from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence, Union import pvcheetah from platypush.message.event.assistant import ( ConversationTimeoutEvent, SpeechRecognizedEvent, ) from ._base import BaseProcessor class SttProcessor(BaseProcessor): """ Implementation of the speech-to-text processor using the Picovoice Cheetah engine. """ def __init__( self, *args, get_cheetah_args: Callable[[], dict] = lambda: {}, **kwargs ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._get_cheetah_args = get_cheetah_args # model_path -> Cheetah instance cache self._cheetah = {self._model_path: pvcheetah.create(**self._get_cheetah_args())} @property def _model_path(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._get_cheetah_args().get('model_path') @property def sample_rate(self) -> int: return self._get_cheetah().sample_rate @property def frame_length(self) -> int: return self._get_cheetah().frame_length def _get_cheetah(self) -> pvcheetah.Cheetah: with self._state_lock: if not self._cheetah.get(self._model_path): self.logger.debug( 'Creating Cheetah instance for model %s', self._model_path ) self._cheetah[self._model_path] = pvcheetah.create( **self._get_cheetah_args() ) self.logger.debug( 'Cheetah instance created for model %s', self._model_path ) return self._cheetah[self._model_path] def process( self, audio: Sequence[int] ) -> Optional[Union[SpeechRecognizedEvent, ConversationTimeoutEvent]]: event = None cheetah = self._get_cheetah() partial_transcript, self._ctx.is_final = cheetah.process(audio) last_transcript = self._ctx.transcript # Concatenate the partial transcript to the context if partial_transcript: self._ctx.transcript += partial_transcript 'Partial transcript: %s, is_final: %s', self._ctx.transcript, self._ctx.is_final, ) # If the transcript is final or the conversation timed out, then # process and return whatever is available in the context if self._ctx.is_final or self._ctx.timed_out: phrase = cheetah.flush() or '' self._ctx.transcript += phrase if self._ctx.transcript and self._ctx.transcript != last_transcript: self.logger.debug('Processed STT transcript: %s', self._ctx.transcript) last_transcript = self._ctx.transcript phrase = self._ctx.transcript phrase = (phrase[:1].lower() + phrase[1:]).strip() event = ( SpeechRecognizedEvent(phrase=phrase) if phrase else ConversationTimeoutEvent() ) self.reset() return event def reset(self): if not self._enabled: return with self._state_lock: super().reset() self._get_cheetah().flush() def stop(self): if not self._enabled: return super().stop() with self._state_lock: objs = self._cheetah.copy() for key, obj in objs.items(): obj.delete() self._cheetah.pop(key)