from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Set, Tuple from uuid import UUID from .._protocol import Protocol from ._directory import ServiceClass from ._types import RawServiceClass VersionedServices = Dict[ServiceClass, Optional[int]] """ Service -> Version mapping. """ @dataclass class BluetoothService: """ Models a discovered Bluetooth service. """ address: str """ The address of the service that exposes the service. """ port: int """ The Bluetooth port associated to the service. """ protocol: Protocol """ The service protocol. """ name: Optional[str] """ The name of the service. """ description: Optional[str] """ The description of the service. """ service_id: Optional[str] """ The ID of the service. """ service_classes: VersionedServices """ The compatible classes exposed by the service - see, Section 5. """ unknown_service_classes: Iterable[RawServiceClass] """ Service classes that are not supported. """ @classmethod def build(cls, service: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'BluetoothService': """ Builds a :class:`BluetoothService` from a service dictionary returned by pybluez. """ return cls( address=service['host'], port=service['port'], protocol=Protocol(service['protocol']), name=service['name'], description=service['description'], service_id=service['service-id'], service_classes=cls._parse_services( service['service-classes'], service['profiles'] ), unknown_service_classes=cls._parse_unknown_services( service['service-classes'], ), ) @classmethod def _parse_services( cls, service_classes: Iterable[str], profiles: Iterable[Tuple[str, int]] ) -> VersionedServices: """ Parses the services. :param service_classes: The service classes returned by pybluez. :param profiles: The profiles returned by pybluez as a list of ``[(service, version)]`` tuples. :return: A list of parsed service classes. """ # Parse the service classes parsed_services: Dict[RawServiceClass, ServiceClass] = {} for srv in service_classes: srv_class = cls._parse_service_class(srv) parsed_services[srv_class.value] = srv_class # Parse the service classes versions versioned_classes: VersionedServices = {} for srv, version in profiles: value = cls._parse_service_class(srv).value parsed_srv = parsed_services.get(value) if parsed_srv: versioned_classes[parsed_srv] = version return { srv: versioned_classes.get(srv) for srv in parsed_services.values() if srv != ServiceClass.UNKNOWN } @classmethod def _parse_unknown_services( cls, service_classes: Iterable[str] ) -> Set[RawServiceClass]: return { cls._uuid(srv) for srv in service_classes if cls._parse_service_class(srv) == ServiceClass.UNKNOWN } @classmethod def _parse_service_class(cls, srv: str) -> ServiceClass: """ :param srv: The service class returned by pybluez as a string (either hex-encoded or UUID). :return: The parsed :class:`ServiceClass` object or ``ServiceClass.UNKNOWN``. """ srv_class: ServiceClass = ServiceClass.UNKNOWN try: srv_class = ServiceClass.get(cls._uuid(srv)) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass return srv_class @staticmethod def _uuid(s: str) -> RawServiceClass: """ :param s: The service class returned by pybluez as a string. :return: The UUID of the service class as a 16-bit or 128-bit identifier. """ try: return UUID(s) except ValueError: return int(s, 16)