from marshmallow import fields, Schema, INCLUDE class HidDeviceSchema(Schema): class Meta: unknown = INCLUDE path = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Path to the raw HID device', 'example': '/dev/hidraw0', }, ) serial_number = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Serial number', 'example': '00:11:22:33:44:55', }, ) vendor_id = fields.Integer( metadata={ 'description': 'Vendor ID', 'example': 1234, }, ) product_id = fields.Integer( metadata={ 'description': 'Product ID', 'example': 4321, }, ) manufacturer_string = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Manufacturer custom string', 'example': 'foo', }, ) product_string = fields.String( metadata={ 'description': 'Main name of the product', 'example': 'My Device', }, ) class HidMonitoredDeviceSchema(HidDeviceSchema): notify_only_if_changed = fields.Boolean( missing=True, metadata={ 'description': 'If set to true (default), only changes in the ' 'values of the device will trigger events. So if you are e.g. ' 'monitoring the state of a joystick, only changes in the pressed ' 'buttons will trigger events.', }, ) data_size = fields.Integer( missing=64, metadata={ 'description': 'How many bytes should be read from the device on ' 'each iteration (default: 64)', }, ) poll_seconds = fields.Float( missing=0.1, metadata={ 'description': 'How often we should check this device for new data ' '(default: 0.1 seconds)' }, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) for attr in ( 'path', 'serial_number', 'vendor_id', 'product_id', 'manufacturer_string', 'product_string', ): self._declared_fields[attr].metadata['description'] += ' (optional)'