import json import struct from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional from bleak.backends.device import BLEDevice from bleak.backends.scanner import AdvertisementData from bleak.uuids import uuidstr_to_str from bluetooth_numbers import company # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from TheengsGateway._decoder import decodeBLE, getAttribute, getProperties from platypush.entities import Entity from platypush.entities.batteries import Battery from platypush.entities.bluetooth import BluetoothDevice from platypush.entities.electricity import ( CurrentSensor, EnergySensor, PowerSensor, VoltageSensor, ) from platypush.entities.humidity import HumiditySensor from platypush.entities.illuminance import IlluminanceSensor from platypush.entities.motion import MotionSensor from platypush.entities.sensors import BinarySensor, NumericSensor, RawSensor from platypush.entities.steps import StepsSensor from platypush.entities.temperature import TemperatureSensor @dataclass class TheengsEntity: """ Utility class to store the data parsed from the Theengs library. """ data: dict = field(default_factory=dict) properties: dict = field(default_factory=dict) brand: Optional[str] = None model: Optional[str] = None model_id: Optional[str] = None # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class NullSensor: """ Dummy class to model sensors with null values (hence without sufficient information for the application to infer the type). """ def __init__(self, *_, **__): pass # Maps property names to transformer methods (first mapper choice). _property_to_entity: Dict[str, Callable[[Any, Dict[str, Any]], Entity]] = { 'battery': lambda value, conf: Battery( value=value, unit=conf.get('unit', '%'), min=conf.get('min', 0), max=conf.get('min', 100), ), 'current': lambda value, conf: CurrentSensor( value=value, unit=conf.get('unit', 'A'), ), 'energy': lambda value, conf: EnergySensor( value=value, unit=conf.get('unit', 'kWh'), ), 'humidity': lambda value, conf: HumiditySensor( value=value, unit=conf.get('unit', '%'), min=conf.get('min', 0), max=conf.get('min', 100), ), 'light level': lambda value, _: IlluminanceSensor(value=value), 'power': lambda value, conf: PowerSensor( value=value, unit=conf.get('unit', 'W'), ), 'motion': lambda value, _: MotionSensor(value=value), 'steps': lambda value, _: StepsSensor(value=value), 'temperature': lambda value, conf: TemperatureSensor( value=value, unit=conf.get('unit', 'C'), ), 'voltage': lambda value, conf: VoltageSensor( value=value, unit=conf.get('unit', 'V'), ), } # Maps reported units to transformer methods (second mapper choice). _unit_to_entity: Dict[str, Callable[[Any, Dict[str, Any]], Entity]] = { 'status': lambda value, _: BinarySensor(value=value), 'int': lambda value, _: NumericSensor(value=value), '%': lambda value, conf: NumericSensor( value=value, unit='%', min=conf.get('min', 0), max=conf.get('min', 100), ), } # Maps value types to transformer methods (third mapper choice). _value_type_to_entity: Dict[type, Callable[[Any, Dict[str, Any]], Entity]] = { bool: lambda value, _: BinarySensor(value=value), int: lambda value, _: NumericSensor(value=value), float: lambda value, _: NumericSensor(value=value), str: lambda value, _: RawSensor(value=value), bytes: lambda value, _: RawSensor(value=value), bytearray: lambda value, _: RawSensor(value=value), } def device_to_entity(device: BLEDevice, data: AdvertisementData) -> BluetoothDevice: """ Convert the data received from a Bluetooth advertisement packet into a compatible Platypush :class:`platypush.entity.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice` entity, with the discovered services and characteristics exposed as children entities. """ theengs_entity = _parse_advertisement_data(data) parent_entity = BluetoothDevice( id=device.address, model=theengs_entity.model, brand=theengs_entity.brand, reachable=True, **parse_device_args(device), ) parsed_entities = { # Check if we can infer an entity mapper from the property name. conf.get('name', name): _property_to_entity.get( conf.get('name'), # If not, check if we can infer an entity mapper from the reported unit. _unit_to_entity.get( conf.get('unit'), # If not, check if we can infer an entity mapper from the value type. _value_type_to_entity.get( type(, # If not, default to a NullSensor. lambda *_: NullSensor(), ), ), )(, conf) for name, conf in } for prop, entity in parsed_entities.items(): if isinstance(entity, NullSensor): # Skip entities that we couldn't parse. continue = f'{}:{prop}' = prop parent_entity.children.append(entity) return parent_entity def _parse_advertisement_data(data: AdvertisementData) -> TheengsEntity: """ :param data: The data received from a Bluetooth advertisement packet. :return: A :class:`platypush.entity.bluetooth.TheengsEntity` instance that maps the parsed attributes. """ entity_args, properties, brand, model, model_id = ({}, {}, None, None, None) if data.service_data: parsed_data = list(data.service_data.keys())[0] # TheengsDecoder only accepts 16 bit uuid's, this converts the 128 bit uuid to 16 bit. entity_args['servicedatauuid'] = parsed_data[4:8] parsed_data = str(list(data.service_data.values())[0].hex()) entity_args['servicedata'] = parsed_data if data.manufacturer_data: parsed_data = str( struct.pack(' Dict[str, Any]: """ :param device: The device to parse. :return: The mapped device arguments required to initialize a :class:`platypush.entity.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice` or :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceEvent` object. """ props = device.details.get('props', {}) return { 'name': or device.address, 'connected': props.get('Connected', False), 'paired': props.get('Paired', False), 'blocked': props.get('Blocked', False), 'trusted': props.get('Trusted', False), 'rssi': device.rssi, 'tx_power': props.get('TxPower'), 'uuids': { uuid: uuidstr_to_str(uuid) for uuid in device.metadata.get('uuids', []) }, 'manufacturers': { manufacturer_id: company.get(manufacturer_id, 'Unknown') for manufacturer_id in sorted( device.metadata.get('manufacturer_data', {}).keys() ) }, 'manufacturer_data': _parse_manufacturer_data(device), 'service_data': _parse_service_data(device), } def _parse_manufacturer_data(device: BLEDevice) -> Dict[int, str]: """ :param device: The device to parse. :return: The manufacturer data as a ``manufacturer_id -> hex_string`` mapping. """ return { manufacturer_id: ''.join([f'{x:02x}' for x in value]) for manufacturer_id, value in device.metadata.get( 'manufacturer_data', {} ).items() } def _parse_service_data(device: BLEDevice) -> Dict[str, str]: """ :param device: The device to parse. :return: The service data as a ``service_uuid -> hex_string`` mapping. """ return { service_uuid: ''.join([f'{x:02x}' for x in value]) for service_uuid, value in device.details.get('props', {}) .get('ServiceData', {}) .items() }