Vue.component('light-hue', { template: '#tmpl-light-hue', props: ['config'], data: function() { return { groups: {}, lights: {}, scenes: {}, selectedGroup: undefined, selectedScene: undefined, selectedProperties: { type: undefined, id: undefined, }, }; }, methods: { _prepareGroups: function() { for (const [groupId, group] of Object.entries(this.groups)) { if (group.type !== 'Room' || group.recycle) { delete this.groups[groupId]; continue; } this.groups[groupId].scenes = {}; var lights = {}; for (const lightId of this.groups[groupId].lights) { lights[lightId] = this.lights[lightId]; } this.groups[groupId].lights = lights; } }, _prepareScenes: function() { for (const [sceneId, scene] of Object.entries(this.scenes)) { if (scene.recycle) { delete this.scenes[sceneId]; continue; } this.scenes[sceneId].groups = {}; } }, _linkLights: function() { // Special group for lights with no group this.groups[-1] = { type: undefined, lights: {}, scenes: {}, name: "[No Group]", recycle: false, }; for (const [lightId, light] of Object.entries(this.lights)) { this.lights[lightId].groups = {}; for (const [groupId, group] of Object.entries(this.groups)) { if (lightId in group.lights) { this.lights[lightId].groups[groupId] = group; } } if (!light.groups.length) { this.groups[-1].lights[lightId] = light; } } if (!this.groups[-1].lights.length) { delete this.groups[-1]; } }, _linkScenes: function() { for (const [sceneId, scene] of Object.entries(this.scenes)) { for (const lightId of scene.lights) { for (const [groupId, group] of Object.entries(this.lights[lightId].groups)) { this.scenes[sceneId].groups[groupId] = group; this.groups[groupId].scenes[sceneId] = scene; } } } }, refresh: async function() { const getLights = request('light.hue.get_lights'); const getGroups = request('light.hue.get_groups'); const getScenes = request('light.hue.get_scenes'); [this.lights, this.groups, this.scenes] = await Promise.all([getLights, getGroups, getScenes]); this._prepareGroups(); this._prepareScenes(); this._linkLights(); this._linkScenes(); }, updatedGroup: function(event) { for (const light of Object.values(this.groups[this.selectedGroup].lights)) { if (event.state.any_on === event.state.all_on) { light.state.on = event.state.all_on; } for (const attr in ['bri', 'xy', 'ct']) { if (attr in event.state) { light.state[attr] = event.state[attr]; } } } }, selectScene: async function(event) { await request( 'light.hue.scene', { name:, groups: [this.groups[this.selectedGroup].name], }, ); this.selectedScene =; groups = {} for (const lightId of Object.values(this.scenes[this.selectedScene].lights)) { this.lights[lightId].state.on = true; for (const [groupId, group] of Object.entries(this.lights[lightId].groups)) { if (!( in groups)) { groups[groupId] = { any_on: true, all_on: group.state.all_on, lights: [], } } groups[groupId].lights.push(lightId) if (groups[groupId].lights.length == Object.values(group.lights).length) { groups[groupId].all_on = true; } } } for (const [id, group] of Object.entries(groups)) { this.groups[id].state = {, any_on: group.any_on, any_off: group.any_off, } } }, collapsedToggled: function(event) { if (event.type == this.selectedProperties.type && == { this.selectedProperties = { type: undefined, id: undefined, }; } else { this.selectedProperties = { type: event.type, id:, }; } }, onUnitInput: function(event) { var groups = this.lights[].groups; for (const [groupId, group] of Object.entries(groups)) { if (event.on) { this.groups[groupId].state.any_on = true; this.groups[groupId].state.all_on = Object.values(group.lights).filter((l) => l.state.on).length === Object.values(group.lights).length; } else { this.groups[groupId].state.all_on = false; this.groups[groupId].state.any_on = Object.values(group.lights).filter((l) => l.state.on).length > 0; } } }, }, created: function() { this.refresh(); }, });