import gzip import os import requests import tempfile from platypush.message.response import Response from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action from platypush.utils import find_files_by_ext, get_mime_type class MediaSubtitlesPlugin(Plugin): """ Plugin to get video subtitles from OpenSubtitles Requires: * **python-opensubtitles** (``pip install -e 'git+'``) * **requests** (``pip install requests``) """ def __init__(self, username, password, language=None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param username: Your OpenSubtitles username :type username: str :param password: Your OpenSubtitles password :type password: str :param language: Preferred language name, ISO639 code or OpenSubtitles language ID to be used for the subtitles. Also supports an (ordered) list of preferred languages :type language: str or list[str] """ from pythonopensubtitles.opensubtitles import OpenSubtitles super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._ost = OpenSubtitles() self._token = self._ost.login(username, password) self.languages = [] if language: if isinstance(language, str): self.languages.append(language.lower()) elif isinstance(language, list): self.languages.extend([l.lower() for l in language]) else: raise AttributeError('{} is neither a string nor a list'.format( language)) @action def get_subtitles(self, resource, language=None): """ Get the subtitles data for a video resource :param resource: Media file, torrent or URL to the media resource :type resource: str :param language: Language name or code (default: configured preferred language). Choose 'all' for all the languages :type language: str """ from pythonopensubtitles.utils import File if resource.startswith('file://'): resource = resource[len('file://'):] resource = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(resource)) if not os.path.isfile(resource): return (None, '{} is not a valid file'.format(resource)) file = resource cwd = os.getcwd() media_dir = os.path.dirname(resource) os.chdir(media_dir) file = file.split(os.sep)[-1] local_subs = [{ 'IsLocal': True, 'MovieName': '[Local subtitle]', 'SubFileName': sub.split(os.sep)[-1], 'SubDownloadLink': 'file://' + os.path.join(media_dir, sub), } for sub in find_files_by_ext(media_dir, '.srt', '.vtt')]'Found {} local subtitles for {}'.format( len(local_subs), file)) languages = [language.lower()] if language else self.languages try: file_hash = File(file).get_hash() subs = self._ost.search_subtitles([{ 'sublanguageid': 'all', 'moviehash': file_hash, }]) subs = [ sub for sub in subs if not languages or languages[0] == 'all' or sub.get('LanguageName', '').lower() in languages or sub.get('SubLanguageID', '').lower() in languages or sub.get('ISO639', '').lower() in languages ] for sub in subs: sub['IsLocal'] = False'Found {} OpenSubtitles items for {}'.format( len(subs), file)) return local_subs + subs finally: os.chdir(cwd) @action def download(self, link, media_resource=None, path=None): """ Downloads a subtitle link (.srt/.vtt file or gzip/zip OpenSubtitles archive link) to the specified directory :param link: Local subtitles file or OpenSubtitles gzip download link :type link: str :param path: Path where the subtitle file will be downloaded (default: temporary file under /tmp) :type path: str :param media_resource: Name of the media resource. If set and if it's a media local file then the subtitles will be saved in the same folder :type media_resource: str :returns: dict. Format:: { "filename": "/path/to/subtitle/" } """ if link.startswith('file://'): link = link[len('file://'):] if os.path.isfile(link): return { 'filename': link } gzip_content = requests.get(link).content f = None if not path and media_resource: if media_resource.startswith('file://'): media_resource = media_resource[len('file://'):] if os.path.isfile(media_resource): media_resource = os.path.abspath(media_resource) path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(media_resource), '.'.join(os.path.basename(media_resource).split('.')[:-1])) + '.srt' if path: f = open(path, 'wb') else: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='media_subs_', suffix='.srt', delete=False) path = try: with f: f.write(gzip.decompress(gzip_content)) except Exception as e: os.unlink(path) raise e return { 'filename': path } # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: