from typing import List, Optional import sounddevice as sd from .._model import AudioDevice, DeviceType, StreamType class DeviceManager: """ The device manager is responsible for managing the virtual audio device abstractions exposed by the OS. For example, on a pure ALSA system virtual devices are usually mapped the physical audio devices available on the system. On a system that runs through PulseAudio or Jack, there may be a ``default`` virtual device whose sound card mappings may be managed by the audio server. """ def __init__( self, input_device: Optional[DeviceType] = None, output_device: Optional[DeviceType] = None, ): """ :param input_device: The default input device to use (by index or name). :param output_device: The default output device to use (by index or name). """ self.input_device = ( self.get_device(input_device, StreamType.INPUT) if input_device is not None else None ) self.output_device = ( self.get_device(output_device, StreamType.OUTPUT) if output_device is not None else None ) def get_devices( self, type: Optional[StreamType] = None # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ) -> List[AudioDevice]: """ Get available audio devices. :param type: The type of devices to filter (default: return all). """ devices: List[dict] = sd.query_devices() # type: ignore if type: devices = [dev for dev in devices if dev.get(f'max_{type.value}_channels')] return [ AudioDevice(**{'index': idx, **info}) for idx, info in enumerate(devices) ] def get_device( self, device: Optional[DeviceType] = None, type: Optional[StreamType] = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ) -> AudioDevice: """ Search for a device. Either ``device`` or ``type`` have to be specified. :param device: The device to search for, either by index or name. If not specified, then the default device for the given type is returned. :param type: The type of the device to search. """ assert device or type, 'Please specify either device or type' if device is None: if type == StreamType.INPUT and self.input_device is not None: return self.input_device if type == StreamType.OUTPUT and self.output_device is not None: return self.output_device all_devices: List[dict] = sd.query_devices() # type: ignore assert all_devices, 'No sound devices found' try: dev: dict = sd.query_devices( kind=type.value if type else None, device=device # type: ignore ) except sd.PortAudioError as e: raise AssertionError( f'Could not get device for type={type} and device={device}: {e}', type, device, e, ) from e if not dev: if device: raise AssertionError(f'No such device: {device}') if type: raise AssertionError(f'No default device for type={type}') if dev.get('idx') is None: idx = next( iter(i for i, d in enumerate(all_devices) if d['name'] == dev['name']), None, ) assert idx is not None, 'Could not infer the sound device index' dev['index'] = idx return AudioDevice(**dev)