from dataclasses import dataclass, field from logging import getLogger from threading import Event, Thread, current_thread from typing import Optional import bluetooth from platypush.entities.bluetooth import BluetoothService from ._types import ConnectionId _logger = getLogger(__name__) @dataclass class BluetoothConnection: """ Models a connection to a Bluetooth device. """ address: str service: BluetoothService socket: bluetooth.BluetoothSocket = field( init=False, default_factory=bluetooth.BluetoothSocket ) thread: Thread = field(default_factory=current_thread) stop_event: Event = field(default_factory=Event) def __post_init__(self): """ Initialize the Bluetooth socket with the given protocol. """ self.socket = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(self.service.protocol.value) @property def key(self) -> ConnectionId: return self.address, self.service.port def close(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None):'Closing connection to %s', self.address) # Set the stop event self.stop_event.set() # Close the socket if self.socket: try: self.socket.close() except Exception as e: _logger.warning( 'Failed to close Bluetooth socket on %s: %s', self.address, e, ) # Avoid deadlocking by waiting for our own thread to terminate if current_thread() is self.thread: return # Wait for the connection thread to terminate if self.thread and self.thread.is_alive(): self.thread.join(timeout=timeout) if self.thread and self.thread.is_alive(): _logger.warning('Connection to %s still alive after closing', self.address)