manifest: events: platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixMessageEvent: when a message is received. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixMessageImageEvent: when a message containing an image is received. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixMessageAudioEvent: when a message containing an audio file is received. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixMessageVideoEvent: when a message containing a video file is received. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixMessageFileEvent: when a message containing a generic file is received. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixSyncEvent: when the startup synchronization has been completed and the plugin is ready to use. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomCreatedEvent: when a room is created. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomJoinEvent: when a user joins a room. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomLeaveEvent: when a user leaves a room. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomInviteEvent: when the user is invited to a room. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomTopicChangedEvent: when the topic/title of a room changes. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixCallInviteEvent: when the user is invited to a call. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixCallAnswerEvent: when a called user wishes to pick the call. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixCallHangupEvent: when a called user exits the call. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixEncryptedMessageEvent: when a message is received but the client doesn't have the E2E keys to decrypt it, or encryption has not been enabled. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomTypingStartEvent: when a user in a room starts typing. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomTypingStopEvent: when a user in a room stops typing. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomSeenReceiptEvent: when the last message seen by a user in a room is updated. platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixUserPresenceEvent: when a user comes online or goes offline. apk: - olm-dev apt: - libolm-devel pacman: - libolm - python-async-lru pip: - matrix-nio[e2e] - async_lru package: platypush.plugins.matrix type: plugin