import asyncio import os import ssl import threading import websockets from platypush.backend import Backend from platypush.context import get_plugin, get_or_create_event_loop from platypush.message import Message from platypush.message.request import Request from platypush.utils import get_ssl_server_context class WebsocketBackend(Backend): """ Backend to communicate messages over a websocket medium. Requires: * **websockets** (``pip install websockets``) """ # Websocket client message recv timeout in seconds _websocket_client_timeout = 60 def __init__(self, port=8765, bind_address='', ssl_cafile=None, ssl_capath=None, ssl_cert=None, ssl_key=None, client_timeout=_websocket_client_timeout, **kwargs): """ :param port: Listen port for the websocket server (default: 8765) :type port: int :param bind_address: Bind address for the websocket server (default:, listen for any IP connection) :type websocket_port: str :param ssl_cert: Path to the certificate file if you want to enable SSL (default: None) :type ssl_cert: str :param ssl_key: Path to the key file if you want to enable SSL (default: None) :type ssl_key: str :param ssl_cafile: Path to the certificate authority file if required by the SSL configuration (default: None) :type ssl_cafile: str :param ssl_capath: Path to the certificate authority directory if required by the SSL configuration (default: None) :type ssl_capath: str :param client_timeout: Timeout without any messages being received before closing a client connection. A zero timeout keeps the websocket open until an error occurs (default: 60 seconds) :type ping_timeout: int """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.port = port self.bind_address = bind_address self.client_timeout = client_timeout self.ssl_context = get_ssl_server_context(ssl_cert=ssl_cert, ssl_key=ssl_key, ssl_cafile=ssl_cafile, ssl_capath=ssl_capath) \ if ssl_cert else None def send_message(self, msg): websocket = get_plugin('websocket') websocket_args = {} if self.ssl_context: url = 'wss://localhost:{}'.format(self.port) websocket_args['ssl'] = self.ssl_context else: url = 'ws://localhost:{}'.format(self.port) websocket.send(url=url, msg=msg, **websocket_args) def run(self): super().run() async def serve_client(websocket, path): self.logger.debug('New websocket connection from {}'. format(websocket.remote_address[0])) try: while True: if self.client_timeout: msg = await asyncio.wait_for(websocket.recv(), timeout=self.client_timeout) else: msg = await websocket.recv() msg ='Received message from {}: {}'. format(websocket.remote_address[0], msg)) self.on_message(msg) if isinstance(msg, Request): response = self.get_message_response(msg) if not response: return'Processing response on the websocket backend: {}'. format(response)) await websocket.send(str(response)) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed): self.logger.debug('Websocket client {} closed connection'. format(websocket.remote_address[0])) elif isinstance(e, asyncio.TimeoutError): self.logger.debug('Websocket connection to {} timed out'. format(websocket.remote_address[0])) else: self.logger.exception(e)'Initialized websocket backend on port {}, bind address: {}'. format(self.port, self.bind_address)) websocket_args = {} if self.ssl_context: websocket_args['ssl'] = self.ssl_context loop = get_or_create_event_loop() server = websockets.serve(serve_client, self.bind_address, self.port, **websocket_args) loop.run_until_complete(server) loop.run_forever() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: