import json from ouimeaux.environment import Environment, UnknownDevice from platypush.message.response import Response from .. import SwitchPlugin class SwitchWemoPlugin(SwitchPlugin): """ Plugin to control a Belkin WeMo smart switch ( Requires: * **ouimeaux** (``pip install ouimeaux``) """ def __init__(self, discovery_seconds=3, *args, **kwargs): """ :param discovery_seconds: Discovery time when scanning for devices (default: 3) :type discovery_seconds: int """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.discovery_seconds=discovery_seconds self.env = Environment() self.env.start() self.refresh_devices() def refresh_devices(self): """ Update the list of available devices """'Starting WeMo discovery') self.devices = self.env.devices def get_devices(self): """ Get the list of available devices :returns: The list of devices. Example output:: output = { "devices": [ { "host": "", "name": "Switch 1", "state": 1, "model": "Belkin Plugin Socket 1.0", "serialnumber": "123456ABCDEF" }, { # ... } ] } """ self.refresh_devices() return Response( output = { 'devices': [ { 'host':, 'name':, 'state': dev.get_state(), 'model': dev.model, 'serialnumber': dev.serialnumber, } for (name, dev) in self.devices.items() ] } ) def _exec(self, method, device, *args, **kwargs): if device not in self.devices: self.refresh_devices() if device not in self.devices: raise RuntimeError('Device {} not found'.format(device))'{} -> {}'.format(device, method)) dev = self.devices[device] getattr(dev, method)(*args, **kwargs) resp = {'device': device, 'state': dev.get_state()} return Response(output=json.dumps(resp)) def on(self, device): """ Turn a switch on :param device: Device name :type device: str """ return self._exec('on', device) def off(self, device): """ Turn a switch off :param device: Device name :type device: str """ return self._exec('off', device) def toggle(self, device): """ Toggle the state of a switch (on/off) :param device: Device name :type device: str """ return self._exec('toggle', device) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: