import logging import re import sys from typing_extensions import override from platypush.context import get_backend, get_plugin from platypush.message.event import Event class AssistantEvent(Event): """Base class for assistant events""" def __init__(self, *args, assistant=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.logger = logging.getLogger('platypush:assistant') if assistant: self._assistant = assistant else: self._assistant = get_backend('') if not self._assistant: self._assistant = get_plugin('') if not self._assistant: self.logger.warning( 'Assistant plugin/backend not configured/initialized' ) self._assistant = None class ConversationStartEvent(AssistantEvent): """ Event triggered when a new conversation starts """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class ConversationEndEvent(AssistantEvent): """ Event triggered when a conversation ends """ def __init__(self, *args, with_follow_on_turn=False, **kwargs): """ :param with_follow_on_turn: Set to true if the conversation expects a user follow-up, false otherwise :type with_follow_on_turn: str """ super().__init__(*args, with_follow_on_turn=with_follow_on_turn, **kwargs) class ConversationTimeoutEvent(ConversationEndEvent): """ Event triggered when a conversation times out """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class ResponseEvent(ConversationEndEvent): """ Event triggered when a response is processed by the assistant """ def __init__(self, response_text, *args, **kwargs): """ :param response_text: Response text processed by the assistant :type response_text: str """ super().__init__(*args, response_text=response_text, **kwargs) class NoResponseEvent(ConversationEndEvent): """ Event triggered when a conversation ends with no response """ class SpeechRecognizedEvent(AssistantEvent): """ Event triggered when a speech is recognized """ def __init__(self, phrase, *args, **kwargs): """ :param phrase: Recognized user phrase :type phrase: str """ super().__init__(*args, phrase=phrase, **kwargs) self.recognized_phrase = phrase.strip().lower() def matches_condition(self, condition): """ Overrides matches condition, and stops the conversation to prevent the default assistant response if the event matched some event hook condition """ result = super().matches_condition(condition) if result.is_match and self._assistant and 'phrase' in condition.args: self._assistant.stop_conversation() return result @override def _matches_argument(self, argname, condition_value, args, result): """ Overrides the default `_matches_argument` method to allow partial phrase matches and text extraction. Example:: args = { 'phrase': 'Hey dude turn on the living room lights' } - `self._matches_argument(argname='phrase', condition_value='Turn on the ${lights} lights')` will return `EventMatchResult(is_match=True, parsed_args={ 'lights': 'living room' })` - `self._matches_argument(argname='phrase', condition_value='Turn off the ${lights} lights')` will return `EventMatchResult(is_match=False, parsed_args={})` """ if args.get(argname) == condition_value: # In case of an exact match, return immediately result.is_match = True result.score = sys.maxsize return result event_tokens = re.split(r'\s+', args.get(argname, '').strip().lower()) condition_tokens = re.split(r'\s+', condition_value.strip().lower()) while event_tokens and condition_tokens: event_token = event_tokens[0] condition_token = condition_tokens[0] if event_token == condition_token: event_tokens.pop(0) condition_tokens.pop(0) result.score += 1.5 elif, event_token): m ='({condition_token})', event_token) if m and event_tokens.pop(0) result.score += 1.25 condition_tokens.pop(0) else: m = re.match(r'[^\\]*\${(.+?)}', condition_token) if m: argname = if argname not in result.parsed_args: result.parsed_args[argname] = event_token result.score += 1.0 else: result.parsed_args[argname] += ' ' + event_token if (len(condition_tokens) == 1 and len(event_tokens) == 1) or ( len(event_tokens) > 1 and len(condition_tokens) > 1 and event_tokens[1] == condition_tokens[1] ): # Stop appending tokens to this argument, as the next # condition will be satisfied as well condition_tokens.pop(0) event_tokens.pop(0) else: result.score -= 1.0 event_tokens.pop(0) # It's a match if all the tokens in the condition string have been satisfied result.is_match = len(condition_tokens) == 0 return result class HotwordDetectedEvent(AssistantEvent): """ Event triggered when a custom hotword is detected """ def __init__(self, *args, hotword=None, **kwargs): """ :param hotword: The detected user hotword :type hotword: str """ super().__init__(*args, hotword=hotword, **kwargs) class VolumeChangedEvent(AssistantEvent): """ Event triggered when the volume of the assistant changes """ def __init__(self, volume, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, volume=volume, **kwargs) class AlertStartedEvent(AssistantEvent): """ Event triggered when an alert starts on the assistant """ class AlertEndEvent(AssistantEvent): """ Event triggered when an alert ends on the assistant """ class AlarmStartedEvent(AlertStartedEvent): """ Event triggered when an alarm starts on the assistant """ class AlarmEndEvent(AlertEndEvent): """ Event triggered when an alarm ends on the assistant """ class TimerStartedEvent(AlertStartedEvent): """ Event triggered when a timer starts on the assistant """ class TimerEndEvent(AlertEndEvent): """ Event triggered when a timer ends on the assistant """ class MicMutedEvent(AssistantEvent): """ Event triggered when the microphone is muted. """ class MicUnmutedEvent(AssistantEvent): """ Event triggered when the microphone is muted. """ # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: