{% include 'css-common.html' %} {% include 'js-common.html' %} {% include 'elements.html' %} {% for widget in config['widgets'] %} {% with name = widget['widget'] %} {% include 'widgets/' + name + '/index.html' %} {% with js_file = static_folder + '/js/widgets/' + name + '/index.js' %} {% if utils.isfile(js_file) %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% with css_file = static_folder + '/css/dist/dashboard/widgets/' + name + '.css' %} {% if utils.isfile(css_file) %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %}
{% set used_columns = [0] %} {% for widget in config['widgets'] %} {% with name = widget['widget'] %} {% if used_columns[0] % 12 == 0 %}
{% endif %} {% with properties=widget %} {% endwith %} {# increment counter #} {% if used_columns.append(used_columns.pop() + widget.get('columns', 12)) %}{% endif %} {% if used_columns[0] % 12 == 0 %}
{% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %}
{% include 'notifications.html' %}
{% include 'widgets/template.html' %}