Vue.component('zigbee-device', { template: '#tmpl-zigbee-device', props: ['device','bus','selected'], data: function() { return { newPropertyName: '', editMode: { name: false, }, }; }, methods: { onDeviceClicked: function() { this.bus.$emit('deviceClicked', { deviceId: this.device.friendly_name, }); }, setValue: async function(event) { let name = undefined; if (this.newPropertyName && this.newPropertyName.length) { name = this.newPropertyName; } else { name = event.event ? :; } if (!name || !name.length) { return; } const target = event.event ?'input') :; const value = target.getAttribute('type') === 'checkbox' ? (target.checked ? 'OFF' : 'ON') : target.value; await request('zigbee.mqtt.device_set', { device: this.device.friendly_name, property: name, value: value, }); if (this.newPropertyName && this.newPropertyName.length) { this.newPropertyName = ''; } this.bus.$emit('refreshDevices'); }, removeDevice: async function(force=false) { if (!confirm('Are you sure that you want to remove this device?')) { return; } await request('zigbee.mqtt.device_remove', { device: this.device.friendly_name, force: force, }); this.bus.$emit('refreshDevices'); }, banDevice: async function() { if (!confirm('Are you sure that you want to ban this device?')) { return; } await request('zigbee.mqtt.device_ban', { device: this.device.friendly_name, }); this.bus.$emit('refreshDevices'); }, whitelistDevice: async function() { if (!confirm('Are you sure that you want to whitelist this device? Note: ALL the other non-whitelisted ' + 'devices will be removed from the network')) { return; } await request('zigbee.mqtt.device_whitelist', { device: this.device.friendly_name, }); this.bus.$emit('refreshDevices'); }, disableForm: function(form) { form.querySelector('input,button').readOnly = true; }, enableForm: function(form) { form.querySelector('input,button').readOnly = false; }, onEditMode: function(mode) { Vue.set(this.editMode, mode, true); const form = this.$refs[mode + 'Form']; const input = form.querySelector('input[type=text]'); setTimeout(() => { input.focus();; }, 10); }, editName: async function(event) { this.disableForm(; const name ='input[name=name]').value; await request('zigbee.mqtt.device_rename', { device: this.device.friendly_name, name: name, }); = false; this.enableForm(; this.bus.$emit('refreshDevices'); }, }, });