import importlib import inspect import json import os import pathlib import pkgutil from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor from typing import List, Optional from platypush.backend import Backend from platypush.common.db import override_definitions from platypush.common.reflection import Integration, Message as MessageMetadata from platypush.config import Config from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action from platypush.message import Message from platypush.message.event import Event from platypush.message.response import Response from platypush.utils import get_enabled_backends, get_enabled_plugins from platypush.utils.mock import auto_mocks from platypush.utils.manifest import Manifest, Manifests, PackageManagers from ._cache import Cache from ._serialize import ProcedureEncoder class InspectPlugin(Plugin): """ This plugin can be used to inspect platypush plugins and backends """ _num_workers = 8 """Number of threads to use for the inspection.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._cache = Cache() self._load_cache() @property def cache_file(self) -> str: """ :return: The path to the components cache file. """ import platypush return os.path.join( os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(platypush)), 'components.json.gz', ) def _load_cache(self): """ Loads the components cache from disk. """ with self._cache.lock(), auto_mocks(), override_definitions(): try: self._cache = Cache.load(self.cache_file) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning( 'Could not initialize the components cache from %s: %s', self.cache_file, e, ) def refresh_cache(self, force: bool = False): """ Refreshes the components cache. """ cache_version_differs = self._cache.version != Cache.cur_version force = force or cache_version_differs with self._cache.lock(), auto_mocks(), override_definitions(), ThreadPoolExecutor( self._num_workers ) as pool: futures = [] for base_type in [Plugin, Backend]: futures.append( pool.submit( self._scan_integrations, base_type, pool=pool, force_refresh=force, futures=futures, ) ) for base_type in [Event, Response]: futures.append( pool.submit( self._scan_modules, base_type, pool=pool, force_refresh=force, futures=futures, ) ) while futures: futures.pop().result() if self._cache.has_changes:'Saving new components cache to %s', self.cache_file) self._cache.dump(self.cache_file) self._cache.loaded_at = self._cache.saved_at return self._cache def _scan_integration(self, manifest: Manifest): """ Scans a single integration from the manifest and adds it to the cache. """ try: self._cache_integration(Integration.from_manifest(manifest.file)) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning( 'Could not import module %s: %s', manifest.package, e, ) def _scan_integrations( self, base_type: type, pool: ThreadPoolExecutor, futures: List[Future], force_refresh: bool = False, ): """ Scans the integrations with a manifest file (plugins and backends) and refreshes the cache. """ for manifest in Manifests.by_base_class(base_type): # An integration metadata needs to be refreshed if it's been # modified since it was last loaded, or if it's not in the # cache. if force_refresh or self._needs_refresh(manifest.file): futures.append(pool.submit(self._scan_integration, manifest)) def _scan_module(self, base_type: type, modname: str): """ Scans a single module for objects that match the given base_type and adds them to the cache. """ try: module = importlib.import_module(modname) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('Could not import module %s: %s', modname, e) return for _, obj_type in inspect.getmembers(module): if ( inspect.isclass(obj_type) and issubclass(obj_type, base_type) # Exclude the base_type itself and obj_type != base_type ): 'Scanned %s: %s', base_type.__name__, f'{module.__name__}.{obj_type.__name__}', ) self._cache.set( base_type, obj_type, MessageMetadata.by_type(obj_type).to_dict() ) def _scan_modules( self, base_type: type, pool: ThreadPoolExecutor, futures: List[Future], force_refresh: bool = False, ): """ A generator that scans the modules given a ``base_type`` (e.g. ``Event``). It's a bit more inefficient than :meth:`._scan_integrations` because it needs to inspect all the members of a module to find the ones that match the given ``base_type``, but it works fine for simple components (like messages) that don't require extra recursive parsing and don't have a manifest. """ prefix = base_type.__module__ + '.' path = str(pathlib.Path(inspect.getfile(base_type)).parent) for _, modname, __ in pkgutil.walk_packages( path=[path], prefix=prefix, onerror=lambda _: None ): try: filename = self._module_filename(path, '.'.join(modname.split('.')[3:])) if not (force_refresh or self._needs_refresh(filename)): continue except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('Could not scan module %s: %s', modname, e) continue futures.append(pool.submit(self._scan_module, base_type, modname)) def _needs_refresh(self, filename: str) -> bool: """ :return: True if the given file needs to be refreshed in the cache. """ dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): return True return os.lstat(dirname).st_mtime > (self._cache.saved_at or 0) @staticmethod def _module_filename(path: str, modname: str) -> str: """ :param path: Path to the module. :param modname: Module name. :return: The full path to the module file. """ filename = os.path.join(path, *modname.split('.')) + '.py' if not os.path.isfile(filename): filename = os.path.join(path, *modname.split('.'), '') assert os.path.isfile(filename), f'No such file or directory: {filename}' return filename def _cache_integration(self, integration: Integration) -> dict: """ :param integration: The :class:`.IntegrationMetadata` object. :return: The initialized component's metadata dict. """ 'Scanned %s: %s', integration.base_type.__name__, ) meta = integration.to_dict() self._cache.set(integration.base_type, integration.type, meta) return meta @action def get_all_plugins(self): """ Get information about all the available plugins. """ return json.dumps(self._cache.to_dict().get('plugins', {}), cls=Message.Encoder) @action def get_all_backends(self): """ Get information about all the available backends. """ return json.dumps( self._cache.to_dict().get('backends', {}), cls=Message.Encoder ) @action def get_all_events(self): """ Get information about all the available events. """ return json.dumps(self._cache.to_dict().get('events', {}), cls=Message.Encoder) @action def get_all_responses(self): """ Get information about all the available responses. """ return json.dumps( self._cache.to_dict().get('responses', {}), cls=Message.Encoder ) @action def get_procedures(self) -> dict: """ Get the list of procedures installed on the device. """ return json.loads(json.dumps(Config.get_procedures(), cls=ProcedureEncoder)) @action def get_config(self, entry: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[dict]: """ Return the configuration of the application or of a section. :param entry: [Optional] configuration entry name to retrieve (e.g. ``workdir`` or ``backend.http``). :return: The requested configuration object. """ if entry: return Config.get(entry) return Config.get() @action def get_enabled_plugins(self) -> List[str]: """ Get the list of enabled plugins. """ return list(get_enabled_plugins().keys()) @action def get_enabled_backends(self) -> List[str]: """ Get the list of enabled backends. """ return list(get_enabled_backends().keys()) @action def get_pkg_managers(self) -> dict: """ Get the list of supported package managers. This is supposed to be an internal-only method, only used by the UI to populate the install commands. """ pkg_manager = PackageManagers.scan() return { 'items': { pkg.value.executable: { 'executable': pkg.value.executable, 'install': pkg.value.install, 'install_doc': pkg.value.install_doc, 'uninstall': pkg.value.uninstall, 'list': pkg.value.list, 'default_os': pkg.value.default_os, } for pkg in PackageManagers }, 'current': pkg_manager.value.executable if pkg_manager else None, } # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: