import base64 import os from queue import Empty, Queue import threading import time from typing import ( Collection, Dict, Final, List, Optional, Set, Union, Type, ) from typing_extensions import override from platypush.context import get_bus, get_plugin from platypush.entities import EntityManager, get_entities_engine from platypush.entities.bluetooth import BluetoothDevice, BluetoothService from platypush.message.event.bluetooth import ( BluetoothScanPausedEvent, BluetoothScanResumedEvent, ) from platypush.plugins import RunnablePlugin, action from platypush.plugins.db import DbPlugin from ._ble import BLEManager from ._cache import EntityCache from ._legacy import LegacyManager from ._types import RawServiceClass from ._manager import BaseBluetoothManager class BluetoothPlugin(RunnablePlugin, EntityManager): """ Plugin to interact with Bluetooth devices. This plugin uses `_Bleak_ `_ to interact with the Bluetooth stack and `_Theengs_ `_ to map the services exposed by the devices into native entities. The full list of devices natively supported can be found `here `_. Note that the support for Bluetooth low-energy devices requires a Bluetooth adapter compatible with the Bluetooth 5.0 specification or higher. Requires: * **bleak** (``pip install bleak``) * **bluetooth-numbers** (``pip install bluetooth-numbers``) * **TheengsDecoder** (``pip install TheengsDecoder``) * **pybluez** (``pip install git+``) * **pyobex** (``pip install git+``) Triggers: * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothConnectionFailedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceConnectedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceDisconnectedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceFoundEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceLostEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothFileReceivedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothFileSentEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothFileTransferStartedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothScanPausedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothScanResumedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.entities.EntityUpdateEvent` """ _default_connect_timeout: Final[int] = 20 """ Default connection timeout (in seconds) """ _default_scan_duration: Final[float] = 10.0 """ Default duration of a discovery session (in seconds) """ _default_excluded_manufacturers = { 'Apple, Inc.', 'Google', 'Microsoft', } """ Exclude beacons from these device manufacturers by default (main offenders when it comes to Bluetooth device space pollution). """ def __init__( self, interface: Optional[str] = None, connect_timeout: float = _default_connect_timeout, service_uuids: Optional[Collection[RawServiceClass]] = None, scan_paused_on_start: bool = False, poll_interval: float = _default_scan_duration, excluded_manufacturers: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param interface: Name of the Bluetooth interface to use (e.g. ``hci0`` on Linux). Default: first available interface. :param connect_timeout: Timeout in seconds for the connection to a Bluetooth device. Default: 20 seconds. :param service_uuids: List of service UUIDs to discover. Default: all. :param scan_paused_on_start: If ``True``, the plugin will not the scanning thread until :meth:`.scan_resume` is called (default: ``False``). :param excluded_manufacturers: Exclude beacons from these device manufacturers. The default list includes Apple, Google and Microsoft, who are among the main offenders when it comes to Bluetooth device address space pollution. Set this value to an empty list if you want to get all beacons (e.g. because you need to communicate with Apple AirTags or Google devices over Bluetooth), but be warned that the list of discovered Bluetooth devices may dramatically increase over time. """ kwargs['poll_interval'] = poll_interval super().__init__(**kwargs) self._interface: Optional[str] = interface """ Default Bluetooth interface to use """ self._connect_timeout: float = connect_timeout """ Connection timeout in seconds """ self._service_uuids: Collection[RawServiceClass] = service_uuids or [] """ UUIDs to discover """ self._scan_lock = threading.RLock() """ Lock to synchronize scanning access to the Bluetooth device """ self._scan_enabled = threading.Event() """ Event used to enable/disable scanning """ self._device_queue: Queue[BluetoothDevice] = Queue() """ Queue used by the Bluetooth managers to published the discovered Bluetooth devices. """ self._device_cache = EntityCache() """ Cache of the devices discovered by the plugin. """ self._excluded_manufacturers: Set[str] = set(excluded_manufacturers or []) """ Set of manufacturer strings whose associated devices should be ignored. """ self._managers: Dict[Type[BaseBluetoothManager], BaseBluetoothManager] = {} """ Bluetooth managers threads, one for BLE devices and one for non-BLE devices. """ self._scan_controller_timer: Optional[threading.Timer] = None """ Timer used to temporarily pause the discovery process """ if not scan_paused_on_start: self._scan_enabled.set() def _refresh_cache(self) -> None: # Wait for the entities engine to start get_entities_engine().wait_start() with get_plugin(DbPlugin).get_session( autoflush=False, autocommit=False, expire_on_commit=False ) as session: existing_devices = [d.copy() for d in session.query(BluetoothDevice).all()] for dev in existing_devices: self._device_cache.add(dev) def _init_bluetooth_managers(self): """ Initializes the Bluetooth managers threads. """ manager_args = { 'interface': self._interface, 'poll_interval': self.poll_interval, 'connect_timeout': self._connect_timeout, 'stop_event': self._should_stop, 'scan_lock': self._scan_lock, 'scan_enabled': self._scan_enabled, 'device_queue': self._device_queue, 'service_uuids': list(map(BluetoothService.to_uuid, self._service_uuids)), 'device_cache': self._device_cache, } self._managers = { BLEManager: BLEManager(**manager_args), LegacyManager: LegacyManager(**manager_args), } def _scan_state_set(self, state: bool, duration: Optional[float] = None): """ Set the state of the scanning process. :param state: ``True`` to enable the scanning process, ``False`` to disable it. :param duration: The duration of the pause (in seconds) or ``None``. """ def timer_callback(): if state: self.scan_pause() else: self.scan_resume() self._scan_controller_timer = None with self._scan_lock: if not state and self._scan_enabled.is_set(): get_bus().post(BluetoothScanPausedEvent(duration=duration)) elif state and not self._scan_enabled.is_set(): get_bus().post(BluetoothScanResumedEvent(duration=duration)) if state: self._scan_enabled.set() else: self._scan_enabled.clear() if duration and not self._scan_controller_timer: self._scan_controller_timer = threading.Timer(duration, timer_callback) self._scan_controller_timer.start() def _cancel_scan_controller_timer(self): """ Cancels a scan controller timer if scheduled. """ if self._scan_controller_timer: self._scan_controller_timer.cancel() def _manager_by_device( self, device: BluetoothDevice, port: Optional[int] = None, service_uuid: Optional[Union[str, RawServiceClass]] = None, ) -> BaseBluetoothManager: """ :param device: A discovered Bluetooth device. :param port: The port to connect to. :param service_uuid: The UUID of the service to connect to. :return: The manager associated with the device (BLE or legacy). """ # No port nor service UUID -> use the BLE manager for direct connection if not (port or service_uuid): return self._managers[BLEManager] uuid = BluetoothService.to_uuid(service_uuid) if service_uuid else None matching_services = ( [srv for srv in if srv.port == port] if port else [srv for srv in if srv.uuid == uuid] ) assert matching_services, ( f'No service found on the device {device} for port={port}, ' f'service_uuid={service_uuid}' ) srv = matching_services[0] return ( self._managers[BLEManager] if srv.is_ble else self._managers[LegacyManager] ) def _get_device(self, device: str, _fail_if_not_cached=False) -> BluetoothDevice: """ Get a device by its address or name, and scan for it if it's not cached. """ dev = self._device_cache.get(device) if dev: return dev assert not _fail_if_not_cached, f'Device {device} not found''Scanning for unknown device %s', device) self.scan() return self._get_device(device, _fail_if_not_cached=True) @action def connect( self, device: str, port: Optional[int] = None, service_uuid: Optional[Union[RawServiceClass, str]] = None, interface: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ): """ Pair and connect to a device by address or name. :param device: The device address or name. :param port: The port to connect to. Either ``port`` or ``service_uuid`` is required for non-BLE devices. :param service_uuid: The UUID of the service to connect to. Either ``port`` or ``service_uuid`` is required for non-BLE devices. :param interface: The Bluetooth interface to use (it overrides the default ``interface``). :param timeout: The connection timeout in seconds (it overrides the default ``connect_timeout``). """ dev = self._get_device(device) manager = self._manager_by_device(dev, port=port, service_uuid=service_uuid) uuid = BluetoothService.to_uuid(service_uuid) if service_uuid else None manager.connect( dev.address, port=port, service_uuid=uuid, interface=interface, timeout=timeout, ) @action def disconnect( self, device: str, port: Optional[int] = None, service_uuid: Optional[RawServiceClass] = None, ): """ Close an active connection to a device. Note that this method can only close connections that have been initiated by the application. It can't close connections owned by other applications or agents. :param device: The device address or name. :param port: If connected to a non-BLE device, the optional port to disconnect. :param service_uuid: The optional UUID of the service to disconnect from, for non-BLE devices. """ dev = self._get_device(device) uuid = BluetoothService.to_uuid(service_uuid) if service_uuid else None err = None success = False for manager in self._managers.values(): try: manager.disconnect(dev.address, port=port, service_uuid=uuid) success = True except Exception as e: err = e assert success, f'Could not disconnect from {device}: {err}' @action def scan_pause(self, duration: Optional[float] = None): """ Pause the scanning thread. :param duration: For how long the scanning thread should be paused (default: null = indefinitely). """ self._scan_state_set(False, duration) @action def scan_resume(self, duration: Optional[float] = None): """ Resume the scanning thread, if inactive. :param duration: For how long the scanning thread should be running (default: null = indefinitely). """ self._scan_state_set(True, duration) @action def scan( self, duration: Optional[float] = None, devices: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, service_uuids: Optional[Collection[RawServiceClass]] = None, ) -> List[BluetoothDevice]: """ Scan for Bluetooth devices nearby and return the results as a list of entities. :param duration: Scan duration in seconds (default: same as the plugin's `poll_interval` configuration parameter) :param devices: List of device addresses or names to scan for. :param service_uuids: List of service UUIDs to discover. Default: all. """ scanned_device_addresses = set() duration = duration or self.poll_interval or self._default_scan_duration uuids = {BluetoothService.to_uuid(uuid) for uuid in (service_uuids or [])} for manager in self._managers.values(): scanned_device_addresses.update( [ device.address for device in manager.scan(duration=duration // len(self._managers)) if (not uuids or any(srv.uuid in uuids for srv in and ( not devices or device.address in devices or in devices ) ] ) with get_plugin(DbPlugin).get_session( autoflush=False, autocommit=False, expire_on_commit=False ) as session: return [ d.copy() for d in session.query(BluetoothDevice).all() if d.address in scanned_device_addresses ] @action def read( self, device: str, service_uuid: RawServiceClass, interface: Optional[str] = None, connect_timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> str: """ Read a message from a device. :param device: Name or address of the device to read from. :param service_uuid: Service UUID. :param interface: Bluetooth adapter name to use (default configured if None). :param connect_timeout: Connection timeout in seconds (default: same as the configured `connect_timeout`). :return: The base64-encoded response received from the device. """ dev = self._get_device(device) uuid = BluetoothService.to_uuid(service_uuid) manager = self._manager_by_device(dev, service_uuid=uuid) data = dev.address, uuid, interface=interface, connect_timeout=connect_timeout ) return base64.b64encode(data).decode() @action def write( self, device: str, data: str, service_uuid: RawServiceClass, interface: Optional[str] = None, connect_timeout: Optional[float] = None, ): """ Writes data to a device :param device: Name or address of the device to read from. :param data: Data to be written, as a base64-encoded string. :param service_uuid: Service UUID. :param interface: Bluetooth adapter name to use (default configured if None) :param connect_timeout: Connection timeout in seconds (default: same as the configured `connect_timeout`). """ binary_data = base64.b64decode(data.encode()) dev = self._get_device(device) uuid = BluetoothService.to_uuid(service_uuid) manager = self._manager_by_device(dev, service_uuid=uuid) manager.write( dev.address, binary_data, service_uuid=uuid, interface=interface, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, ) @action def send_file( self, file: str, device: str, data: Optional[Union[str, bytes, bytearray]] = None, binary: bool = False, ): """ Send a file to a device that exposes an OBEX Object Push service. :param file: Path of the file to be sent. If ``data`` is specified then ``file`` should include the proposed file on the receiving host. :param data: Alternatively to a file on disk you can send raw (string or binary) content. :param device: Device address or name. :param binary: Set to true if data is a base64-encoded binary string. """ from ._file import FileSender if not data: file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(file)) with open(file, 'rb') as f: binary_data = else: if binary: binary_data = base64.b64decode( data.encode() if isinstance(data, str) else data ) sender = FileSender(self._managers[LegacyManager]) # type: ignore sender.send_file(file, device, binary_data) @override @action def status( self, *_, duration: Optional[float] = None, devices: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, service_uuids: Optional[Collection[RawServiceClass]] = None, **__, ) -> List[BluetoothDevice]: """ Retrieve the status of all the devices, or the matching devices/services. If scanning is currently disabled, it will enable it and perform a scan. The differences between this method and :meth:`.scan` are: 1. :meth:`.status` will return the status of all the devices known to the application, while :meth:`.scan` will return the status only of the devices discovered in the provided time window. 2. :meth:`.status` will not initiate a new scan if scanning is already enabled (it will only returned the status of the known devices), while :meth:`.scan` will initiate a new scan. :param duration: Scan duration in seconds, if scanning is disabled (default: same as the plugin's `poll_interval` configuration parameter) :param devices: List of device addresses or names to filter for. Default: all. :param service_uuids: List of service UUIDs to filter for. Default: all. """ if not self._scan_enabled.is_set(): self.scan( duration=duration, devices=devices, service_uuids=service_uuids, ) with get_plugin(DbPlugin).get_session( autoflush=False, autocommit=False, expire_on_commit=False ) as session: known_devices = [ d.copy() for d in session.query(BluetoothDevice).all() if (not devices or d.address in devices or in devices) and ( not service_uuids or any(str(srv.uuid) in service_uuids for srv in ) ] # Send entity update events to keep any asynchronous clients in sync get_entities_engine().notify(*known_devices) return known_devices @override def transform_entities( self, entities: Collection[BluetoothDevice] ) -> Collection[BluetoothDevice]: return super().transform_entities(entities) @override def main(self): self._refresh_cache() self._init_bluetooth_managers() for manager in self._managers.values(): manager.start() try: while not self.should_stop(): try: device = self._device_queue.get(timeout=1) except Empty: continue device = self._device_cache.add(device) if device.manufacturer not in self._excluded_manufacturers: self.publish_entities([device], callback=self._device_cache.add) finally: self.stop() @override def stop(self): """ Upon stop request, it stops any pending scans and closes all active connections. """ super().stop() # Stop any pending scan controller timers self._cancel_scan_controller_timer() # Set the stop events on the manager threads for manager in self._managers.values(): if manager and manager.is_alive():'Waiting for %s to stop', try: manager.stop() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception( 'Error while stopping %s: %s',, e ) # Wait for the manager threads to stop stop_timeout = 5 wait_start = time.time() for manager in self._managers.values(): if ( manager and manager.ident != threading.current_thread().ident and manager.is_alive() ): manager.join(timeout=max(0, stop_timeout - (time.time() - wait_start))) if manager and manager.is_alive(): self.logger.warning( 'Timeout while waiting for %s to stop', ) __all__ = ["BluetoothPlugin"] # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: