from typing import Optional import requests from import WeatherPlugin from import WeatherSchema class WeatherOpenweathermapPlugin(WeatherPlugin): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """ OpenWeatherMap plugin. You'll need an API token from `OpenWeatherMap `_ in order to use this API. """ base_url = '' def __init__( self, token: str, location: Optional[str] = None, city_id: Optional[int] = None, lat: Optional[float] = None, long: Optional[float] = None, zip_code: Optional[str] = None, units: str = 'metric', **kwargs ): """ :param token: OpenWeatherMap API token. :param location: If set, then this location will be used by default for weather lookup. If multiple locations share the same name you can disambiguate by specifying the country code as well - e.g. ``London,GB``. :param city_id: If set, then this city ID will be used by default for weather lookup. The full list of city IDs is available `here `_. :param lat: If lat/long are set, then the weather by default will be retrieved for the specified geo location. :param long: If lat/long are set, then the weather by default will be retrieved for the specified geo location. :param zip_code: If set, then this ZIP code (should be in the form ``zip,country_code``) will be used by default for weather lookup. :param units: Supported: ``metric`` (default), ``standard`` and ``imperial``. :param poll_interval: How often the weather should be refreshed, in seconds. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._token = token self._location_query = None self._location_query = self._get_location_query( location=location, city_id=city_id, lat=lat, long=long, zip_code=zip_code ) self.units = units def _get_location_query( self, location: Optional[str] = None, city_id: Optional[int] = None, lat: Optional[float] = None, long: Optional[float] = None, zip_code: Optional[str] = None, ) -> dict: if city_id: return {'id': city_id} if lat and long: return {'lat': lat, 'lon': long} if zip_code: return {'zip': zip_code} if location: return {'q': location} assert self._location_query, 'Specify either location, city_id or lat/long' return self._location_query def _get_current_weather( self, *_, location: Optional[str] = None, city_id: Optional[int] = None, lat: Optional[float] = None, long: Optional[float] = None, zip_code: Optional[str] = None, units: Optional[str] = None, **__ ) -> dict: """ Returns the current weather. :param location: Override the ``location`` configuration value. :param city_id: Override the ``city_id`` configuration value. :param lat: Override the ``lat`` configuration value. :param long: Override the ``long`` configuration value. :param zip_code: Override the ``zip_code`` configuration value. :param units: Override the ``units`` configuration value. :return: .. schema:: weather.openweathermap.WeatherSchema """ units = units or self.units params = { 'appid': self._token, 'units': units, **self._get_location_query( location=location, city_id=city_id, lat=lat, long=long, zip_code=zip_code, ), } rs = requests.get(self.base_url, params=params, timeout=10) rs.raise_for_status() state = rs.json() state['units'] = units return dict(WeatherSchema().dump(state))