from enum import Enum from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Optional class BaseBluetoothClass(Enum): """ Base enum to model Bluetooth device/service classes. """ def __repr__(self) -> str: """ :return: The enum class formatted as ````. """ return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}.{}: {str(self)}>' def __str__(self) -> str: """ :return Only the readable string value of the class. """ return @dataclass class ClassProperty: """ Models a Bluetooth class property. Given a Bluetooth class as a 24-bit unsigned integer, this class models the filter that should be applied to the class to tell if the device exposes the property. """ name: str """ The name of the property. """ bitmask: int """ Bitmask used to select the property bits from the class. """ bit_shift: int = 0 """ Number of bits to shift the class value after applying the bitmask. """ match_value: int = 1 """ This should be the result of the bitwise filter for the property to match. """ parent: Optional[BaseBluetoothClass] = None """ Parent class property, if this is a minor property. If this is the case, then the advertised class value should also match the parent property. """ def matches(self, cls: int) -> bool: """ Match function. :param cls: The Bluetooth composite class value. :return: True if the class matches the property. """ if self.parent and not self.parent.value.matches(cls): return False return ((cls & self.bitmask) >> self.bit_shift) == self.match_value