from typing import ( Collection, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Union, ) from pyHS100 import ( SmartDevice, SmartPlug, SmartBulb, SmartStrip, Discover, SmartDeviceException, ) from platypush.entities import Entity, SwitchEntityManager from platypush.plugins import RunnablePlugin, action class SwitchTplinkPlugin(RunnablePlugin, SwitchEntityManager): """ Plugin to interact with TP-Link smart switches/plugs like the HS100 ( Requires: * **pyHS100** (``pip install pyHS100``) """ _ip_to_dev: Dict[str, SmartDevice] = {} _alias_to_dev: Dict[str, SmartDevice] = {} def __init__( self, plugs: Optional[Union[Mapping[str, str], List[str]]] = None, bulbs: Optional[Union[Mapping[str, str], List[str]]] = None, strips: Optional[Union[Mapping[str, str], List[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param plugs: Optional list of IP addresses or name->address mapping if you have a static list of TpLink plugs and you want to save on the scan time. :param bulbs: Optional list of IP addresses or name->address mapping if you have a static list of TpLink bulbs and you want to save on the scan time. :param strips: Optional list of IP addresses or name->address mapping if you have a static list of TpLink strips and you want to save on the scan time. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._ip_to_dev = {} self._alias_to_dev = {} self._static_devices = {} if isinstance(plugs, list): plugs = {addr: addr for addr in plugs} if isinstance(bulbs, list): bulbs = {addr: addr for addr in bulbs} if isinstance(strips, list): strips = {addr: addr for addr in strips} for name, addr in (plugs or {}).items(): self._static_devices[addr] = { 'name': name, 'type': SmartPlug, } for name, addr in (bulbs or {}).items(): self._static_devices[addr] = { 'name': name, 'type': SmartBulb, } for name, addr in (strips or {}).items(): self._static_devices[addr] = { 'name': name, 'type': SmartStrip, } self._update_devices() def _update_devices( self, devices: Optional[Mapping[str, SmartDevice]] = None, publish_entities: bool = True, ): for addr, info in self._static_devices.items(): try: dev = info['type'](addr) self._alias_to_dev[info.get('name', dev.alias)] = dev self._ip_to_dev[addr] = dev except SmartDeviceException as e: self.logger.warning('Could not communicate with device %s: %s', addr, e) for ip, dev in (devices or {}).items(): self._ip_to_dev[ip] = dev self._alias_to_dev[dev.alias] = dev if devices and publish_entities: self.publish_entities(devices.values()) def transform_entities(self, entities: Collection[SmartDevice]): from platypush.entities.switches import Switch return super().transform_entities( [ Switch(, name=dev.alias, state=dev.is_on, data={ 'current_consumption': dev.current_consumption(), 'ip':, 'host':, 'hw_info': dev.hw_info, }, ) for dev in (entities or []) ] ) def _scan(self, publish_entities: bool = True) -> Dict[str, SmartDevice]: devices = self._update_devices(devices, publish_entities=publish_entities) return devices def _get_device(self, device, use_cache=True): if not use_cache: self._scan() if isinstance(device, Entity): device = device.external_id or if device in self._ip_to_dev: return self._ip_to_dev[device] if device in self._alias_to_dev: return self._alias_to_dev[device] if use_cache: return self._get_device(device, use_cache=False) raise RuntimeError(f'Device {device} not found') def _set(self, device: SmartDevice, state: bool): action_name = 'turn_on' if state else 'turn_off' act = getattr(device, action_name, None) assert act, ( f'No such action available on the device "{device.alias}": ' f'"{action_name}"' ) act() self.publish_entities([device]) return self._serialize(device) @action def on(self, device, **_): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Turn on a device :param device: Device IP, hostname or alias :type device: str """ device = self._get_device(device) return self._set(device, True) @action def off(self, device, **_): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Turn off a device :param device: Device IP, hostname or alias :type device: str """ device = self._get_device(device) return self._set(device, False) @action def toggle(self, device, **_): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Toggle the state of a device (on/off) :param device: Device IP, hostname or alias :type device: str """ device = self._get_device(device) return self._set(device, not device.is_on) @staticmethod def _serialize(device: SmartDevice) -> dict: return { 'current_consumption': device.current_consumption(), 'id':, 'ip':, 'host':, 'hw_info': device.hw_info, 'name': device.alias, 'on': device.is_on, } @action def status(self, *_, **__) -> List[dict]: """ Retrieve the current status of the devices. Return format: .. code-block:: json [ { "current_consumption": 0.5, "id": "", "ip": "", "host": "", "hw_info": "00:11:22:33:44:55", "name": "My Switch", "on": true, } ] """ return [self._serialize(dev) for dev in self._scan().values()] def main(self): devices = {ip: self._serialize(dev) for ip, dev in self._ip_to_dev.items()} while not self.should_stop(): new_devices = self._scan(publish_entities=False) new_serialized_devices = { ip: self._serialize(dev) for ip, dev in new_devices.items() } updated_devices = { ip: new_devices[ip] for ip, dev in new_serialized_devices.items() if any(v != devices.get(ip, {}).get(k) for k, v in dev.items()) } if updated_devices: self.publish_entities(updated_devices.values()) devices = new_serialized_devices self.wait_stop(self.poll_interval) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: