import json from threading import Event from typing import List from websocket import WebSocketApp from platypush.backend import Backend from platypush.context import get_plugin from platypush.message.event.trello import ( MoveCardEvent, NewCardEvent, ArchivedCardEvent, UnarchivedCardEvent, ) from platypush.plugins.trello import TrelloPlugin class TrelloBackend(Backend): """ This backend listens for events on a remote Trello account through websocket interface.. Note that the Trello websocket interface `is not officially supported `_ and it requires a different token from the one you use for the Trello API (and for the Trello plugin). To get the websocket token: 1. Open in your browser. 2. Open the developer tools (F12), go to the Network tab, select 'Websocket' or 'WS' in the filter bar and refresh the page. 3. You should see an entry in the format ``wss://``. 4. Copy the ```` in the configuration of this backend. Requires: * The :class:`platypush.plugins.trello.TrelloPlugin` configured. """ _websocket_url_base = 'wss://{token}' def __init__(self, boards: List[str], token: str, **kwargs): """ :param boards: List of boards to subscribe, by ID or name. :param token: Trello web client API token. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._plugin: TrelloPlugin = get_plugin('trello') self.token = token self._req_id = 0 self._boards_by_id = {} self._boards_by_name = {} for b in boards: b = self._plugin.get_board(b).board # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self._boards_by_id[] = b # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self._boards_by_name[] = b self.url = self._websocket_url_base.format(token=self.token) self._connected = Event() self._items = {} self._event_handled = False def _initialize_connection(self, ws: WebSocketApp): for board_id in self._boards_by_id.keys(): self._send( ws, { 'type': 'subscribe', 'modelType': 'Board', 'idModel': board_id, 'tags': ['clientActions', 'updates'], 'invitationTokens': [], }, )'Trello boards subscribed') def _on_msg(self): def hndl(*args): if len(args) < 2: self.logger.warning( 'Missing websocket argument - make sure that you are using ' 'a version of websocket-client < 0.53.0 or >= 0.58.0' ) return ws, msg = args[:2] if not msg: # Reply back with an empty message when the server sends an empty message ws.send('') return # noinspection PyBroadException try: msg = json.loads(msg) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning( 'Received invalid JSON message from Trello: {}: {}'.format(msg, e) ) return if 'error' in msg: self.logger.warning('Trello error: {}'.format(msg['error'])) return if msg.get('reqid') == 0: self.logger.debug('Ping response received, subscribing boards') self._initialize_connection(ws) return notify = msg.get('notify') if not notify: return if notify['event'] != 'updateModels' or notify['typeName'] != 'Action': return for delta in notify['deltas']: args = { 'card_id': delta['data']['card']['id'], 'card_name': delta['data']['card']['name'], 'list_id': ( delta['data'].get('list') or delta['data'].get('listAfter', {}) ).get('id'), 'list_name': ( delta['data'].get('list') or delta['data'].get('listAfter', {}) ).get('name'), 'board_id': delta['data']['board']['id'], 'board_name': delta['data']['board']['name'], 'closed': delta.get('closed'), 'member_id': delta['memberCreator']['id'], 'member_username': delta['memberCreator']['username'], 'member_fullname': delta['memberCreator']['fullName'], 'date': delta['date'], } if delta.get('type') == 'createCard':**args)) elif delta.get('type') == 'updateCard': if 'listBefore' in delta['data']: args.update( { 'old_list_id': delta['data']['listBefore']['id'], 'old_list_name': delta['data']['listBefore']['name'], } )**args)) elif 'closed' in delta['data'].get('old', {}): cls = ( UnarchivedCardEvent if delta['data']['old']['closed'] else ArchivedCardEvent )**args)) return hndl def _on_error(self): def hndl(*args): error = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else args[0] self.logger.warning('Trello websocket error: {}'.format(error)) return hndl def _on_close(self): def hndl(*_): self.logger.warning('Trello websocket connection closed') self._connected.clear() self._req_id = 0 while True: try: self._connect() self._connected.wait(timeout=20) break except TimeoutError: continue return hndl def _on_open(self): def hndl(*args): ws = args[0] if args else None self._connected.set() if ws: self._send(ws, {'type': 'ping'})'Trello websocket connected') return hndl def _send(self, ws: WebSocketApp, msg: dict): msg['reqid'] = self._req_id ws.send(json.dumps(msg)) self._req_id += 1 def _connect(self) -> WebSocketApp: return WebSocketApp( self.url, on_open=self._on_open(), on_message=self._on_msg(), on_error=self._on_error(), on_close=self._on_close(), ) def run(self): super().run()'Started Todoist backend') ws = self._connect() ws.run_forever() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: