Vue.component('zwave', { template: '#tmpl-zwave', props: ['config'], data: function() { return { bus: new Vue({}), status: {}, views: {}, nodes: {}, groups: {}, scenes: {}, commandRunning: false, values: { switches: {}, dimmers: {}, sensors: {}, battery_levels: {}, power_levels: {}, bulbs: {}, doorlocks: {}, usercodes: {}, thermostats: {}, protections: {}, }, selected: { view: 'nodes', nodeId: undefined, groupId: undefined, sceneId: undefined, }, loading: { status: false, nodes: false, groups: false, scenes: false, }, modal: { networkInfo: { visible: false, }, group: { visible: false, }, }, }; }, computed: { networkDropdownItems: function() { const self = this; return [ { text: 'Start Network', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { self.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.start_network'); self.commandRunning = false; }, }, { text: 'Stop Network', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { self.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.start_network'); self.commandRunning = false; }, }, { text: 'Switch All On', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { self.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.switch_all', {state: true}); self.commandRunning = false; self.refresh(); }, }, { text: 'Switch All Off', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { self.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.switch_all', {state: false}); self.commandRunning = false; self.refresh(); }, }, { text: 'Cancel Command', click: async function() { await request('zwave.cancel_command'); }, }, { text: 'Kill Command', click: async function() { await request('zwave.kill_command'); }, }, { text: 'Set Controller Name', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { const name = prompt('Controller name'); if (!name) { return; } self.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.set_controller_name', {name: name}); self.commandRunning = false; self.refresh(); }, }, { text: 'Receive Configuration From Primary', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { self.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.receive_configuration'); self.commandRunning = false; self.refresh(); }, }, { text: 'Create New Primary', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { self.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.create_new_primary'); self.commandRunning = false; self.refresh(); }, }, { text: 'Transfer Primary Role', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { self.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.transfer_primary_role'); self.commandRunning = false; self.refresh(); }, }, { text: 'Heal Network', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { self.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.heal'); self.commandRunning = false; self.refresh(); }, }, { text: 'Soft Reset', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { if (!confirm('Are you sure that you want to do a device soft reset? Network information will not be lost')) { return; } await request('zwave.soft_reset'); }, }, { text: 'Hard Reset', disabled: this.commandRunning, click: async function() { if (!confirm('Are you sure that you want to do a device soft reset? ALL network information will be lost!')) { return; } await request('zwave.hard_reset'); }, }, ] }, }, methods: { refreshNodes: async function () { this.loading.nodes = true; this.nodes = await request('zwave.get_nodes'); if (Object.keys(this.nodes).length) { Vue.set(this.views, 'values', true); } }, refreshGroups: async function () { this.loading.groups = true; this.groups = Object.values(await request('zwave.get_groups')) .filter((group) => group.index) .reduce((groups, group) => { groups[group.index] = group; return groups; }, {}); if (Object.keys(this.groups).length) { Vue.set(this.views, 'groups', true); } this.loading.groups = false; }, refreshScenes: async function () { this.loading.scenes = true; this.scenes = Object.values(await request('zwave.get_scenes')) .filter((scene) => scene.scene_id) .reduce((scenes, scene) => { scenes[scene.scene_id] = scene; return scenes; }, {}); this.loading.scenes = false; }, refreshValues: async function(type) { Vue.set(this.values, type, Object.values(await request('zwave.get_' + type)) .filter((item) => item.id_on_network) .reduce((values, value) => { values[value.id_on_network] = true; return values; }, {})); if (Object.keys(this.values[type]).length) { Vue.set(this.views, type, true); } }, refreshStatus: async function() { this.loading.status = true; this.status = await request('zwave.status'); this.loading.status = false; }, refresh: function () { this.views = { nodes: true, scenes: true, }; this.refreshNodes(); this.refreshGroups(); this.refreshScenes(); this.refreshValues('switches'); this.refreshValues('dimmers'); this.refreshValues('sensors'); this.refreshValues('bulbs'); this.refreshValues('doorlocks'); this.refreshValues('usercodes'); this.refreshValues('thermostats'); this.refreshValues('protections'); this.refreshValues('battery_levels'); this.refreshValues('power_levels'); this.refreshValues('node_config'); this.refreshStatus(); }, onNodeUpdate: function(event) { Vue.set(this.nodes, event.node.node_id, event.node); }, onViewChange: function(event) { Vue.set(this.selected, 'view',; }, onNodeClicked: function(event) { Vue.set(this.selected, 'nodeId', event.nodeId === this.selected.nodeId ? undefined : event.nodeId); }, onGroupClicked: function(event) { Vue.set(this.selected, 'groupId', event.groupId === this.selected.groupId ? undefined : event.groupId); }, onNetworkInfoModalOpen: function() { this.refreshStatus(); this.modal.networkInfo.visible = true; }, onCommandEvent: function(event) { if (event.error && event.error.length) { createNotification({ text: event.state_description + ': ' + event.error_description, error: true, }); } }, openNetworkCommandsDropdown: function() { openDropdown(this.$refs.networkCommandsDropdown); }, addNode: async function() { this.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.add_node'); this.commandRunning = false; }, addToGroup: async function(nodeId, groupId) { this.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.add_node_to_group', { node_id: nodeId, group_index: groupId, }); this.commandRunning = false; this.refreshGroups(); }, removeNode: async function() { this.commandRunning = true; await request('zwave.remove_node'); this.commandRunning = false; }, }, created: function() { const self = this; this.bus.$on('refresh', this.refresh); this.bus.$on('refreshNodes', this.refreshNodes); this.bus.$on('nodeClicked', this.onNodeClicked); this.bus.$on('groupClicked', this.onGroupClicked); this.bus.$on('openAddToGroupModal', () => { = true}); registerEventHandler(this.refreshGroups, 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveNodeGroupEvent'); registerEventHandler(this.refreshScenes, 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveNodeSceneEvent'); registerEventHandler(this.refreshNodes, 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveNodeRemovedEvent'); registerEventHandler(this.onCommandEvent, 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveCommandEvent'); registerEventHandler(this.refreshStatus, 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveNetworkReadyEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveNetworkStoppedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveNetworkErrorEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveNetworkResetEvent'); registerEventHandler(this.onNodeUpdate, 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveNodeEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveNodeAddedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveNodeRenamedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveNodeReadyEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveValueAddedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveValueChangedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveValueRemovedEvent', 'platypush.message.event.zwave.ZwaveValueRefreshedEvent'); }, mounted: function() { this.refresh(); }, });