MediaHandlers.torrent = MediaHandlers.base.extend({ props: { bus: { type: Object }, iconClass: { type: String, default: 'fa fa-magnet', }, }, computed: { dropdownItems: function() { return [ { text: 'Play', icon: 'play', action:, }, { text: 'Download (on server)', icon: 'download', action:, }, { text: 'View info', icon: 'info', action:, }, ]; }, }, data: function() { return { torrentStatus: {}, }; }, methods: { matchesUrl: function(url) { return !!( url.match('^magnet:?') || url.match('^https?://.*\.torrent$') || url.match('^(file://)?/.*\.torrent$') ); }, getMetadata: async function(item, onlyBase=false) { let status = {}; if (!onlyBase) status = await this.status({url: item.url}); let transferInfo = {}; if (item.url in this.torrentStatus) transferInfo = this.torrentStatus[item.url]; return {...status, ...transferInfo}; }, play: async function(item) { let status = await; status.waitingPlay = true; if (item.url in this.torrentStatus) { this.firePlay(event); } }, pause: async function(item) { let status = await request('torrent.pause', {torrent: item.torrent}); this.mergeStatus(status); }, remove: async function(item) { let status = await request('torrent.remove', {torrent: item.torrent}); this.mergeStatus(status); }, status: async function(item) { if (item) { return await request('torrent.status', { torrent: item.url, }); } return await request('torrent.status'); }, download: async function(item) { let status = await this.status(item.url); if (status && Object.keys(status).length > 1) { createNotification({ text: 'This torrent is already being downloaded, please play the downloading local media file instead', image: { icon: 'download', }, }); return status; } status = await request( '', { torrent: item.url, _async: true, is_media: true, }, timeout=120000 // Wait up to two minutes while downloading enough torrent chunks ); this.torrentStatus[item.url] = { ...item, ...status, scheduledPlay: false, torrentState: status.state, state: 'idle', }; return this.torrentStatus[item.url]; }, onTorrentEvent: function(event) { this.mergeStatus(event); }, onTorrentQueued: function(event) { if (!this.mergeStatus(event)) this.torrentStatus[event.url] = event; createNotification({ text: 'Torrent download queued. Will start playing when enough chunks have been downloaded', image: { icon: 'clock', }, }); }, onTorrentStart: function(event) { if (!this.mergeStatus(event)) return; createNotification({ text: 'Download of '.concat(, ' started'), image: { icon: 'download', }, }); }, onTorrentStop: function(event) { if (!this.mergeStatus(event)) return; delete this.torrentStatus[event.url]; this.bus.$emit('torrent-status-update', this.torrentStatus); }, onTorrentProgress: function(event) { if (!this.mergeStatus(event)) return; if (this.torrentStatus[event.url].waitingPlay) this.firePlay(event); }, onTorrentCompleted: function(event) { if (!this.mergeStatus(event)) return; delete this.torrentStatus[event.url]; this.bus.$emit('torrent-status-update', this.torrentStatus); createNotification({ text: 'Download of '.concat(, ' completed'), image: { icon: 'check', }, }); }, firePlay: function(item) { if (!item.files || !item.files.length) { console.warn('Torrent ' + item.url + ' has no media files available yet'); return; } if (event.progress < 5) { console.warn('Please wait for enough chunks to be downloaded before playing'); return; } const url = 'file://' + item.files[0]; this.bus.$emit('play', {...item, type: 'file', url: url}); if (this.torrentStatus[item.url].waitingPlay) this.torrentStatus[item.url].waitingPlay = false; createNotification({ text: 'Playback of '.concat(, ' started'), image: { icon: 'play', }, }); }, mergeStatus: function(event) { const torrentState = event.state; delete event.state; this.torrentStatus[event.url] = { ...this.torrentStatus[event.url], ...event, torrentState: torrentState, }; this.bus.$emit('torrent-status-update', this.torrentStatus); return this.torrentStatus[event.url]; }, }, created: function() { registerEventHandler(this.onTorrentStart, 'platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentDownloadStartEvent'); registerEventHandler(this.onTorrentStop, 'platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentDownloadStopEvent'); registerEventHandler(this.onTorrentProgress, 'platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentDownloadProgressEvent'); registerEventHandler(this.onTorrentCompleted, 'platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentDownloadCompletedEvent'); registerEventHandler(this.onTorrentQueued, 'platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentQueuedEvent'); registerEventHandler(this.onTorrentEvent, 'platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentPausedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentResumedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentDownloadStartEvent', 'platypush.message.event.torrent.TorrentStateChangeEvent'); const self = this; this.status().then((status) => { if (!status) return; for (const [url, torrent] of Object.entries(status)) { if (!torrent.url) continue; self.mergeStatus(torrent); } }); setTimeout(() => { self.bus.$on('torrent-play', self.firePlay); self.bus.$on('torrent-pause', self.pause); self.bus.$on('torrent-remove', self.remove); }, 100); }, });