changed(self, value: bool): if value: self._on_mute() else: self._on_unmute() def transform_entities(self, entities: Collection['AssistantPlugin'], **_): return super().transform_entities( [ Assistant( external_id=get_plugin_name_by_class(type(dev)), name=self._entity_name, last_query=dev._state.last_query, last_response=dev._state.last_response, conversation_running=dev._state.conversation_running, is_muted=dev._state.is_muted, is_detecting=dev._state.is_detecting, ) for dev in (entities or []) ] ) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: