from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager from queue import Empty, Queue from threading import Event, RLock, Thread, current_thread from typing import ( Dict, Final, Generator, List, Optional, Union, ) import bluetooth from platypush.entities.bluetooth import BluetoothDevice, BluetoothService from platypush.message.event.bluetooth import ( BluetoothConnectionFailedEvent, BluetoothDeviceConnectedEvent, BluetoothDeviceDisconnectedEvent, ) from ..._manager import BaseBluetoothManager from ..._types import RawServiceClass from .._model import BluetoothDeviceBuilder from ._connection import BluetoothConnection from ._service import ServiceDiscoverer from ._types import ConnectionId class LegacyManager(BaseBluetoothManager): """ Scanner for Bluetooth non-low-energy devices. """ _service_discovery_timeout: Final[int] = 30 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._connections: Dict[ConnectionId, BluetoothConnection] = {} """ Maps (address, port) pairs to Bluetooth connections. """ self._connection_locks: Dict[ConnectionId, RLock] = defaultdict(RLock) """ Maps (address, port) pairs to connection locks. """ self._service_scanned_devices: Dict[str, bool] = {} """ Maps the addresses of the devices whose services have been scanned. """ def get_device( self, device: str, scan_duration: Optional[int] = None, _fail_if_not_cached: bool = False, ) -> BluetoothDevice: """ Get/discover a device by its address or name. :param device: Device address or name. :param scan_duration: Overrides the duration of the scan. :param _fail_if_not_cached: Throw an assertion error if the device hasn't been cached yet. """ duration = scan_duration or self.poll_interval dev = self._cache.get(device) if dev: return dev # If it's already cached, just return it. assert not _fail_if_not_cached, f'Device "{device}" not found' # Otherwise, scan for the device.'Scanning for device "%s"...', device) self.scan(duration=duration) # Run the method again, but this time fail if the device has not been # found in the latest scan. return self.get_device(device, scan_duration, _fail_if_not_cached=True) def _get_matching_services( self, device: str, port: Optional[int] = None, service_uuid: Optional[RawServiceClass] = None, ) -> List[BluetoothService]: """ Given a device and a port or service UUID, return a list of matching services. """ assert port or service_uuid, 'Please specify at least one of port/service_uuid' dev = self.get_device(device) assert dev, f'Device "{device}" not found' matching_services = [] if port: matching_services = [srv for srv in if srv.port == port] elif service_uuid: uuid = BluetoothService.to_uuid(service_uuid) matching_services = [srv for srv in if uuid == srv.uuid] return matching_services def _connect_thread( self, conn_queue: Queue[BluetoothConnection], device: str, port: Optional[int] = None, service_uuid: Optional[RawServiceClass] = None, ): """ Connection thread that asynchronously pushes a :class:`BluetoothConnection` object to a queue when connected, so the caller can wait for the connection to complete and handle timeouts. """ dev = self.get_device(device) matching_services = self._get_matching_services(device, port, service_uuid) assert matching_services, ( f'No services found on {dev.address} for ' f'UUID={service_uuid} port={port}' ) conn = BluetoothConnection( address=dev.address, service=matching_services[0], thread=current_thread(), ) existing_conn = self._connections.get(conn.key) if existing_conn and existing_conn.socket: conn = existing_conn else: with self._connection_locks[conn.key]: addr = conn.address port_ = conn.service.port 'Opening connection to device %s on port %s', addr, port_ ) # Connect to the specified address and port. conn.socket.connect((addr, port_))'Connected to device %s on port %s', addr, port_) self._connections[conn.key] = conn conn_queue.put_nowait(conn) @contextmanager def _connect( self, device: str, port: Optional[int] = None, service_uuid: Optional[RawServiceClass] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Generator[BluetoothConnection, None, None]: """ Wraps the connection thread in a context manager with timeout support. """ dev = self.get_device(device) # Queue where the connection object is pushed once the socket is ready conn_queue: Queue[BluetoothConnection] = Queue() # Start the connection thread conn_thread = Thread( target=self._connect_thread, name=f'Bluetooth:connect@{device}', args=(conn_queue, device, port, service_uuid), ) conn_thread.start() # Wait for the connection object timeout = timeout or self._connect_timeout try: conn = conn_queue.get(timeout=timeout) except Empty as e: dev.connected = False self.notify(BluetoothConnectionFailedEvent, dev, reason=str(e)) raise AssertionError(f'Connection to {device} timed out') from e dev.connected = True conn.service.connected = True self.notify(BluetoothDeviceConnectedEvent, dev) yield conn # Close the connection once the context is over with self._connection_locks[conn.key]: try: conn.close() except Exception as e: self.logger.warning( 'Error while closing the connection to %s: %s', device, e ) self._connections.pop(conn.key, None) dev.connected = False conn.service.connected = False self.notify(BluetoothDeviceDisconnectedEvent, dev) def connect( self, device: str, port: Optional[int] = None, service_uuid: Optional[RawServiceClass] = None, interface: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ): connected = Event() def connect_thread(): with self._connect(device, port, service_uuid) as conn: connected.set() conn.stop_event.wait()'Connection to %s successfully terminated', conn.address) # Start the connection thread Thread( target=connect_thread, name=f'Bluetooth:connect:wrapper@{device}', ).start() # Wait for the connected event timeout = timeout or self._connect_timeout conn_success = connected.wait(timeout=timeout) assert conn_success, f'Connection to {device} timed out' def disconnect( self, device: str, port: Optional[int] = None, service_uuid: Optional[RawServiceClass] = None, ): matching_connections = [ conn for conn in self._connections.values() if conn.address == device and (port is None or conn.service.port == port) and (service_uuid is None or conn.service.uuid == service_uuid) ] assert matching_connections, f'No active connections found to {device}' for conn in matching_connections: conn.close() def scan(self, duration: Optional[float] = None) -> List[BluetoothDevice]: duration = duration or self.poll_interval assert duration, 'Scan duration must be set' duration = int(max(duration, 1)) with self._scan_lock: # Discover all devices. try: info = bluetooth.discover_devices( duration=duration, lookup_names=True, lookup_class=True ) except IOError as e: self.logger.warning('Could not discover devices: %s', e) # Wait a bit before a potential retry self.wait_stop(timeout=1) return [] # Pre-fill the services for the devices that have already been scanned. services: Dict[str, List[BluetoothService]] = { addr: self._cache.get(addr).services # type: ignore for addr, _, __ in info if self._cache.get(addr) is not None } # Check if there are any devices that have not been scanned yet. unknown_devices = [ addr for addr, _, __ in info if not self._service_scanned_devices.get(addr, False) ] # Discover the services for the devices that have not been scanned. if unknown_devices: services.update( ServiceDiscoverer().discover( *unknown_devices, timeout=self._service_discovery_timeout ) ) # Initialize the BluetoothDevice objects. devices = { addr: address=addr, name=name, raw_class=class_, services=services.get(addr, []), ) for addr, name, class_ in info } for dev in devices.values(): self._service_scanned_devices[dev.address] = True if self._blacklist.matches(dev): self.logger.debug('Ignoring blacklisted device: %s', dev.address) else: self._device_queue.put_nowait(dev) return list(devices.values()) def read( self, device: str, service_uuid: RawServiceClass, interface: Optional[str] = None, connect_timeout: Optional[float] = None, size: int = 1024, ) -> bytearray: """ :param size: Number of bytes to read. """ with self._connect( device, service_uuid=service_uuid, timeout=connect_timeout ) as conn: try: return conn.socket.recv(size) except bluetooth.BluetoothError as e: raise AssertionError(f'Error reading from {device}: {e}') from e def write( self, device: str, data: Union[bytes, bytearray], service_uuid: RawServiceClass, interface: Optional[str] = None, connect_timeout: Optional[float] = None, ): with self._connect( device, service_uuid=service_uuid, timeout=connect_timeout ) as conn: try: return conn.socket.send(data) except bluetooth.BluetoothError as e: raise AssertionError(f'Error reading from {device}: {e}') from e def run(self): super().run()'Starting legacy Bluetooth scanner') while not self.should_stop(): scan_enabled = self._scan_enabled.wait(timeout=1) if scan_enabled: self.scan(duration=self.poll_interval) def stop(self): super().stop() # Close any active connections for conn in list(self._connections.values()): conn.close(timeout=5)'Stopped the Bluetooth legacy scanner')