from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List from platypush.entities.bluetooth import BluetoothService from ..._model import ServiceClass # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class BluetoothServicesBuilder: """ Builds a list of :class:`platypush.entities.bluetooth.BluetoothService` entities from the list of dictionaries returned by ``bluetooth.find_services()``. """ @classmethod def build(cls, services: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[BluetoothService]: """ Parse the services exposed by the device from the raw pybluez data. """ parsed_services = {} for srv in services: service_args = { key: srv.get(key) for key in ['name', 'description', 'port', 'protocol'] } classes = srv.get('service-classes', []) versions = dict(srv.get('profiles', [])) for srv_cls in classes: uuid = BluetoothService.to_uuid(srv_cls) parsed_service = parsed_services[uuid] = BluetoothService( id=f'{srv["host"]}::{srv_cls}', uuid=uuid, version=versions.get(srv_cls), **service_args, ) # Ensure that the service name is always set if not = ( str(parsed_service.service_class) if parsed_service.service_class != ServiceClass.UNKNOWN else f'[{parsed_service.uuid}]' ) return list(parsed_services.values())