import functools import importlib import os import logging import json import socket import sys import traceback import websocket import yaml from queue import Queue from threading import Thread from getopt import getopt from .message.response import Response __author__ = 'Fabio Manganiello ' __version__ = '0.3.3' #-----------# config = {} modules = {} wrkdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def _init_plugin(plugin_name, reload=False): global modules global config if plugin_name in modules and not reload: return modules[plugin_name] try: module = importlib.import_module(__package__ + '.plugins.' + plugin_name) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: logging.warn('No such plugin: {}'.format(plugin_name)) raise RuntimeError(e) # e.g. main class: MusicMpdPlugin cls_name = functools.reduce( lambda a,b: a.title() + b.title(), (plugin_name.title().split('.')) ) + 'Plugin' plugin_conf = config[plugin_name] if plugin_name in config else {} try: plugin = getattr(module, cls_name)(plugin_conf) modules[plugin_name] = plugin except AttributeError as e: logging.warn('No such class in {}: {}'.format( plugin_name, cls_name)) raise RuntimeError(e) return plugin def _exec_func(args, backend=None, retry=True): origin = args.pop('origin') if 'origin' in args else None action = args.pop('action') tokens = action.split('.') module_name = str.join('.', tokens[:-1]) method_name = tokens[-1:][0] try: plugin = _init_plugin(module_name) except RuntimeError as e: # Module/class not found logging.exception(e) return try: response =, **args) if response and response.is_error(): logging.warn('Response processed with errors: {}'.format(response)) else:'Processed response: {}'.format(response)) except Exception as e: response = Response(output=None, errors=[e, traceback.format_exc()]) logging.exception(e) if retry: # Put the popped args back where they were before retrying args['action'] = action; args['origin'] = origin'Reloading plugin {} and retrying'.format(module_name)) _init_plugin(module_name, reload=True) _exec_func(args, backend, retry=False) finally: if backend: backend.send_response(origin, response) def on_msg(msg, backend=None): Thread(target=_exec_func, args=(msg,backend)).start() def parse_config_file(config_file=None): global config if config_file: locations = [config_file] else: locations = [ # ./config.yaml os.path.join(wrkdir, 'config.yaml'), # ~/.config/platypush/config.yaml os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.config', 'platypush', 'config.yaml'), # /etc/platypush/config.yaml os.path.join(os.sep, 'etc', 'platypush', 'config.yaml'), ] for loc in locations: try: with open(loc,'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f) except FileNotFoundError as e: pass for section in config: if 'disabled' in config[section] and config[section]['disabled']: del config[section] if 'logging' not in config: config['logging'] = logging.INFO else: config['logging'] = getattr(logging, config['logging'].upper()) if 'device_id' not in config: config['device_id'] = socket.gethostname() return config def get_backends(config): backends = {} for k in config.keys(): if k.startswith('backend.'): module = importlib.import_module(__package__ + '.' + k) # e.g. backend.pushbullet main class: PushbulletBackend cls_name = functools.reduce( lambda a,b: a.title() + b.title(), (module.__name__.title().split('.')[2:]) ) + 'Backend' # Ignore the pusher attribute here if 'pusher' in config[k]: del config[k]['pusher'] try: b = getattr(module, cls_name)(config[k]) name = '.'.join((k.split('.'))[1:]) backends[name] = b except AttributeError as e: logging.warn('No such class in {}: {}'.format( module.__name__, cls_name)) raise RuntimeError(e) return backends def get_default_pusher_backend(config): backends = ['.'.join((k.split('.'))[1:]) for k in config.keys() if k.startswith('backend.') and 'pusher' in config[k] and config[k]['pusher'] is True] return backends[0] if backends else None def get_logging_level(): global config return config['logging'] def get_device_id(): global config return config['device_id'] if 'device_id' in config else None def main(): print('Starting platypush v.{}'.format(__version__)) debug = False config_file = None plugins_dir = os.path.join(wrkdir, 'plugins') sys.path.insert(0, plugins_dir) optlist, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'vh') for opt, arg in optlist: if opt == '-c': config_file = arg if opt == '-v': debug = True elif opt == '-h': print(''' Usage: {} [-v] [-h] [-c ] -v Enable debug mode -h Show this help -c Path to the configuration file (default: ./config.yaml) '''.format(sys.argv[0])) return config = parse_config_file(config_file) if debug: config['logging'] = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=get_logging_level(), stream=sys.stdout) logging.debug('Configuration dump: {}'.format(config)) mq = Queue() backends = get_backends(config) for backend in backends.values(): = mq backend.start() while True: try: on_msg(mq.get(), backend) except KeyboardInterrupt: return if __name__ == '__main__': main() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: